1话 / 1999-11-17 / 沖浦啓之
简介: 二战后的十数年,日本从战败的阴影中逐渐走出,进入了经济高度增长的时代。然而强硬的经济政策也导致失业率的不断攀升,各种反政府武装势力不断抬头,安定的社会治安荡然无存。为了应对这一难题,政府建立了拥有高度自主权的首都圈治安警察机构,通过精良的装备和果断的武力来打击以“党派”为首的反政府组织。随着经济不断发展,崇尚暴力的首都圈警察和“党派”逐渐遭到民众的厌弃和孤立。 在一次激烈血腥的交战中,隶属“党派”的少女阿川引爆炸弹自杀,目睹这一幕的首都圈警察成员伏一贵心灵受到前所未有的冲击。这一刻起,他的人生悄悄发生转变……
1话 / 2011-06-04
简介: 《功夫料理娘》的时代舞台设置在架空时代的中华街上。熙来攘往的商业街上热闹非凡。俗语说“同行是冤家”,为了争夺食客,身怀绝技的萝莉和出手不凡的御姐之间展开了对决!当然,既然是功夫料理,自然少不了美食的参与。由此,一部既好看又美味的喜剧在此上演! Wolf Smoke is a small original animation making studio now in Shanghai, China. We have only a few ppl but we trying our best to make great animtion. Kung Fu Cooking Grils is a short story, we made it for testing new cartoon style and methoud of the way of making movies. We did key frames on paper first then used vector software to do the between frames and color painting. This is the first time that we use this way to do stuffs. Over 4000 key frames hand drawing and over 10,000 betweens in this movie. Any suggestion and comment is welcome! [email protected]