3话 / 1990-12-21
简介: 在日本动画史上有着相当之高评价的片段,大冢康生满动画执念的终极呈现。近藤喜文、友永和秀 担任作画,山本二三负责背景,故称“近藤X友永版”。 70年代末-80年代初,宫崎骏任职于Telecom Animation,期间他受命参与到美日合拍动画《小尼莫》的制作当中,并为影片绘制了大量概念图。当时高畑勋和宫崎骏是日方的候补导演,谁知就在公司即将对外宣布该片计划的时候,宫崎骏对企划不感冒,遂提出辞职,退出Telecom Animation 。而高畑勋也于1983年被降板,退出了Telecom 。后来连近藤喜文也退出了。 宫崎·高畑离开后,项目更加迷失。近藤喜文、大冢康生和日方的导演眼花缭乱地更换,继续独断专行的卡茨被排除在现场。 日本方面的演出还没决定就过了2年的准备期间,在进入重要的作画作业之前45亿日元的制作资金就触底了,制作在1984年8月暂时中断。 在中断期间的1985年5月到1986年5月,克里斯·哥伦布带着情节,根据该方案制作了决定稿。 3年后的1987年雷克接受了10亿日元的追加出资,藤冈首先解除了与卡茨的合同,进行了工作人员的变更,在新设立的洛杉矶TMS重新开始制作。自己开始全面指挥。最终日方导演是三丽鸥动画电影中有全动画经验的波多正美,美方在弗兰克·托马斯和奥利·约翰斯顿的推荐下起用了威廉·T·赫兹,电影于1988年终于完成。 1990年12月21日発売のVHSとLDの特典映像としてパイロットフィルムとメイキングを収録。 2005年12月23日発売のDVDリトル・ニモの特典映像として近藤・友永版、出崎・杉野版の2種のパイロットフィルムやメイキング、デジタルギャラリーなどを収録。 2019年7月31日発売のBD、想い出のアニメライブラリー 第104集 リトル・ニモの特典映像として月岡貞夫版、近藤・友永版、出崎・杉野版の3種のパイロットフィルムを収録。
1话 / 2001-12-21 / 佐藤順一 / 木根尚登
简介: 『ユンカース・カム・ヒア』DVD発売 映像特典はパイロットフィルム! 『おジャ魔女どれみ』『STRANGE DAWN』等でお馴染みの佐藤順一が手がけた、初の劇場長編『ユンカース・カム・ヒア』が、ついにDVDとして発売される。木根尚登の原作を元に、制作をトライアングルスタッフが手がけた本作は、丁寧な生活描写を積み重ねた良心作ながら、これまで一度もソフト化されたことのなかった、いわば“幻の作品”。それだけに、今回のDVD化はうれしいところだ。 アニメスタイル的には、パイロットフィルムが映像特典として収録される点にも注目したい。「アニメの作画を語ろう」にもご登場いただいた、大平晋也が作画監督を務めており、原画に橋本晋治、田辺修、大橋学等が参加。わずか3分ほどだが、作画の見どころの多いフィルムとなっている。
39话 / 2001-09-08
简介: In the finale of Season 1, the Chans traveled to Hong Kong and defeated Shendu, whereupon Jade destroyed the demon with the Dragon Talisman. After the defeat of Shendu, a new void is present to be filled by a new evil. Trapped in the Netherworld as a spirit, Shendu comes to reckoning with his brothers and sisters who schedule an eternal torment for the treacherous dragon. Hoping to be spared by his siblings, Shendu promises them freedom in the form of the Pan'ku Box. The Chans battle and seal the eight demon Sorcerers. After his defeat, Shendu is continually tormented by his brethren. Hoping to escape punishment Shendu confides to his siblings of the Book of Ages, an ancient book where all history is magically recorded. Possessing Jackie's body Shendu travels to Australia and successfully re-writes history into a parallel Demon World. Other episodes include side quests such as El Chupacabra, Spring Heel Jack etc. and introduces Daolon Wong for Season Three. Three episodes are also placed within the Season One timespan.
17话 / 2002-09-14
简介: Valmont is freed from Shendu's possession when the Chans banish him and his siblings back to the netherworld. Due to the major expenses from the previous seasons' artifact hunts, Valmont is rendered bankrupt and the Dark Hand is no more. With nothing to lose, Valmont orders his three enforcers to break into Section 13 and steal the Twelve Talismans of Shendu. They encounter the Dark Wizard Daolon Wong who has just arrived to San Francisco for the same purpose. To stop anybody from getting the Talismans again, Jackie destroys them with a powerful laser cannon. However, this merely releases the powers held within which then relocate to the Twelve Noble Animals - restarting the Talisman hunt from season 1, only now they must compete with Daolon Wong who has now transformed the enforcers into his Dark Chi Warriors after Uncle imprisoned his original set. The Chans must find and secure each animal gifted with their ancestor's power before Wong can attain the powers for himself.
13话 / 2003-09-13
简介: Daolon Wong and the Enforcers have been taken into custody and incarcerated. Planning to escape Wong attempts to summon the Shadowkhan. Instead he unleashes an ancient evil known as Tarakudo, Lord of all Oni and King of the Shadowkhan. Jackie and crew find out that the masks have been scattered across the globe and that each mask contains the power to control a different tribe of Shadowkhan as well as a different ingredient to remove and subdue the mask.
13话 / 2004-09-11
简介: The Chans are caught in the middle of a race against time as Future Jade battles Shendu's son Drago in order to prevent him from getting the Dragon Teeth and reviving his father. Managing to thwart Drago's plan they imprison the mini-demon in Section 13. After the completion of the Oni Mask quest, Drago breaks out of Section 13 and targets mystical items imbued with the demon chi of his aunts and uncles; the Eight Demon Sorcerers. StrikeMaster Ice and his crew make a re-appearance and are recruited by Drago.
26话 / 2009-11-02
简介: The Garfield Show (Fr. Garfield et Cie) is a French/American CGI animated television series that premiered in France on France 3 on December 22, 2008. English-language episodes started airing on Boomerang UK on May 5, 2009. Following a Halloween sneak preview, it premiered in the United States on Cartoon Network on November 2, 2009 at 10:30am.