25话 / 2012-08-06 / Juan Jose Meza-Leon / Mike Mullen / Gabe Swarr / Luther McLaurin / Jim Schumann / Lane Lueras
简介: 电视剧版《功夫熊猫》集中讲述了熊猫阿宝在成为“神龙大侠”不久后又面对的重重艰难考验,剧情将填补两部电影版《功夫熊猫》之间的空隙,人物设定将沿用电影版,“中国元素”仍将成为其亮点。此外,电视剧版《功夫熊猫》中将出现不少新角色,“他们大都是反派,功夫盖世,对阿宝造成不小的威胁。”
1话 / 2004-11-03 / Darrell Rooney、Lynne Southerland
简介: 本片是迪士尼第36部经典动画《花木兰》衍生剧情,当花木兰(温明娜 配音)和李翔准备完婚之际,他们却突然接到一份密旨:为了抵抗强大的匈奴,护送三位公主下嫁和番,维持边疆和平。于是他们立即启程动身,插科打诨的木须龙和蟋蟀当然也一起跟来。但是在途中木兰发现公主们其实不愿外嫁异族,更糟糕的是居然还爱上了别人,这别人正是上次立功而久久被别的女孩拒绝的三个护卫。一向崇尚女子自由意志的木兰,因此决定冒杀头大罪的危险帮助公主逃跑,已经都快到番邦边境,所护驾的公主们却失踪,这样的发展实在超出李翔的意料之外,更出乎意料的是,木须竟然为了自己的权益而挑拨木兰和李翔的关系。在路上,李翔出现意外,为了救木兰而坠下深谷,木兰将会怎么完成自己的任务和拯救自己的心上人呢……
1话 / 2016-01-29 / Alessandro Carloni、Jennifer Yuh Nelson
简介: 在新一集故事里,与阿宝失散已久的生父突然现身,重逢的父子二人一起来到了一片不为人知的熊猫乐土。在这里,阿宝遇到了很多可爱有趣的熊猫同类。当拥有神秘力量的大反派“绿眼牛”企图横扫神州大地,残害所有功夫高手时,阿宝必须迎难而上,把那些热衷享乐、笨手笨脚的熊猫村民训练成一班所向披靡的功夫熊猫!
26话 / 2018-03-28 / 佐藤英一 / 河森正治・サテライト
简介: 2031年,<翔龙危机>发生当日,刘雷昂身处事故的中心地点。量子反应堆——为替代日渐枯竭的环境资源而研究开发的下一代能源装置突然失控,在释放了大量未知能量之下发生了大爆炸。世界环境为之激变。人类以外的生物、机械等出现了独特的进化,诞生了特异进化生物“B.R.A.I”。就是它们,一步步将人类逼到了灭绝的边缘。 <翔龙危机>过后七年,雷昂住在绝对防卫都市新翔龙市外围的荒野,在与定下<家族契约>的刘可依一起生活的同时,为了对抗B.R.A.I而进行着独立的研究。散漫的雷昂和爱操心的可依相依为命,平静的日子时常让人忘却曾经的残酷。然而,威胁正在切实地逼近……
13话 / 2017-06-13 / 友人老宅 / 天美工作室群
简介: 《王者?别闹!》是根据腾讯游戏《王者荣耀》的设定,游戏对战时的真实情景,进行二次设定而改编成的同人动画短片集,讲述玩家所熟悉的英雄们在王者峡谷中的搞笑日常。动画中对于角色的再塑造十分讨人喜爱,因而使得该游戏中英雄们的角色形象更加深入人心。
4话 / 2024-01-13
简介: 广袤无垠的王者大陆上,繁星璀璨的英雄们,冲破险阻,追逐梦想。何为英雄,超越自我,感悟至臻至美;负重前行,领悟爱的真谛;追逐强大,永不放弃。我们为英雄立传,开启爱与勇气新的篇章。
39话 / 2001-09-08
简介: In the finale of Season 1, the Chans traveled to Hong Kong and defeated Shendu, whereupon Jade destroyed the demon with the Dragon Talisman. After the defeat of Shendu, a new void is present to be filled by a new evil. Trapped in the Netherworld as a spirit, Shendu comes to reckoning with his brothers and sisters who schedule an eternal torment for the treacherous dragon. Hoping to be spared by his siblings, Shendu promises them freedom in the form of the Pan'ku Box. The Chans battle and seal the eight demon Sorcerers. After his defeat, Shendu is continually tormented by his brethren. Hoping to escape punishment Shendu confides to his siblings of the Book of Ages, an ancient book where all history is magically recorded. Possessing Jackie's body Shendu travels to Australia and successfully re-writes history into a parallel Demon World. Other episodes include side quests such as El Chupacabra, Spring Heel Jack etc. and introduces Daolon Wong for Season Three. Three episodes are also placed within the Season One timespan.
17话 / 2002-09-14
简介: Valmont is freed from Shendu's possession when the Chans banish him and his siblings back to the netherworld. Due to the major expenses from the previous seasons' artifact hunts, Valmont is rendered bankrupt and the Dark Hand is no more. With nothing to lose, Valmont orders his three enforcers to break into Section 13 and steal the Twelve Talismans of Shendu. They encounter the Dark Wizard Daolon Wong who has just arrived to San Francisco for the same purpose. To stop anybody from getting the Talismans again, Jackie destroys them with a powerful laser cannon. However, this merely releases the powers held within which then relocate to the Twelve Noble Animals - restarting the Talisman hunt from season 1, only now they must compete with Daolon Wong who has now transformed the enforcers into his Dark Chi Warriors after Uncle imprisoned his original set. The Chans must find and secure each animal gifted with their ancestor's power before Wong can attain the powers for himself.
13话 / 2003-09-13
简介: Daolon Wong and the Enforcers have been taken into custody and incarcerated. Planning to escape Wong attempts to summon the Shadowkhan. Instead he unleashes an ancient evil known as Tarakudo, Lord of all Oni and King of the Shadowkhan. Jackie and crew find out that the masks have been scattered across the globe and that each mask contains the power to control a different tribe of Shadowkhan as well as a different ingredient to remove and subdue the mask.