1话 / 2010-06-18 / Teddy Newton
简介: 该片于2010年6月18日在《玩具总动员3》放映前加映。 清晨的第一缕阳光照在碧绿的草原上,雄鸡对日长鸣,农场此起彼伏传来家畜的叫声。随着镜头拉远,我们看见这片灿烂光明的三维世界竟然藏在一个二维精灵的体内。他似乎是昼之精灵,他与白天融为一体。迈着轻快的步伐,昼之精灵四处游走,突然看见一个呼呼大睡的家伙。那也是一个二维精灵,其身体里是安静祥和的三维黑夜世界,小羊羔正一只只从围栏处越过。显而易见,这是夜之精灵,他不幸被充满好奇的昼之精灵吵醒,两个小家伙你追我赶,自以为是,互较高下,不肯服输。但在一连串的较量中,他们也似乎发现了对方的优点以及和自己的共通之处…… 本片荣获2011年安尼奖最佳动画短片奖、2011年视觉效果工会奖杰出视效短片奖。
13话 / 2015-01-18
简介: After having skirmished with a number of dangerous monsters on her home planet of Mooney, Star Butterfly arrives on Earth to live with the Diaz family. However, rather than living a normal life, Star, with Marco Diaz, continues to battle villains throughout the universe and in their high school, mainly to protect her extremely powerful wand, an object that she is still yet to master.
26话 / 2016-01-22
简介: Paxtown is a capital under the influence of drugs and corruption, torn apart by inequality and poisoned by the mafia. Here, trouble lurks at every corner. In this depraved metropolis, Richard Aldana grew up to be a cunning young man, without attachments or ambitions. In his spare time, he boxes. For Aldana, boxing is neither a sport nor a passion; it's just a way to keep annoyances at bay. Despite having real talent, Richard would rather die than wear satin shirts and participate in the championship of ultra-violent martial arts, the Fist Fight Funeral Cup, for which all of Paxtown turns out. But all that was before everything fell apart. Before his friend Dave, the owner of the boxing club, was murdered. Overnight, Aldana becomes the protector of his friend’s orphaned daughter, Siri. Those who killed Siri’s father are now targeting her. They call themselves “The Order of the Lion”. They are a religious sect much more dangerous than the cops or gangsters that usually cause trouble in Paxtown. These nutjobs think Siri is the key to their "other world". Searching in Dave's past for what could have triggered such a shit storm, Aldana and Siri are drawn into a quest that overwhelms them, one in which the words “Valley of the King” - a mythological land of magic and demons – keep popping up.
52话 / 2004-05-31 / Astley Baker Davis
简介: 小猪佩奇又名粉红猪小妹(英文名:Peppa Pig)是由英国 阿斯特利贝加戴维斯(Astley Baker Davis)创作、导演和制作的一部英国学前电视动画片,也是历年来具潜力的学前儿童品牌。故事围绕她与家人的愉快经历,幽默而有趣,藉此宣扬传统家庭观念与友情,鼓励小朋友们体验生活。由英国E1 Kids于2004年5月31日发行首播后其动画片已于全球180个地区播放,至今共播出4季;中国中央电视台少儿频道目前也在热播之中,极简的动画风格,幽默的对话语调,深具教育意义的故事情节,不仅能让学龄前儿童学习知识,更能让小朋友们从小养成良好的生活习惯体验生活。深受全球各地小朋友们以及其家长们的喜爱。
1话 / 2017-06-21 / Patrick Imbert / Benjamin Renner
简介: 谁要是以为村里太平安详那TA就大错特错了,因为村子里有一群异常欢脱的动物们。一只狐狸被误认为一只母鸡,一只和白鹳纠缠不清的兔子,还有一门想取代圣诞老人的鸭子。你们打算来度假吗?嗯,路过别停,直接开走吧…… 面对一只傻兔子,一头园丁猪,一只懒狗和一只有性格障碍的母鸡,一只慈悲为怀的狐狸试着在这群动物中维护自己的伟大捕猎者形象。可它那些招儿总不见效,因此它想到了一条新路子:没错!那就是偷鸡蛋,孵小鸡儿,吓唬它们,再把它们吃掉。可这个宏大的计划没能迎来曙光,因为坏狐狸居然发现对这帮小家伙有了一丝叫做母爱的情感…… 《艾特熊和赛娜鼠》的导演本杰明·雷内联手摄影导演、录音师、动画导演Patrick Imbert,将自己笔下的坏狐狸绘本故事搬上大荧幕。影片由Studio Canal 出品。
1话 / 1965-12-09
简介: When Charlie Brown complains about the overwhelming materialism that he sees amongst everyone during the Christmas season, Lucy suggests that he become director of the school Christmas paegent. Charlie Brown accepts, but it proves to be a frustrating struggle. When an attempt to restore the proper spirit with a forlorn little fir Christmas tree fails, he needs Linus' help to learn what the real meaning of Christmas is.
52话 / 2015-12-15
简介: 讲述了一个7岁的小男孩马丁,每天早上醒来后,都会化身一个新的角色,从而开展一段完全不同的奇幻冒险的故事。