1话 / 1989-07-15 / 押井守 / ヘッドギア
简介: 一部军用的机械人在无人的情况自动启动、一个名为帆场瑛一的篠原重工天才程序员自杀;谁也没想到,两起无关事件却会在将来把东京带入恐怖中。 东京各处陆续发生了一系列机械人暴走的事情,经过特车2课的调查,发现可疑之处是一套新推出的机械人操作系统:HOS,而该OS是篠原重工的作品。更为严重的是眼下大部分的机械人都已更换为此系统,所以后藤他们认为潜在的危机是十分可怕的(如果东京内的大部分机械人一起暴走,那么东京就将毁灭)。但是没有任何的证据证明机械人暴走与HOS有关,为此后藤委托松井刑事协助调查。当调查到HOS主创人员帆场时,发现他早已把自己的过去资料抹去,唯有他的住处记录还存在着。松井追随着几年来帆场所暂住的地方,却惊异的发现帆场在这几年内竟然搬过20几次家,而每当线索带着他们来到其中的某一处地方时,那里似乎都是被新时代建筑所淘汰的过去回忆,时间的脚步仿佛已经开始在慢慢倒转着。甚至松井也不禁在怀疑:难道是帆场瑛一刻意带着他来看到这些被人们遗忘的角落?他到底想告诉我们什么? 同时,特车2课第2小队的各位并没有闲着,在繁夫的帮助下,他们似乎找到了机械人暴走的条件:当风速达到40/S时与建筑物之间产生的共鸣,会使HOS中的隐藏功能对这个现象做出反映。而他们也意识到了:东京市内可以使所有机械人同时发狂的共鸣物,就是那个“巴比伦计划”、那个高耸入云的建筑、那个代表着人类欲望与技术结晶的建筑!此时电视传来了气象预报的声音:“预计今夜风速达40/S的台风将登陆东京,请做好防范准备......”
8话 / 1989-02-15 / 中村孝一郎・紅優(89)、吉永尚之・もりたけし(91) / まつもと泉
简介: テレビシリーズのビデオ版は放送した日本テレビの関連会社であるバップから発売元となっていたが、OVA版は製作の東宝の関連会社である東宝ビデオが発売元になった。テレビ版と話が繋がっておらず、テレビ版の最終回で15歳の鮎川まどかは春日恭介が超能力者である事を知ってしまうが、15 - 17歳の世界を描いたOVAでは鮎川まどかは春日恭介が超能力者である事を知らない設定になっている。 なお、第2期の4本の作品は、『きまぐれオレンジ☆ロード もぎたてスペシャル』としてビデオリリース前の1989年12月16日より劇場公開されており、『アニメージュ』誌のパーフェクトデータではOVAではなく劇場公開のアニメ映画として扱っている。 1989年まではベータマックス方式でも発売されていたが、1990年からはベータマックスでの発売はなくなり、VHS方式とレーザーディスクだけの発売となった。
1话 / 1989-12-22
简介: 高校生の志乃原和也と工藤秋彦は親友同士。しかし、和也が超人気アイドル歌手になってからは、一緒に過ごせる時間が少なくなっていた。そんな時、和也は悪徳芸能プロダクションの手先に襲われ、秋彦と共に連れ去られてしまう。社長の狙いは、美しい和也を自分のものにすることだった。秋彦は和也に約束する――「お前は俺が守ってやる!」
3话 / 1989-04-15
简介: 《迷宫物语》(原题同,外文副标:Manie-Manie)为根据眉村卓短篇小说作品《口袋里的XYZ》(原题:ポケットのXYZ)改编的动画电影。全片包括“迷宫*迷宫”(ラビリンス*ラビリントス)、“狂奔者”(走る男)、“工程中止命令”(工事中止命令)三个单元,以短篇形式构成。片长50分。 本片原预定于1986年,与角川当年主打的动画长片《时空旅人》(原题:時空の旅人)同时上映,但因制作进度不及而以《火鸟 凤凰篇》取代。完成后先在1987年9月25日于“东京奇幻电影节'87”放映,同年推出影带上市,两年后的1989年4月,以小规模单院上映方式于院线推出。而这段期间一直未能上映的原因,则是因为看过成品之后的当时制片人角川春树,认为风格太过前卫冷僻而束之高阁。
1话 / 1989-11-14
简介: Ariel, a sixteen-year-old mermaid princess, is dissatisfied with life under the sea and curious about the human world. With her best fish friend Flounder, Ariel collects human artifacts and goes to the surface of the ocean to visit Scuttle the seagull, who offers very inaccurate knowledge of human culture. She constantly ignores the warnings of her father, King Triton and adviser, Sebastian that contact between merpeople and humans is forbidden, longing to join the human world and become a human herself. One night, Ariel, Flounder and an unwilling Sebastian travel to the ocean surface to watch a celebration for the birthday of Prince Eric on a ship, with whom Ariel falls in love. In an ensuing storm the ship is destroyed and Ariel saves the unconscious Eric from drowning. Ariel sings to him, but quickly leaves as soon as he regains consciousness to avoid being discovered. Fascinated by the memory of her voice, Eric vows to find who saved and sung to him and Ariel vows to find a way to join him and his world. Noticing a change in Ariel's behavior, Triton questions Sebastian about her behavior and learns of her love for Eric. Triton furiously confronts Ariel in her grotto, where she and Flounder store human artifacts, and destroys the objects with his trident in a blind rage. After Triton leaves, a pair of eels, Flotsam and Jetsam, convince Ariel to visit Ursula the sea witch in order to be with Eric. Ursula makes a deal with Ariel to transform her into a human for three days in exchange for Ariel's voice, which Ursula puts in a nautilus shell. Within these three days, Ariel must receive the 'kiss of true love' from Eric; otherwise, she will transform back into a mermaid and belong to Ursula. Ariel is then given human legs and taken to the surface by Flounder and Sebastian. Eric finds Ariel on the beach and takes her to his castle, unaware that she is the one who had saved him earlier, assuming her to be a mute shipwreck survivor. Ariel spends time with Eric, and at the end of the second day, they almost kiss but are thwarted by Flotsam and Jetsam. Angered at their narrow escape, Ursula takes the disguise of a beautiful young woman named "Vanessa" and appears onshore singing with Ariel's voice. Eric recognizes the song and, in her disguise, Ursula casts a hypnotic enchantment on Eric to make him forget about Ariel. The next day, Ariel finds out that Eric will be married to the disguised Ursula. Scuttle discovers that Vanessa is Ursula in disguise, and informs Ariel who immediately goes after the wedding barge. Sebastian informs Triton, and Scuttle disrupts the wedding with the help of various animals. In the chaos, the nautilus shell around Ursula's neck is broken, restoring Ariel's voice and breaking Ursula's enchantment over Eric. Realizing that Ariel was the girl who saved his life, Eric rushes to kiss her, but the sun sets and Ariel transforms back into a mermaid. Ursula reverts to her true form and kidnaps Ariel. Triton confronts Ursula and demands Ariel's release, but the deal is inviolable. At Ursula's urging, he agrees to take Ariel's place as Ursula's prisoner. Ariel is released as Triton transforms into a polyp and loses his authority over Atlantica. Ursula declares herself the new ruler and a struggle ensues in which Ursula accidentally kills Flotsam and Jetsam. In her rage, Ursula uses the trident to grow to monstrous proportions. Ariel and Eric reconcile on the surface just before Ursula grows past and towers the two. She then gains full control of the entire ocean, creating a storm with a maelstrom and shipwrecks — one of which Eric commandeers. As Ursula attempts to destroy a trapped Ariel in the maelstrom, Eric turns the wheel hard to port and runs Ursula through the abdomen with the ship's splintered bowsprit, mortally wounding her. After her death, Ursula's power breaks, causing Triton and all the other polyps in Ursula's garden to revert back into their original forms. Later, after seeing that Ariel truly loves Eric, Triton willingly changes her from a mermaid into a human. An unspecified amount of time later, Ariel and Eric have their wedding on a ship and depart.
6话 / 1989-01-01 / 沈祖慰、葛桂云
简介: 经过一番激烈的搏斗,葫芦七兄弟团结一心,终于把蛇精和蝎子精打败,七兄弟化作七色奇峰,将妖精镇压山下。葫芦兄弟和妖精的战争惊动了住在山中另一边的青蛇精。青蛇精是蛇精夫人的妹妹,她比姐姐更加狡猾。得知葫芦山争斗的始末,青蛇精决定将葫芦娃们抓来炼成长生不老的七心丹,替姐姐报仇。 葫芦七兄弟虽然勇猛非常,却不敌妖怪的狡猾。青蛇精采取各个击破的战术,利用锦囊中的宝物将七兄弟一一降伏。一番斗智斗勇过后,葫芦兄弟全部成为青蛇精的俘虏。原本想炼成七心丹的青蛇精,却没留神炼出综合了七兄弟本领的葫芦小金刚。葫芦小金刚和妖精的战争更加激烈…… 本片与1989年播出,至1991年播放完毕( https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/葫芦兄弟 ) ,并荣获1991年广播电影电视部优秀影片奖第二届全国影视动画展播荣誉奖。
1话 / 1989-02-22
简介: OVA化もされた園田健一原作のコミック「ガンスミスキャツ」の元となったOVA。「ロードバスター」の名を持つ凄腕の運び屋であるビーン・バンデット。ある日、ビーンはグリムウッド家の令嬢であるチェルシーを誘拐した容疑をかけられ、警察から追われる身になってしまった! 果たして、彼の運命は…?