1话 / 1953-01-01 / 约瑟夫·巴伯拉 / 威廉·汉纳
简介: 维也纳著名音乐家约翰•施特劳斯的家中住着一只名为约翰的小老鼠,每当音乐家弹奏美妙的华尔兹时,小约翰就情不自禁走出洞口,随着音乐翩翩起舞。而家中的老猫汤姆却无心欣赏音乐,它把心思全放在捕捉约翰这件事上,然而每次出击都功败垂成。 一天施特劳斯外出演出,小约翰始终躲在洞里。汤姆为了捉住它也弹起华尔兹,引出了完全被音乐迷住的小约翰。它们之间的追逐再次展开,不过最终两个小家伙握手言欢,甚至走进皇宫为皇帝倾情演出…… 本片荣获1953年奥斯卡最佳动画短片奖。
1话 / 2007-10-02 / Spike Brandt / Tony Cervone
简介: 汤姆和他的军队的流浪猫接管杰里的魔法王国的生活玩具。 追着汤姆和他的亲信,杰里必须找到玩具制造商和得到帮助去赢得他的王国在日出之前当机会之窗关闭。Tom and his army of stray cats take over Jerry's magical kingdom of living toys. Chased by Tom and his cronies, Jerry must find the Toymaker and get help to win his kingdom back before sunrise when the window of opportunity closes.
1话 / 2005-10-11 / Bill Kopp
简介: 破坏他们的房子在追逐后,汤姆和杰里世界各地参加比赛,获胜者得到一个新的豪华的房子。After wrecking their house during a chase, Tom and Jerry enter a race around the world where the winner gets a new fancy house.
1话 / 2005-01-18 / Bill Kopp
简介: 同时进行常规hi-jinks,他们inadvertantly收藏在一艘宇宙飞船飞往火星。 他们与当地的火星居民和使他们入侵地球,vacuum-wielding巨头“Invincitron”辅助的机器人。 汤姆,杰瑞和火星的盟友,偷看,转危为安。While carrying on their usual hi-jinks, they inadvertantly stow-away on a spaceship bound for Mars. They meet up with the local Martian residents and cause them to invade the Earth, aided by the "Invincitron", a vacuum-wielding giant robot. Tom, Jerry and their Martian ally, Peep, save the day.