26话 / 2005-07-28 / 马风清
简介: 明朝末年,江南沿海地区倭寇横行,江流儿之父江灵运身为朝廷密派的朝廷大员到江南暗中调查通倭事件,而江流儿被临时寄养在凌云寺,江流儿在凌云寺与三个小和尚同时对弈围棋大胜,老和尚圆德深感江流儿是百年不遇的围棋天才。 抗倭英雄妖刀王被人怀疑通寇,江灵运在调查中,中了福王手下的暗箭身亡,江流儿决心向妖刀王学习武为父报仇,妖刀王告诉他,他并没有学武天分,应该去走下围棋的道路,如果有一天他能成为棋圣就能和皇上在一起,这样才能把福王的阴谋揭穿,为父报仇。 江流儿在圆德大师的建议下,外出闯荡,学习各门派的棋艺,参加二十年一届的围棋国手大赛。却错拜西金棋院的“快斧手”金威远为师,金威远心术不正,常带着江流儿到处与人赌棋,并告诉江流儿赢棋要“不择手段”。在与老棋手刘南如的对弈中,江流儿用“长考”的方法把老国手拖垮并最终丧命,引来了巨大争议。后来,江流儿也很为此事感到愧疚。
52话 / 2003-01-01 / 王加世
简介: 星球在战之后的百年,白鸽岛一场简单的庆典。却引来了外星人争夺神秘石像的战争。毫无心理准备的白鸽岛顿时陷于惊慌失措之中。在现阶段的外星人统治下,原本相互为敌的几方人被迫在白鸽岛一起居住。外星人打着寻找自己各族隐匿在人类中的头叛徙的旗号,挑动人类相互怀疑残杀。而自己扮演一个救世主,从面而使人类在精神上屈服。在武力的胁迫下,无知的人们把自己的邻居——“外星人的叛徙”推上了断头台。少年天望,承受着同的屈辱,忍辱负重独闯阴阳之界去收集对付外星人的第七种元素,途中历尽生死磨难,灵魂与肉体倍受煎。在他的带领下,少年们与邪恶展开了殊死搏斗,以宝贵的生命,满腔的热血重塑了人类的尊严。
166话 / 1960-09-30 / Joseph Barbera, William Hanna
简介: The show is set in the Stone Age town of Bedrock. (In some of the earlier episodes, it was also referred to as "Rockville"). In this fantasy version of the past, dinosaurs, saber-toothed tigers, woolly mammoths, and other long-extinct animals co-exist with cavemen. Like their mid-20th century peers, these cavemen listen to records, live in split-level homes, and eat out at restaurants, yet their technology is made entirely from pre-industrial materials and largely powered through the use of various animals. For example, the cars are made out of stone, wood, and animal skins, and powered by the passengers' feet (as in the theme song, "Through the courtesy of Fred's two feet").
113话 / 1990-09-15
简介: Gaia, the spirit of the Earth, is awakened from a long sleep by Hoggish Greedly, who happens to be drilling above her resting chamber. Realizing that the damage is extensive, Gaia sends five magic rings, four with the power to control an element of nature and one controlling the element of Heart, to five chosen youths across the globe: Kwame from Africa, Wheeler from North America, Linka from the Soviet Union (changed to Eastern Europe after the Soviet Union's collapse), Gi from Asia, and Ma-Ti from South America. These five are dubbed the Planeteers and are tasked with defending the Earth from the greatest of disasters and making efforts to educate mankind to keep others from happening. Gaia uses her "Planet Vision" to discover where the most devastating destruction is occurring and sends the Planeteers to help solve the problem. The Planeteers use transportation (usually a flying machine called a Geo-Cruiser) based on solar power to avoid causing pollution themselves. In situations that the Planeteers cannot resolve alone, they can combine their powers to summon Captain Planet, a magical entity who possesses all of their powers magnified, symbolizing the premise that the combined efforts of a team are stronger than its individual parts. Captain Planet only appears in his Captain Planet garb. These are not clothes but elements of the Earth that are integral to his composition. He is able to rearrange his molecular structure to transform himself into the various powers and elements of nature. Captain Planet's outfit does not represent a specific culture.[citation needed] He has a grass-green proto-mullet, crystal skin, earthy brown eyes, a fire-red chest, gloves, and boots, and a sun-yellow globe insignia. In a manner similar to the mid 1950s–1986 incarnation of Superman, Captain Planet has superhuman powers, and seems to gain more proportionate to whatever the situation requires. Nevertheless, he is weakened by pollutants which sap his strength, from smog to nuclear radiation, in much the same manner that Superman is weakened by Kryptonite. Captain Planet's personality is also similar to that of the Silver Age version of Superman; always remaining friendly and upbeat in the darkest of situations. Like the Silver Age Superman, he also dislikes killing even the cruellest bad guys and has a strict sense of justice (such as when Captain Planet allowed himself to be jailed for a crime he did not commit). The Planeteers cannot use their individual powers while Captain Planet has been summoned.[8] Despite his vulnerability to pollution, Captain Planet is a formidable and valiant hero. Once his work is done, Captain Planet returns to the Earth, restoring the Planeteers' powers. When he does this, Captain Planet reminds viewers of the message of the series with his catchphrase, "The Power Is Yours!"
15话 / 1995-08-12
简介: The further adventures of Stanley Ipkiss and his magic reality defying mask.
1话 / 1981-01-01 / 胡雄华、沈祖慰
简介: 早晨,湖边寂静无声。一灰一白一黄三只小兔快活地扑蝴蝶。忽然湖中传来“咕咚”一声,这奇怪的声音把小兔们吓了一大跳。刚想去看个究竟,又听到“咕咚”一声,这可把小兔们吓坏了,“快跑,咕咚来了,快逃呀!”它们转身就跑。狐狸正在同小鸟跳舞,与跑来的兔子碰了个满怀。狐狸一听“咕咚来了!”也紧张起来,跟着就跑。它们又惊醒了睡觉的小熊和树上的小猴。小熊和小猴也不问青红皂白,跟着它们跑起来。大象感到惊讶,拉住狐狸问:“出了什么事?”狐狸气喘吁 吁地说:“ 咕咚来了,那是个三个脑袋,八条腿的怪物……”于是一路上跟着跑的动物越来越多,还有河马、 老虎、野猪……岸上这阵骚乱,使湖中的青蛙感到十分惊奇,它拦住了这群吓蒙了的伙伴们,问:“出了什么事?”大家七嘴八舌地形容“咕咚” 是个多么可怕的怪物。青蛙问:“谁见到了?”小熊推小猴,小猴推狐狸,狐狸推小兔,结果谁也没有亲眼看见。大家决定回去看看明白再说。回 到湖边,又听见“咕咚”一声,仔细一看,原来是木瓜掉进水里发出的声音,众动物不禁大笑起来。
1话 / 1962-01-01 / 万古蟾 / 张士杰
简介: 财主胡刮皮家的童工小虎子整天挨打挨骂,夜里还要不停地挑水。一次,他发现一个身穿红围兜的娃娃在井边玩耍,便与他成了好朋友。娃娃看到小虎子被财主打得伤痕斑斑,为了帮他还清欠债,获得自由,便送给他一株大人参。 财主见了这棵人参,料定这小娃娃一定是人参精,逼问小虎子人参的来历,进而强迫小虎子带他去找人参娃娃。小虎子知道财主没安好心,就在当夜悄悄地去告诉小娃娃。不料,正当他见到小娃娃时,在后边偷偷跟踪的财主抓住了人参娃娃的辫子,小虎子猛扑过去咬住财主的手臂,财主一松手,人参娃娃遁入土中。财主怒冲冲地将小虎子推到峭壁边沿,这时人参娃娃再次出现,把财主引开之后,又遁入土中。财主掘洞找寻,突然山石震动,掉下的石块把财主埋在洞里。
101话 / 1995-01-01 / 严定宪、林文肖、常光希
简介: 《自古英雄出少年》从古今中外浩瀚巨大的历史文库中,选取了100名少年英雄的典型事迹,用广大青少年喜闻乐见的动画艺术形式塑造了一大批中国式的英雄形象,集中体现了中华民族各个历史时期少年英雄的精神风貌,歌颂了他们“热爱祖国、热爱人民、热爱科学、勇于献身”的崇高精神和机智、聪敏好学以及人类真、善、美的品德。 动画片的少年英雄谱中有勤学苦练的少年孔子,从母亲的断杼顿悟明志的孟子,情暖母心的孝子闵子骞,刻苦学习的屈原和神医华陀;有唐朝智勇斗贼的少年区寄,明代的识鬼少年王海日,西晋勇于改过的周处;有兄弟民族的少年成吉思汗,高原之鹰松赞干布;有现代大革命时期的机智小交通,抗日战争中的二小放牛郎和80年代的哈萨克小红花;还有外国的反法西斯女英雄卓娅,巴黎公社小英雄以及聪明的爱迪生,从生命的弱者成长为强者的海伦·凯勒等。
52话 / 2004-10-01 / 胡依红
简介: 《Bravo,东东》是美影厂女导演胡依红继国内第一部校园题材动画片《我为歌狂》之后,推出的又一定位于中学生生活状态的系列片。这部被称为14岁男孩女孩成长故事的动画片精心采撷敏感、萌动、特殊人生段中的普通小事,采用先期配音,融入时尚设计、音乐、时装、生活、网络元素,讲述片中男主角东东和同龄人梅兰、丝瓜、虾米、伟超、莫卡、三宝等人和他们的老师、父母之间的故事。 Bravo的意思通常被译为太棒了,“Bravo,东东”就是指“太棒了,东东”。东东是本片的男主角,14岁的东东有着这个年龄段诸多烦恼,时而易怒敏感,时而自高自大,时而又自轻自贱。