1话 / 2009-02-11 / Tomm Moore
简介: 布伦丹和叔叔住在城墙高筑的凯尔斯城里,叔叔总是严厉警告他不准离开,直到某天,伟大的光照者带着一本尚未完成的书来到凯尔斯,告诉他知识可以化黑暗为光明,也为布伦丹带来巨大的心灵冲击,穿透书页,寻找更光明的未来。水彩画般细腻的笔调,充满民族色彩的线条,全片以手绘图画的元素、色彩和图腾,交织成这部艺术性丰富的动画杰作。
1话 / 2013-10-15 / Laurent Witz 、Alexandre Espigares
简介: 这是一栋弥漫着漫长历史气息的老房子,墙上挂满了照片,屋顶上的灯接触不良,几经开关才能点亮。房主人哈布洛先生头戴精密仪器,他推开阳台的门,眼前竟然呈现一个被硕大笨重却精密、带着极强蒸汽朋克气息的机械世界。甚至连窗台上的花和路边的狗也都是工业化的产物。哈洛夫先生固守自己的房屋,工作和生活全都在斗室内完成。可是他平静枯燥的生活被那条机器狗打乱了,小狗蜷缩在街角,怯懦而无助。接连两天,哈洛夫都被小狗的声音所牵制。眼看狗狗即将被垃圾车毁灭,这位害怕踏出房门的先生决定鼓起勇气冲出去…… 本片荣获2013年3D艺术节S3D/Seine-Saint-Denis最高奖和最佳动画短片奖。
1话 / 2014-08-21 / Konstantin Bronzit
简介: Two cosmonauts, two friends, try to do their best in their everyday training life to make their common dream a reality. But this story is not only about the dream.
1话 / 2020-10-30 / Tomm Moore / Ross Stewart
简介: 讲述了11岁女孩罗芬的神奇经历。罗芬作为一个年轻的学徒猎人,她和父亲一起来到爱尔兰,准备消灭最后一批在那里的狼,但是改变她的事情来了,她发现了狼行者,此后一连串的古怪故事就发生了……
1话 / 2014-01-01
简介: “Dinner For Few” is a ten minute CG-animated film depicting a sociopolitical allegory of our society. During dinner, "the system" works like a well-oiled machine. It solely feeds the select few who eventually, foolishly consume all the resources while the rest survive on scraps from the table. Inevitably, when the supply is depleted, the struggle for what remains leads to catastrophic change. Sadly, the offspring of this profound transition turn out not to be a sign of hope, but the spitting image of the parents