81话 / 1998-01-01
简介: 小糊涂神是中央电视台在1998年制作的一部动画片。最初是在中央电视台第一频道的动画城节目中播出,该片获得中国大陆的第十七届大众电视金鹰奖。动画片中的主要人物有小宝、小糊涂神、老糊涂神、老老糊涂神、大魔包。
1话 / 2012-07-07 / 宮沢賢治
简介: 原作为宫泽贤治的同名童话,讲述了主人公古斯柯布多力在因为冻灾导致的饥荒而和父母,妹妹离散后,如何在大自然严酷环境下顽强生活,寻找方法防止灾害再次降临的故事。 1994年上映了中村隆太郎监督的剧场动画。 2008年,由曾制作1985年的《银河铁道之夜》的 Group Tac(グループ・タック) 宣布了制作本作新版动画的消息,并和《银河铁道之夜》一样,由杉井仪三郎(杉井ギサブロー)担任监督,由将宫泽贤治作品漫画化的增村博(ますむらひろし)担任角色原案,因而人物都改为了猫的形象。动画本来预定于2009年春完成,但直到2010年9月,Group Tac 办理破产手续也没有完成。 2011年9月30日,文化厅平成23年“国际共同制作映画支援事业”选择了本作剧场动画作为支援对象,由手塚PRODUCTION(手塚プロダクション)接手制作。制作方表示,在3·11日本大地震发生之后,希望借助该片,向地震灾民传达坚强面对天灾的勇气。
1话 / 1960-01-01 / 集体编导(特伟、钱家骏、唐澄) / 根据方慧珍、盛璐德原著改编
简介: 本美术片是中国第一部水墨动画片。1959年,徐景达希望尝试制作水墨风格的动画,他找到摄影师段孝萱商谈自己的想法。两人又找了时任美影厂总技师钱家骏一起研究。1960年中国美术电影展览会上,时任国务院副总理陈毅听了汇报后说:“你们能把齐白石的画动起来就更好了。”消息传回美影厂后,他们开始了水墨动画实验。3个月后,《水墨动画实验》完成。1960年7月,时长15分钟的首部水墨动画片《小蝌蚪找妈妈》正式诞生了。动画中的动物形象来自国画大师齐白石的名作《蛙声十里出山泉》。 一群可爱的小蝌蚪出世了,但是,“谁是我们的妈妈呢?”于是,一场有趣而感人的寻亲之旅开始了。在把大眼睛的金鱼、白肚皮的螃蟹、四条腿的乌龟甚至大鲇鱼都误认为妈妈后,小蝌蚪们终于找到了它们的亲妈妈——青蛙。故事讲述了“有志者事竟成”的道理,也教育孩子们要全面的看问题,不能片面化,也是一部带有科普意味的影片。
1话 / 1962-01-01 / 张松林
简介: 有两个孩子,一个叫“没头脑”,一个叫“不高兴”。“没头脑”做起事来丢三拉四,总要出些差错。“不高兴”总是别别扭扭,你要他往东,他偏往西。别人劝这两个孩子改掉坏脾气,他们都不以为然,为帮他们改正缺点,暂时把他俩变成了大人。“没头脑”当了工程师,“不高兴”做了演员。“没头脑”设计了一座一百九十九层高的少年宫大楼,楼造好后,才想起没设计电梯,结果孩子们为了在这个大楼上看戏,要带着铺盖、干粮爬一个月的楼梯,这不但害了别人,也害了设计师自己,因为“没头脑”也参加了少年宫开幕式。 “不高兴”在开幕式这天演“武松打虎”,他扮演老虎,戏演到紧要关头,他的老脾气又来了,本来老虎应该被武松打死,可是他偏不高兴死,反而把武松打得东逃西躲,二人一直打到台下。台下的“没头脑”正看得纳闷,“不高兴”却打到了他的身上,于是“没头脑”在前边跑,“不高兴”在后边追,两个人从楼上滚到楼下,跌得腰酸背疼。通过这次教训,两个人决心改正自己的缺点。他们仍旧变回到儿童时代。
1话 / 1989-11-14
简介: Ariel, a sixteen-year-old mermaid princess, is dissatisfied with life under the sea and curious about the human world. With her best fish friend Flounder, Ariel collects human artifacts and goes to the surface of the ocean to visit Scuttle the seagull, who offers very inaccurate knowledge of human culture. She constantly ignores the warnings of her father, King Triton and adviser, Sebastian that contact between merpeople and humans is forbidden, longing to join the human world and become a human herself. One night, Ariel, Flounder and an unwilling Sebastian travel to the ocean surface to watch a celebration for the birthday of Prince Eric on a ship, with whom Ariel falls in love. In an ensuing storm the ship is destroyed and Ariel saves the unconscious Eric from drowning. Ariel sings to him, but quickly leaves as soon as he regains consciousness to avoid being discovered. Fascinated by the memory of her voice, Eric vows to find who saved and sung to him and Ariel vows to find a way to join him and his world. Noticing a change in Ariel's behavior, Triton questions Sebastian about her behavior and learns of her love for Eric. Triton furiously confronts Ariel in her grotto, where she and Flounder store human artifacts, and destroys the objects with his trident in a blind rage. After Triton leaves, a pair of eels, Flotsam and Jetsam, convince Ariel to visit Ursula the sea witch in order to be with Eric. Ursula makes a deal with Ariel to transform her into a human for three days in exchange for Ariel's voice, which Ursula puts in a nautilus shell. Within these three days, Ariel must receive the 'kiss of true love' from Eric; otherwise, she will transform back into a mermaid and belong to Ursula. Ariel is then given human legs and taken to the surface by Flounder and Sebastian. Eric finds Ariel on the beach and takes her to his castle, unaware that she is the one who had saved him earlier, assuming her to be a mute shipwreck survivor. Ariel spends time with Eric, and at the end of the second day, they almost kiss but are thwarted by Flotsam and Jetsam. Angered at their narrow escape, Ursula takes the disguise of a beautiful young woman named "Vanessa" and appears onshore singing with Ariel's voice. Eric recognizes the song and, in her disguise, Ursula casts a hypnotic enchantment on Eric to make him forget about Ariel. The next day, Ariel finds out that Eric will be married to the disguised Ursula. Scuttle discovers that Vanessa is Ursula in disguise, and informs Ariel who immediately goes after the wedding barge. Sebastian informs Triton, and Scuttle disrupts the wedding with the help of various animals. In the chaos, the nautilus shell around Ursula's neck is broken, restoring Ariel's voice and breaking Ursula's enchantment over Eric. Realizing that Ariel was the girl who saved his life, Eric rushes to kiss her, but the sun sets and Ariel transforms back into a mermaid. Ursula reverts to her true form and kidnaps Ariel. Triton confronts Ursula and demands Ariel's release, but the deal is inviolable. At Ursula's urging, he agrees to take Ariel's place as Ursula's prisoner. Ariel is released as Triton transforms into a polyp and loses his authority over Atlantica. Ursula declares herself the new ruler and a struggle ensues in which Ursula accidentally kills Flotsam and Jetsam. In her rage, Ursula uses the trident to grow to monstrous proportions. Ariel and Eric reconcile on the surface just before Ursula grows past and towers the two. She then gains full control of the entire ocean, creating a storm with a maelstrom and shipwrecks — one of which Eric commandeers. As Ursula attempts to destroy a trapped Ariel in the maelstrom, Eric turns the wheel hard to port and runs Ursula through the abdomen with the ship's splintered bowsprit, mortally wounding her. After her death, Ursula's power breaks, causing Triton and all the other polyps in Ursula's garden to revert back into their original forms. Later, after seeing that Ariel truly loves Eric, Triton willingly changes her from a mermaid into a human. An unspecified amount of time later, Ariel and Eric have their wedding on a ship and depart.