1话 / 1998-10-27 / Darrell Rooney / Rob LaDuca
简介: 《狮子王2》改编自《罗密欧与朱丽叶》。故事的主人公是狮子王辛巴的女儿琪拉雅公主,她是这片荣耀大地的继承者。小琪拉雅的降生,使辛巴很高兴,也很担心,因为琪拉雅太像他小的时候了,一样的任性,一样的顽皮。整个荣耀大地不是那么安全,尤其是荣耀大地之外的蛮荒之地,刀疤的妻子带着刀疤的家眷们在那里游荡。 丁满和彭彭被负责照顾琪拉雅公主,但他们对这个顽皮又聪明的公主一点办法也没有。充满好奇心的琪拉雅一直向往着到森林外去冒险,一直想对蛮荒之地一探究竟。终于,她找到一个机会来到了这片荒凉的土地。在这里,她遇到了刀疤的养子高孚,在一同玩耍时他们掉进了鳄鱼湖,琪拉雅勇敢的救起了高孚,在千钧一发之时逃到了岸上,他们成了莫逆之交。前来找儿子的刀疤夫人,想要杀害琪拉雅,被及时赶到了辛巴救回。 几年之后,琪拉雅长成了大姑娘,此时的高孚也成为雄壮的公狮,刀疤的余党把夺回王权的希望寄托在了高孚身上,派高孚接近琪拉雅,趁机杀了辛巴。他们计划用火烧死琪拉雅,在紧要关头,让高孚救她,以取得辛巴的信任。在不知不觉中,高孚爱上了琪拉雅,在爱情与权力面前,高孚选择了前者,以自己的实际行动得到了辛巴的宽容和谅解。在琪拉雅和高孚的努力下,刀疤的余党全部回心转意,臣服在辛巴的统治之下,荣耀大地终于恢复了和平。琪拉雅和高孚也终成眷属。
1话 / 2004-02-10
简介: 该片是狮子王的外传,讲述了狮子王辛巴不为人知的成长历程。当年辛巴的父亲木法沙被奸人迫害而死,小辛巴为了躲过一劫,逃离了动物王国。在逃亡过程中,辛巴遇上了一对搞笑活宝——丁满和彭彭。丁满和彭彭与辛巴成了好朋友,他们在丛林中开始了他们惬意的生活。辛巴在丛林中慢慢长大,最终长成了雄壮的雄狮,并邂逅了自己美丽的公主。由于有了丁满和彭彭这对活宝,使得平凡的生活也笑料百出。
1话 / 2006-11-17 / George Miller
简介: Every penguin sings a unique song called a "heartsong" to attract a mate. If the male penguin's heartsong matches the female's song, the two penguins mate. Norma Jean, a female penguin, sings "Kiss", whereupon Memphis, a male penguin, sings "Heartbreak Hotel". Norma Jean chooses Memphis as her mate. She lays an egg, which is left with Memphis while Norma Jean leaves with the other females to fish. While the males struggle through the harsh winter, Memphis accidentally drops the egg, briefly exposing it to the freezing Antarctic temperatures. The resulting chick, Mumble, has blue eyes, ever-lasting down feathers, and a terrible singing voice. However, Mumble has a talent that no other penguin has ever seen before: tap dancing. One day Mumble wanders into a secluded area, where he is free to dance without any complaints. Mumble is interrupted when Boss Skua and his posse Dino, Frankie, and Vinnie attempt to eat him. Mumble stalls by asking the leader of the pack about a yellow band that is attached to his right ankle. The Boss Skua tells Mumble that he had been abducted by "aliens". Mumble narrowly escapes the hungry birds by falling into a crevice. Years latter, Mumble, now an adult but still half-covered in fluffy down, joins his class graduates on their first trip into the ocean, where they find a large iceberg to rest on. After interrupting the graduates' song, Mumble is forced to leave, and finds a smaller iceberg. A leopard seal chases him off the iceberg. After escaping the leopard seal, he befriends a small group of bachelors which are Adele Penguins who form a club called "the Amigos": the leader Ramon, the brothers Raul and Nestor, and twin brothers Rinaldo and Lombardo. The Amigos quickly embrace Mumble's dance moves and assimilate him into their misfit group. Mumble's joy is cut short when he accidentally starts an avalanche and causes a hidden human excavator to tumble out from a glacier. Driven by curiosity, he sets out to find the "aliens" responsible for the machine. Mumble has a lot of questions, and the group suggests that he ask Lovelace, a Rockhopper penguin who answers questions in exchange for stones and is known as the guru. Lovelace has the plastic rings of a six pack entangled around his neck, which he uses to project his guru image. When asked if the rings were from the aliens, Lovelace denies that aliens exists and claims that the plastic rings were bestowed upon him by mystic beings. In Mumble's old home, it is mating season, and Gloria is the center of attention. Although she is surrounded by a large horde of suitors, none of their heartsongs interest her. Ramon tries to help Mumble by singing a Spanish version of "My Way". Gloria is not fooled, however, for she knows Mumble cannot sing. She then notices Ramon behind Mumble's back. Gloria becomes angry and turns her back on Mumble. Gloria continues towards the other males visibly distraught. As a last resort, Mumble tries to persuade her to sing along to his tapping rhythm. Because of her affection for him, she complies. As Mumble's beat speeds up, Gloria finds the chorus to her heartsong, and realizes it is "Boogie Wonderland". Overcome with happiness that they can now be mates, the pair begin dancing, along with the other penguins. Noah the elder sees their lack of fish as punishment from the Great 'Guin for Mumble's dancing. Mumble tries to explain about the mysterious "aliens", and that they are the cause of the scarceness of fish, but only his mother and Gloria believe him. Noah exiles Mumble from the colony. Mumble vows that he will find the real cause of the famine. He and the Amigos return to Lovelace only to find him being choked by the plastic rings. Lovelace confesses that he got stuck in the rings while swimming near the forbidden shores. He reveals that the forbidden shores are located past the land of elephant seals and beyond the blizzard country. Mumble, the Amigos and Lovelace start their journey. Gloria tries to come, but Mumble, fearing for her safety, drives her off by insulting her singing talents. They travel across vast territories till they reach the shore. Mumble sees a boat and swims after it. He swims far, and is washed up exhausted onshore. He is rescued and kept at Marine World with some Magellanic Penguins. He tries to communicate with the "aliens", but when his pleas fail, Mumble nearly succumbs to madness after long confinement. When a girl attempts to interact with Mumble by tapping the glass, he starts dancing, and soon a large crowd gathers. He is released back into the wild, with a Tracking system on his back. He leads the humans to his colony. The other penguins are skeptical, but when Gloria notices the device, they realize that the "aliens" exist. Convinced, the penguins, along with the elders, dance with Mumble to get the humans' attention. A research team arrives and film the penguins dancing. They bring the footage back and a worldwide debate ensues. The governments realize they are overfishing. Antarctic fishing is banned, and the fish population recovers. At this, the Emperor Penguins and the Amigos celebrate. In the final scene, a baby penguin is seen dancing next to Mumble and Gloria, revealed to be their son Erik in Happy Feet Two.
1话 / 2006-07-28 / 约翰A·戴维斯
简介: 10岁小男孩卢卡斯最近正经历着人生“最”痛苦的事情,刚搬到陌生的新家,在学校没交到一个朋友,在家里老被姐姐蒂凡妮取笑,父母又忙着计划结婚纪念日旅行完全忽略他,连一向最好的奶奶也光顾着为八卦杂志上讲的外星人入侵忧心忡忡,更糟糕的是,他还成了邻居小霸王史蒂夫欺负的对象! 手无缚鸡之力的卢卡斯只好把怒气全出在后院的蚁丘身上,他用水枪制造了蚂蚁王国的一场大洪水,一瞬间破坏了蚂蚁们的家园。可卢卡斯不知道的是,他眼中的“愚蠢小蚂蚁”却拥有一个完整齐备的王国,愤怒的蚂蚁们经过审判商讨,决计要让卢卡斯受到教训。 巫师蚂蚁萨克用研制出来的神奇药水,将卢卡斯变成了蚂蚁般大小,并把他带回了蚂蚁王国。在王国里,被判做苦工的小男孩必须学习如何在昆虫世界生存下来,而在和蚂蚁们渐渐成为朋友的他,也最终领悟到了人生意义,并决定向陷入危机的昆虫世界伸出援手。 这是一部很有教育意义的电影,让观众有所触动,理解了动物是我们人类的朋友。
1话 / 1999-06-18
简介: 猿猴家族收养了一位特殊的孩子,一个自小被遗弃在森林深处的婴儿男孩。在猿猴们的悉心照料下,男孩快快乐乐的长大了,他们给他取名叫泰山。由于自小在猿猴家长大,泰山敏捷得跟猿猴一样,结交很多的森林朋友。直到有一天,深入到森林深处的探险家打破了泰山宁静的生活,这时他才发现自己原来是人类的一员。泰山爱上了探险家的女儿珍妮,但人类的所作所为又令他对回归人类还是继续在森林生活进退两难,泰山最终将如何抉择?
1话 / 2012-06-27 / Steve Martino、Michael Thurmeier
简介: 《冰川时代4》讲述的依然是那些生活在冰川时期的特殊动物“家庭”经历的冒险故事。那只永远追着松果的无敌贱,又苦逼的小松鼠奎特(克里斯·韦奇 Chris Wedge 配音 )这次搞出了更大的事件,一个不小心让大陆板块四分五裂,使得猛犸象曼尼(雷·罗马诺 Ray Roman o 配音)、树懒希德(约翰·雷吉扎莫 John Leguizamo 配音)以及剑齿虎迪亚哥(丹尼斯·利瑞 Denis Leary 配音)因此和家人、伙伴失散分离,在板块激烈的运动并分裂漂移后,只能使用一块流冰作为临时的船只,展开一段惊奇的海上大冒险,在海上他们会遭遇险恶的自然环境,也会遇到海盗,而回家与家人团聚是他们的终极愿望,他们最后能否顺利回家呢?
1话 / 2011-06-24 / John Lasseter、Bradford Lewis
简介: Take A Trip, See The Sights, Save The World Star race car Lightning McQueen and the incomparable tow truck Mater take their friendship to exciting new places in Cars 2 when they head overseas to compete in the first-ever World Grand Prix to determine the world's fastest car. But the road to the championship is filled with plenty of potholes, detours, and hilarious surprises when Mater gets caught up in an intriguing adventure of his own: international espionage.
1话 / 2005-03-11 / Chris Wedge
简介: 机器人历险记是由克里斯·伟基,卡洛斯·桑塔哈导演,由伊万·麦奎格,哈莉·贝瑞,格雷戈·金尼尔,阿曼达·白尼斯,罗宾·威廉斯,吉姆·布罗德本特等主演的美国喜剧动画片,主演讲述了一名天才发明家希望自己创造的各式机器人能让世界更美好,自己也情不自禁爱上一位性感机器人,不过某个野心企业集团总裁却别有阴谋,决心破坏一切。.....的故事。
1话 / 2012-06-06 / Eric Darnell、Tom McGrath、Conrad Vernon
简介: 在非洲游历了一圈之后,纽约中央公园的四位明星们继续着回到纽约,回到中央公园的旅程。不过,只要旅途中有猩猩和那群企鹅的“帮忙”,旅程就没有想象中的那么顺利。在蒙特卡洛的一家赌场里,由于大家的耍宝,大闹赌场,进而招致了心狠手辣的动物管理局上尉杜波依斯(弗兰西斯·麦克多蒙德 Frances McDormand 配音)的围追堵截。为了逃过追捕,大家逃进了一个在欧洲进行巡回演出的马戏团。在马戏团里,大家延续着“马达加斯加”式的幽默,笑料百出。虽然,欧洲这一路上的旅行并不顺利,不断受到杜波依斯上尉的追捕威胁,不过大家一直怀揣着回到纽约,回到纽约中央公园的梦想。在马戏团,还帮助了东北虎维塔利(布莱恩·科兰斯顿 Bryan Cranston 配音)、美洲虎吉亚(杰西卡·查斯坦 Jessica Chastain 配音)以及海狮斯蒂芬诺(马丁·肖特 Martin Short 配音)重拾对马戏表演的信心。 简介来自豆瓣(https://movie.douban.com/subject/3178770/)。
1话 / 2007-11-02
简介: 一只特立独行的小蜜蜂,将所有人类告上了法庭,罪名是偷取它们辛苦得来的蜂蜜,贩卖它们的劳动,牟取不义之财。