1话 / 1999-06-18
简介: 猿猴家族收养了一位特殊的孩子,一个自小被遗弃在森林深处的婴儿男孩。在猿猴们的悉心照料下,男孩快快乐乐的长大了,他们给他取名叫泰山。由于自小在猿猴家长大,泰山敏捷得跟猿猴一样,结交很多的森林朋友。直到有一天,深入到森林深处的探险家打破了泰山宁静的生活,这时他才发现自己原来是人类的一员。泰山爱上了探险家的女儿珍妮,但人类的所作所为又令他对回归人类还是继续在森林生活进退两难,泰山最终将如何抉择?
1话 / 1953-02-05 / Clyde Geronimi Hamilton S. Luske Wilfred Jackson / Sir James Barrie
简介: 迪士尼第十四部经典动画,长篇剧情动画片。 太棒了!温蒂作梦也没想到小飞侠彼得。潘会真的出现在她眼前,并且邀请她到梦幻岛玩,美丽的人鱼、豪爽的印第安酋长,多有趣啊!但是可恶的海盗船长胡克要报复小飞侠,而且,星儿也因为吃醋而泄露了小飞侠他们的藏身之处,到底最后温蒂他们会怎样呢?
52话 / 2012-11-12
简介: Finn and Jake chase the Lich through a dimensional portal where they meet Prismo, who tells them that the Lich wished for the extinction of all life. This leads Finn to wish that the Lich "never even ever existed.
1话 / 2009-02-06 / Henry Selick
简介: 小女孩卡洛琳搬进新居后,破旧而又死气沉沉的环境让她感觉无聊透顶。无趣古板的父母,怪异的邻居,还有一个讨厌的小男孩和他的小黑猫,这样的生活对于满脑子都是奇思妙想的她来说,简直要了命。 不过事情并不是一直都那么糟,一个夜晚,她居然在家里的第13个门后面,发现一条秘密通道,喜欢刺激冒险的卡洛琳当然不会放弃一探究竟的机会,于是她顺着那条通道慢慢的爬了过去。卡洛琳发现通道另一边是一个和现实完全相同但又不同的世界,一切现在都似乎在这里得到了复制,但是自己那些梦想却又在这里得到了实现。而最让卡洛琳高兴的是,这个世界里的妈妈对自己和善可亲、百依百顺。可是后来,她发现了这位“鬼妈妈”准备给自己换上眼睛,并把自己永远留在这个“奇妙”的世界。卡洛琳发现自己大祸临头了,她必须想办法逃出“鬼妈妈”的魔掌。
26话 / 2010-10-11
简介: The second season of the American animated television series Adventure Time, created by Pendleton Ward, originally aired on Cartoon Network in the United States. The series is based on a short produced for Frederator's Nicktoons Network animation incubator series Random! Cartoons. The season debuted on October 11, 2010, and the season finale was aired on May 2, 2011. The season follows the adventures of Finn, a human boy, and his best friend Jake, a dog with magical powers to change shape and grow and shrink at will. Finn and Jake live in the post-apocalyptic Land of Ooo. Along the way, they interact with the other main characters of the show: Princess Bubblegum, The Ice King, and Marceline the Vampire Queen.
26话 / 2011-07-11
简介: The third season of American animated television series Adventure Time, created by Pendleton Ward, originally aired on Cartoon Network in the United States. The series is based on a short produced for Frederator's Nicktoons Network animation incubator series Random! Cartoons. The season debuted on July 11, 2011, and the season finale was aired on February 13, 2012. The season follows the adventures of Finn, a human boy, and his best friend Jake, a dog with the magical powers to change shape, grow, and shrink at will. Finn and Jake live in the post-apocalyptic Land of Ooo. Along the way, they interact with the other main characters of the show: Princess Bubblegum, The Ice King, and Marceline the Vampire Queen.
26话 / 2012-04-02
简介: The fourth season of the American animated television series Adventure Time, created by Pendleton Ward, originally aired on Cartoon Network in the United States. The series is based on a short produced for Frederator's Nicktoons Network animation incubator series Random! Cartoons. The season debuted on April 2, 2012, and the season finale was aired on October 22, 2012. The season follows the adventures of Finn, a human boy, and his best friend and adoptive brother Jake, a dog with magical powers to change shape and grow and shrink at will. Finn and Jake live in the post-apocalyptic Land of Ooo. Along the way, they interact with the other main characters of the show: Princess Bubblegum, The Ice King, and Marceline the Vampire Queen.