26话 / 2010-04-06 / 神志那弘志 / 安部譲二、柿崎正澄(小学館ヤングサンデーコミックス刊)
简介: 昭和30年(1955年),6个16岁的少年犯因为不同的罪行而进入了湘南特别少年院的二舍六房(206室),本来就对生活感到黑暗无望的他们在入院之初便被狱医借故侮辱,使他们内心更痛苦。幸好的是206室有一位年长的先到者樱木六郎太,被少年们称为“樱哥”的他使大家在绝望中找到了一丝希望。在樱木的教导下,他们一起经历了打架、逃狱、私刑等重重考验,最终6人成功地走出了少年感化院。出狱后面对世间的种种苦痛与压力,坚强地开始了各自的人生。
27话 / 2010-04-01 / 桜井弘明 / 藤原ヒロ (白泉社「月刊LaLa」連載)
简介: 前身为男校的星华高中,学生会长美咲为了保护女学生,天天和旁若无人的男学生们战斗。然而,身为学生会长的她,却有个不为人知的秘密──在女仆咖啡馆打工!而这个不为人知的秘密,却在某天被学校的模范生──碓冰发现了。故事就此开始……
12话 / 2010-04-03 / 山崎理 / オトメイト(IDEA FACTORY/DESIGN FACTORY)
简介: 主人公雪村千鹤,是在江户长大的兰学医者(即西医)的女儿。父亲纲道原本应该是与女儿分开后在京都工作的。因为联络不上父亲而担心的千鹤前往京都探访。千鹤在那里所看见的是,与饥渴地寻求鲜血的妖怪所战斗并制伏他们的新选组的队士们……千鹤与新选组结下了奇妙缘分,在搜索失踪父亲的主人公面前,出现了神秘的刺客们,逐渐明朗化地新选组的秘密——罗刹的存在。在狂暴的时代中,胸中挥舞着理想与信念之刃的男人们,在幕末争斗的背后,新选组与黑暗的战斗也拉开了序幕……
12话 / 2010-04-15 / 望月智充 / オノ・ナツメ(月刊IKKI/小学館刊)
简介: 主人公秋津政之助是一个浪人。他害怕见到生人,很容易紧张和说错话,所以丢掉了好不容易找到的工作。因为剑法不错,所以被美男子弥一雇用为保镖。没想到弥一其实是从事诱拐绑架活动的组织“五叶”的头领。因为家里需要用钱,政之助无法辞掉这份工作。
1话 / 1999-08-06 / Brad Bird / Ted Hughes
简介: 在1957年的十月,美国有很多值得忧虑的事情:摇滚、电视、炸弹威胁,尤其是在四日这一天,苏联成功地将第一颗人造卫星送入了轨道。空间技术竞争开始公开进行,冷战越来越烈,人们开始对什么都不信任,甚至包括他们的邻居和朋友。 在缅因州的小镇洛克威尔,安妮休斯正为她九岁儿子霍加斯的午饭担忧。靠维持一个当地酒馆,安妮得以抚养霍加斯-养成了他任性、爱幻想的性格,总试图找出突变异形或外星入侵者。 所以当一个当地的渔夫来到酒馆叙述看到一个巨大的钢铁人坠入海里时,只有霍加斯非常注意他的话,并准备探险寻找这个大机器人。最终他找到一个50英尺高的巨人,非常喜欢吃金属,并对这个世界非常好奇。 流言四起,有人说外星人进攻,有人说苏联的秘密武器,洛克威尔的平静被打破了。政府派来了专员肯曼斯莱。作为最先接触巨人的人,霍加斯和他的好朋友丁将巨人藏在了丁的旧车场。 但是令人担心的谣言越来越烈-状况十分险峻,洛克威尔人心惶惶。霍加斯向他的巨人朋友求助将小镇从自己制造的恐慌和偏激中拯救出来,而巨人也找到了自己的人性。总会有一些时候,你能够真正发现你的朋友-即使有时候它只是金属。
65话 / 1997-09-13
简介: The show centers on the titular character, Pepper Ann Pearson, a 12-year-old girl whose emotions come out in fantasies. The show was designed to be a "different sort" of girl's cartoon, and features many strong-willed female characters who aggressively reject the idea of passive femininity. Pepper Ann's best friends are Milo Kamalani, a very eccentric, highly dramatic artist; and Nicky Little, a soft-spoken, overachieving aspiring violinist. Other fellow students at Hazelnut Middle School include rich and spoiled Trinket, German boy Dieter Liederhosen, popular airhead Cissy, gossipy twins Tessa and Vanessa, Nicky's boyfriend, the RC car-racing "nerd" Stewart Walldinger, and the cool 8th-grader, Craig Bean. Pepper Ann has no real enemies except Principal Hickey, a tough disciplinarian with zero tolerance for Pepper Ann's shenanigans, Wayne Macabre, an annoying radio DJ, and Alice Kane, an uppity snob who refers to her as "P. Ann". As well, Pepper Ann usually receives advice from her conscience in the form of her reflection. She gets into mild vocal quarrels with her reflection and her feminist mother, Lydia Pearson, although Lydia usually gives the moral at the end. Pepper Ann's father is seen only in a few episodes in his entirety. We know, however, that he was English, and divorced Lydia (although the two remain on good terms) when the girls were young. Lydia, in turn, embraces her divorcee, single-mom identity with great gusto, and encourages Pepper Ann to be as proudly independent as she is, although she does keep a curfew on Pepper Ann. Further support is given by Lydia's sister, Janie Diggety, an ex-Green Beret, and Pepper Ann's tomboyish deep-voiced younger sister, Moose. The show's plots were generally typical of the developing format that has risen out of federal E/I requirements: Pepper Ann is presented with a moral dilemma, chooses the wrong decision, faces the consequences and learns a moral lesson. The series was mostly rated TV-Y. However, the Season 1 finale, "In Support of," raised controversy.[citation needed] In the episode, Pepper Ann is told she would need "support" to jump on the trampoline. Thinking the teacher meant "breast support," a paranoid, still flat-chested and seemingly unready Pepper Ann is convinced she now needs a bra. When at the trampoline, and asked where her "support" was, Pepper Ann flashes the class, (her bra) although it is only seen in shadow. (The gag is that by "support," the instructor meant a "support buddy.") That episode was rated TV-Y7. At the end of the opening sequence, she always finds something different under her desk (similar to The Simpsons' couch gag), such as a mood ring or maracas (also the letter Q in the episode "Vanessa Less Tessa", a glowing green stick in the episode "Hazelnut's Finest", a singing Dieter doll in the episode "Presenting Stewart Waldinger", Mardi Gras beads, and her [Pepper Ann's] remote control in the episode "Radio Freak Hazelnut".) ; in season one, she always finds "five bucks". One of the original segments of "One Saturday Morning", Pepper Ann was a hit with audiences. Pepper Ann was formerly shown on Toon Disney. Pepper Ann and Lydia make a cameo appearance at the House of Mouse episode The Stolen Cartoons. They are the only Walt Disney Television Animation characters to ever appear on House of Mouse, who only used characters from Disney's features and classic shorts (and sometimes comics). Lydia says "Don't touch the villain, dear," to Pepper Ann after Pete falls out of the sky after being kicked out of the club.
4话 / 1993-08-15
简介: ブライキング・ボス率いるアンドロ軍団はついに世界征服を果たし、人間は奴隷としてロボット工場などで強制労働を強いられていた。しかし、人々の間には一つの伝説があった。それは、ロボットと戦う、人間の姿をした「キャシャーン」という名の救世主が、いつか人類を解放してくれる、と言うものだった。ある日、アンドロ軍団の最大のロボット工場に少女・上月ルナが潜入し、捕虜たちの脱走を企てるが失敗。しかし、ルナが処刑される寸前、ついにその伝説の救世主が現れた…。