1话 / 1985-07-13
简介: 主人公乔万尼是一个贫困家庭的孩子,他要靠努力打工来养活被疾病困扰的妈妈。他的好朋友康佩内拉家境富裕,家中有很多书籍,他常常无私地邀请穷苦的乔万尼去他家一起阅读。有一天上自然科学课,老师拿出了银河的图片让同学们回答,当乔万尼被点到的时候,他明知答案,因为曾经在康佩内拉家一起在书上读过,但他却自卑担心答错而不敢回答,最终被一些同学耻笑。而为了保全乔万尼的面子,康佩内拉也故意对老师提出的问题沉默不答,而被老师和同学误以为连他这样的好学生也不懂。 在银河节的那天,乔万尼在路上遭到了同班同学贾奈利的嘲弄。贾奈利随后吆喝同学们前往河边,参加晚上的银河节水灯大会,可是乔万尼却无法参加,因为他还要回家照顾妈妈。 终于,他累倒了。于是他躺在山坡顶上休息。过了不知多久时间,他突然他听到一种奇怪的声音,于是睁开眼,意识到自己正在跟康佩内拉乘坐一辆在星际中的银河轨道上行驶的列车中。路途中,他们看见了许多难以置信美丽而又奇异的景象,还看见了许多人在白色的沙子和水晶中发掘化石,还有人捕捉白鹭,并用它们来制造糖果。一切的种种,都仿佛梦境一般的不可思议…… 他们又遇见了两个孩子与一位青年教师。从他们的交谈中,乔万尼得知刚才他们搭上了一艘撞上冰山而沉没的轮船,所以现在他们才进到这列车里来,隐隐暗示这辆列车的乘客身份其实并不寻常。当列车到达南十字座站的时候,其他乘客都下车了,车厢里只剩下了乔万尼和康佩内拉。两位好朋友相约永不分离。但当列车驶到煤袋星云站的时候,乔万尼才发觉康佩内拉已经离他而去,消失不见了。 这时候,乔万尼醒过来了。他到城里头,发现众人聚集在桥头上,才发现原来之前贾奈利不小心从船上掉到河里去,而康佩内拉跳进河里救他。结果贾奈利被安全地救了上来,而康佩内拉却不幸再也没有浮出水面。原来所谓的“银河铁道”,是带领死者灵魂回归天国的哀伤列车……
1话 / 1991-11-22 / 加里·特洛斯达勒 / 柯克·维斯
简介: 《美女与野兽》(Beauty and the Beast)于1991年推出,成为迪士尼的第30部经典动画,并被提名该届奥斯卡金像奖最佳影片,是该奖项影史上到目前唯一被提名的动画片。后来到了2002年,本片又加入原本删去的段落,在世界各IMAX影院盛大重映。 本片改编自法国古老的童话故事,过去有被搬上银幕的纪录,这回被迪士尼动画拍得更显得细腻动人。本片导演是 Gary Trousdale 以及 Kirk Wise 两人。《美女与野兽》的动画师们画出中古世纪法国小镇的景象,并借着电脑动画之助创造出三度空间的舞池,配合配乐大师 Alan Menken 优美旋律,更让本片显得精致动人。本片歌曲则是由 Alan Menken 作曲,Howard Ashman 作词,片尾主题曲由Peabo Bryson 与 Celine Dion 演唱,迪士尼动画电影的片尾主题曲也从此常由知名歌星演唱,正式与流行音乐结合。 本片获得获得奥斯卡最佳原著配乐、最佳歌曲两项大奖。《美女与野兽》后来改编成百老汇音乐剧,这也是迪士尼进军剧坛的第一部音乐剧。由《美女与野兽》衍生剧情的录影带首映《美女与野兽——贝儿的心愿》也已于1997年圣诞节推出。本片如今名列迪士尼10部『白金典藏系列』动画片之一,在2002年再度发行。
1话 / 2011-10-28 / 克里斯·米勒
简介: 他是一只穿靴子的猫(安东尼奥·班德拉斯 Antonio Banderas 配音),多年来行侠仗义,行走江湖,剑术高明,胆大卖萌,虽是官兵通缉捉拿的要犯,但从来都无所畏惧,泰然自若。在某个极不友好的小酒馆里,靴猫听说杰克(Billy Bob Thornton 配音)和吉尔 (Amy Sedaris 配音)这对雌雄恶棍拿到了传说中的魔豆,魔豆长出的豆荚直通巨人的宫殿,而那里住着令人垂涎可以下金蛋的鹅。靴猫决定铤而走险劫掠魔豆,却遭到神秘的黑猫阻挠。在黑猫引诱下,他来到一处猫儿聚会的场所,结果意外遇到当年孤儿院的好友矮蛋(Zach Galifianakis 配音),黑猫则是性感的小母猫咪·柔爪(萨尔玛·海耶克 Salma Hayek 配音)。 矮蛋希望和靴猫重组魔豆帮,拿到下蛋的金鹅……
1话 / 1940-02-07 / Ben Sharpsteen&Hamilton Luske / The Adventures of Pinocchio
简介: After singing the film's signature song "When You Wish upon a Star", Jiminy Cricket explains to the audience that he is going to tell a story of a wish coming true. In flashback, he moves into the workshop of the woodworker Geppetto to warm himself from the cold. Jiminy watches as Geppetto finishes work on a wooden marionette which he dubs Pinocchio. Before falling asleep, Geppetto makes a wish on a star that Pinocchio could be a real boy. During the night, the star, in the form of a Blue Fairy, visits the workshop to grant Geppetto's wish. She makes Pinocchio come alive, while remaining still a puppet. The fairy tells Pinocchio that if he wants to become a real boy of flesh and blood he must prove himself to be brave, truthful and unselfish and able to tell right from wrong by listening to his conscience. Pinocchio does not understand what a conscience is, and Jiminy appears to explain it to him. The Blue Fairy asks if Jiminy would serve as Pinocchio's conscience, a task he accepts. Geppetto discovers that his wish has come true, and is filled with joy. The next day, he sends Pinocchio on his first day of school. However, the naive Pinocchio is led astray by the conniving con artists Honest John and Gideon, who convince him to join Stromboli's puppet show instead. Pinocchio becomes Stromboli's star attraction, but when Pinocchio offers to come back in the morning, Stromboli locks Pinocchio in a birdcage to prevent him from leaving. With the help of the Blue Fairy and Jiminy, Pinocchio escapes, vowing to do better from now on. Unfortunately, on his way back to Geppetto's house, Pinocchio is once again led astray by Honest John and Gideon, who convince him that he is sick, and the only cure is to go to Pleasure Island. On his way he befriends Lampwick, a misbehaved and destructive boy. Soon Pinocchio and the other boys begin to enjoy gambling, smoking, getting drunk and destroying Pleasure Island, much to Jiminy's dismay. Then Jiminy discovers the island harbours a terrible curse which turns boys who "make jackasses of themselves" into real donkeys, who are then sold to work in the salt mines and circuses as part of an evil racket run by The Coachman. Lampwick is soon transformed into a donkey, but Pinocchio manages to escape with only a donkey's ears and tail. Upon returning home, they find the workshop empty and soon learn (from a letter by the Blue Fairy) that Geppetto, while venturing out to sea to rescue Pinocchio from Pleasure Island, had been swallowed, along with Figaro and Cleo, by a giant whale named Monstro. Determined to rescue his father, Pinocchio jumps into the bottom of the ocean, with Jiminy accompanying him. However, Pinocchio is soon found and eaten by Monstro, where he is reunited with Geppetto and his pets inside the whale. Pinocchio devises an escape plan by burning wood in order to make Monstro sneeze. The plan works, but the enraged whale gives chase. Eventually, Pinocchio succeeds in getting Geppetto to safety in a cave under a cliff before Monstro rams into it. After Monstro's defeat, Jiminy discovers that Pinocchio has been killed. At their home, the group mourn Pinocchio, but from afar, the Blue Fairy decides Pinocchio has proven himself, and he is reborn as a real human boy, much to the euphoria of his family.
1话 / 1937-12-21 / David Hand(supervising) /William Cottrell /Wilfred Jackson /Larry Morey /Perce Pearce /Ben Sharpsteen
简介: 白雪公主原本是世界上最幸福的人,可惜当她母后逝去,父王娶了她继母后,这一切都改变了。恶毒的继母处处为难白雪公主,当她父王也死后,白雪公主过得更艰难了。这天,皇后从魔镜中得知世上最美的人不是自己而是白雪公主后,气急败坏的她下令武士将她带到森林处决了,好心的武士放走了白雪公主。夜晚,森林里的七个小矮人收留了无家可归的白雪公主。当皇后得知白雪公主还没死时,气急败坏的她决定亲自出马将白雪公主害死。第二天,她化妆成了一个老婆婆,带着毒苹果往森林深处走去。
1话 / 2012-07-10 / 謝立文 / 謝立文、麥家碧
简介: 在华仔的巨星演唱会上,麦兜与他的伙伴们齐声高歌,硬邦邦的城市在华美耀眼的灯光剧照下渐渐融化…… 时光倒转, 春田花花幼儿园因不堪沉重的经济压力而被迫组建了“春田花花合唱团”,那个傻里傻气又活在梦中的校长率领着一群初出茅庐的小朋友,开始了一段磕磕绊绊的音乐之旅。 他们唱过没有人的商场,录过一夜爆红的广告金曲,遇到过骗钱跑路的胶牌经理人,甚至还受邀在葬礼上献歌一曲……鲜花、掌声、坚持、泪水,直到校长重新遇见了年轻时的自己,直到春天花花幼儿园被改建成了豪宅,直到岁月的痕迹慢慢爬上额头……当校长的头发日渐稀疏,当那颗咬了一个学期的糖炒栗子终于有了裂缝,每个人心中都泛起了一种叫“感动”的情绪……笑容从山那边落下,明天还会升起吗?
1话 / 2011-03-05 / 吉原正行
简介: 2011年青年动画制作者育成计划作品 玛莉酱最讨厌的食物,Ninninman出现啦! 不但把胡萝卜、青椒、牛奶均变成妖怪了,还使用奇怪的魔法活跃地尝试解决玛莉酱的麻烦。这是适合一家人,使人又哭又笑的治愈魔法动画。
1话 / 1959-01-29
简介: 奥罗拉公主的出生让国王和皇后乐坏了。宴会上他们邀请来十二位仙女,为公主献上祝词。一个没有机会前来宴会的坏心肠仙女,一气之下落下诅咒:她今天受的屈辱都会报应在公主身上,公主会在18岁那年死于纺锤之下。 在这个魔咒的笼罩下,国王和仙女都小心翼翼的保护着奥罗拉公主。国王甚至把全国的纺织器具统统没收,以防止公主遇上不测。然而,悲剧还是发生了。奥罗拉在一个古堡里看到了正在纺布的老奶奶,一伸手就被纺锤的魔法击中,美丽的公主顿时沉睡,整个王国都随之陷入沉睡,国王,侍从,甚至猫狗,都落入了巫婆的咀咒。 邻国的王子闻说睡美人的故事,决定披荆斩棘前来古堡搭救公主,他的武器除了勇气和毅力之外,还有对奥罗拉公主的真爱。