1话 / 2003-05-30 / Andrew Stanton
简介: 在澳洲大堡礁的深海中,小丑鱼爸爸玛林和儿子尼莫简单幸福的生活着,可是爸爸做事常常畏首畏尾,是个胆小鬼,尼莫觉得爸爸很不勇敢,甚至有点看不起自己的爸爸。小尼莫却天不怕地不怕,跟同伴们去水面玩耍的时候,竟然被渔网捞了起来,辗转被卖到一家牙医诊所。玛林对儿子的生死未卜感到十分的担忧,就算平时不能大胆行事,为了儿子也要勇敢豁出去了。可是在路上遇到了很多艰难与恐惧,令他十分胆怯。幸好他遇到了好心的多瑞,一路与他作伴。父子俩都遇到了很多热心的帮助,最终都能重逢,玛林也从此成为儿子以及大家心中的英雄。
1话 / 2001-11-02 / 彼特·道格特 / 大卫·斯沃曼 / 李·昂克里奇
简介: 我们不知道,在那样的世界里住着那样一群怪物。他们长相滑稽,却必须装作狰狞。因为,在夜深的时候,他们要悄悄的出现在孩子的衣橱里,吓唬刚刚甜美睡去的宝宝。一切,只因为他们是怪物电力公司的员工,而孩子的尖叫,则是怪物王国发电的全部能量。怪物们害怕孩子,却又必须让孩子尖叫。在怪物的国度里,他们都是为全民造福的英雄。 毛怪苏利文(约翰•古德曼)是怪物公司最出色的员工,业绩总是摇摇领先,他吓哭的小孩儿不计其数。他与搭档大眼怪麦克(比利•克里斯托)很受大家的爱戴。一次偶然,毛怪不小心把一个两岁的小女孩阿布(玛丽•吉布斯)带回了怪物世界,引起了极大的恐慌,调皮可爱的阿布把这些可怕的怪物吓的人仰马翻。警方在追捕阿布,而坏蛋亨利(詹姆斯•柯博)也计划利用阿布进行他改革工厂的邪恶计划。 另一方面,在与阿布相处的过程中,毛怪渐渐对她产生莫名的情愫,甚至因此被放逐野外。可是一切都不能抵挡毛怪拯救女孩的信念,为了阿布,毛怪踏上了艰险的旅程……
220话 / 1960-06-10 / Jack Kinney, Seymour Kneitel, Gene Deitch, Paul Fennell, Bob Bemiller, Tom McDonald
简介: 这是所有70后80后的中国孩子童年的集体回忆。波派是一个水手,和女友奥莉弗开心的生活在一起。波派和奥莉弗的幸福生活引起了坏蛋的布鲁托的嫉妒,他千方百计要将奥莉弗抢走。于是,每一集中布鲁托总是想尽办法来抢奥莉弗,每每在他即将得手的时候,波派总能得到他的救命符——菠菜。只要吃了菠菜,波派就能变得力大无穷,布鲁托的亦会随之被无敌的波派制服!
161话 / 1940-02-10 / William Hanna (1940–58)→Joseph Barbera (1940–58)→Gene Deitch (1961–62) Chuck Jones (1963–67)、Maurice Noble (1964–67)、Abe Levitow (1965–67)、Tom Ray (1966–67)、Ben Washam (1966–67)
简介: Tom and Jerry is an American animated series of short films created in 1940 by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera. It centers on a rivalry between its two main characters, Tom Cat and Jerry Mouse, and many recurring characters, based around slapstick comedy. In its original run, Hanna and Barbera produced 114 Tom and Jerry shorts for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer from 1940 to 1957. During this time, they won seven Academy Awards for Animated Short Film, tying for first place with Walt Disney's Silly Symphonies with the most awards in the category. After the MGM cartoon studio closed in 1957, MGM revived the series with Gene Deitch directing an additional 13 Tom and Jerry shorts for Rembrandt Films from 1960 to 1962. Tom and Jerry then became the highest-grossing animated short film series of that time, overtaking Looney Tunes. Chuck Jones then produced another 34 shorts with Sib-Tower 12 Productions between 1963 and 1967. Two more shorts were produced, The Mansion Cat in 2001 and The Karate Guard in 2005, for a total of 163 shorts. Various shorts have been released for home media since the 1990s. A number of spin-offs have been made, including the television series The Tom and Jerry Show (1975–77), The Tom and Jerry Comedy Show (1980–82), Tom & Jerry Kids (1990–94), Tom and Jerry Tales (2006–08), and The Tom and Jerry Show (2014-present). The first feature-length film based on the series, Tom and Jerry: The Movie, was released in 1992 before ten direct-to-video films were produced between 2002 and 2013. Numerous Tom and Jerry shorts have been subject to controversy, mainly over racial stereotypes which involves the portrayal of the recurring black character Mammy Two Shoes and characters appearing in blackface. Other controversial themes include cannibalism and the glamorization of smoking.
13话 / 1998-11-18
简介: 絕大部分的故事都發生在美國一個名為小鎮村(The City of Townsville)的都市,飛天小女警則是這座城市的保護者,舉凡阻止銀行搶案、火場救援、防止怪獸破壞城市等,都是她們的工作。 飛天小女警對付犯案者及怪獸毫不留情,幾乎總是會狠狠的揍他們一頓,再把他們丟進監牢或交給警方。 飛天小女警有專屬的熱線電話,市政廳、小橡樹幼稚園和基妮老師家裡都設有分機。發生犯罪事件時通常是由市長打電話通知飛天小女警。飛天小女警的主旨是「英雄不是絕對的善,壞蛋也不是絕對的惡…因為每個人都有好的本性和壞的本性,只看你怎麼選擇。」 結尾畫面和結尾語亦為本作之特色,各故事皆有結尾畫面和結尾語。大部分的結尾畫面為飛天小女警三人,結尾語通常則是「一天又平安的過去了,感謝飛天小女警的努力!」但前兩者並非每集皆一成不變;較可能出現的會是解決該集紛爭最有助力的人、事、物,而也並非絕對單一個體(也可能複數)。
1话 / 2008-06-06 / Mark Osborne、John Stevenson
简介: 阿宝是一只圆滚滚,笨手笨脚的熊猫,是天底下最热血的中国功夫迷、超级崇拜著玉皇宫的娇虎、仙鹤、螳螂、灵蛇、金猴这五位大名鼎鼎“盖世五侠”,但是他每天得在老爸开的面馆帮忙打工。阿宝万万没想到,为了要参观一场武林盛会,他竟然被选中为传说中的武林高手“神龙大侠”,要靠他来对付残豹,但是他的梦想终于成真,因为他可以和他的偶像武林的盖世五侠,一起向师父习武。但是一心一意想要报仇,天生狡猾的残豹准备杀过来,而阿宝必须保护每个人的生命。修练过程当中,师父把阿宝最大的弱点—贪吃,进而将阿宝点化、转换成他最大的力量。最后阿宝实现梦想,成为一个真正的神龙大侠,并且拯救整个和平谷。
1话 / 2006-11-17 / George Miller
简介: Every penguin sings a unique song called a "heartsong" to attract a mate. If the male penguin's heartsong matches the female's song, the two penguins mate. Norma Jean, a female penguin, sings "Kiss", whereupon Memphis, a male penguin, sings "Heartbreak Hotel". Norma Jean chooses Memphis as her mate. She lays an egg, which is left with Memphis while Norma Jean leaves with the other females to fish. While the males struggle through the harsh winter, Memphis accidentally drops the egg, briefly exposing it to the freezing Antarctic temperatures. The resulting chick, Mumble, has blue eyes, ever-lasting down feathers, and a terrible singing voice. However, Mumble has a talent that no other penguin has ever seen before: tap dancing. One day Mumble wanders into a secluded area, where he is free to dance without any complaints. Mumble is interrupted when Boss Skua and his posse Dino, Frankie, and Vinnie attempt to eat him. Mumble stalls by asking the leader of the pack about a yellow band that is attached to his right ankle. The Boss Skua tells Mumble that he had been abducted by "aliens". Mumble narrowly escapes the hungry birds by falling into a crevice. Years latter, Mumble, now an adult but still half-covered in fluffy down, joins his class graduates on their first trip into the ocean, where they find a large iceberg to rest on. After interrupting the graduates' song, Mumble is forced to leave, and finds a smaller iceberg. A leopard seal chases him off the iceberg. After escaping the leopard seal, he befriends a small group of bachelors which are Adele Penguins who form a club called "the Amigos": the leader Ramon, the brothers Raul and Nestor, and twin brothers Rinaldo and Lombardo. The Amigos quickly embrace Mumble's dance moves and assimilate him into their misfit group. Mumble's joy is cut short when he accidentally starts an avalanche and causes a hidden human excavator to tumble out from a glacier. Driven by curiosity, he sets out to find the "aliens" responsible for the machine. Mumble has a lot of questions, and the group suggests that he ask Lovelace, a Rockhopper penguin who answers questions in exchange for stones and is known as the guru. Lovelace has the plastic rings of a six pack entangled around his neck, which he uses to project his guru image. When asked if the rings were from the aliens, Lovelace denies that aliens exists and claims that the plastic rings were bestowed upon him by mystic beings. In Mumble's old home, it is mating season, and Gloria is the center of attention. Although she is surrounded by a large horde of suitors, none of their heartsongs interest her. Ramon tries to help Mumble by singing a Spanish version of "My Way". Gloria is not fooled, however, for she knows Mumble cannot sing. She then notices Ramon behind Mumble's back. Gloria becomes angry and turns her back on Mumble. Gloria continues towards the other males visibly distraught. As a last resort, Mumble tries to persuade her to sing along to his tapping rhythm. Because of her affection for him, she complies. As Mumble's beat speeds up, Gloria finds the chorus to her heartsong, and realizes it is "Boogie Wonderland". Overcome with happiness that they can now be mates, the pair begin dancing, along with the other penguins. Noah the elder sees their lack of fish as punishment from the Great 'Guin for Mumble's dancing. Mumble tries to explain about the mysterious "aliens", and that they are the cause of the scarceness of fish, but only his mother and Gloria believe him. Noah exiles Mumble from the colony. Mumble vows that he will find the real cause of the famine. He and the Amigos return to Lovelace only to find him being choked by the plastic rings. Lovelace confesses that he got stuck in the rings while swimming near the forbidden shores. He reveals that the forbidden shores are located past the land of elephant seals and beyond the blizzard country. Mumble, the Amigos and Lovelace start their journey. Gloria tries to come, but Mumble, fearing for her safety, drives her off by insulting her singing talents. They travel across vast territories till they reach the shore. Mumble sees a boat and swims after it. He swims far, and is washed up exhausted onshore. He is rescued and kept at Marine World with some Magellanic Penguins. He tries to communicate with the "aliens", but when his pleas fail, Mumble nearly succumbs to madness after long confinement. When a girl attempts to interact with Mumble by tapping the glass, he starts dancing, and soon a large crowd gathers. He is released back into the wild, with a Tracking system on his back. He leads the humans to his colony. The other penguins are skeptical, but when Gloria notices the device, they realize that the "aliens" exist. Convinced, the penguins, along with the elders, dance with Mumble to get the humans' attention. A research team arrives and film the penguins dancing. They bring the footage back and a worldwide debate ensues. The governments realize they are overfishing. Antarctic fishing is banned, and the fish population recovers. At this, the Emperor Penguins and the Amigos celebrate. In the final scene, a baby penguin is seen dancing next to Mumble and Gloria, revealed to be their son Erik in Happy Feet Two.