1话 / 1994-06-15 / Roger Allers、Rob Minkoff
简介: 辛巴是狮子王国的小王子,他的父亲穆法沙是一个威严的国王。然而叔叔刀疤却对穆法沙的王位觊觎已久。 要想坐上王位宝座,刀疤必须除去小王子。于是,刀疤利用种种借口让辛巴外出,然后伺机大开杀戒,无奈被穆法沙即时来救。在反复的算计下,穆法沙惨死在刀疤手下,刀疤别有用心的劝辛巴离开,一方面派人将他赶尽杀绝。 辛巴逃亡中遇到了机智的丁满和善良的彭彭,他们抚养辛巴长成雄壮的大狮子,鼓励他回去森林复国。在接下来一场复国救民的斗争中,辛巴真正长成一个坚强的男子汉,领会了责任的真谛。 简介来自豆瓣(https://movie.douban.com/subject/1301753/)。
1话 / 1998-10-27 / Darrell Rooney / Rob LaDuca
简介: 《狮子王2》改编自《罗密欧与朱丽叶》。故事的主人公是狮子王辛巴的女儿琪拉雅公主,她是这片荣耀大地的继承者。小琪拉雅的降生,使辛巴很高兴,也很担心,因为琪拉雅太像他小的时候了,一样的任性,一样的顽皮。整个荣耀大地不是那么安全,尤其是荣耀大地之外的蛮荒之地,刀疤的妻子带着刀疤的家眷们在那里游荡。 丁满和彭彭被负责照顾琪拉雅公主,但他们对这个顽皮又聪明的公主一点办法也没有。充满好奇心的琪拉雅一直向往着到森林外去冒险,一直想对蛮荒之地一探究竟。终于,她找到一个机会来到了这片荒凉的土地。在这里,她遇到了刀疤的养子高孚,在一同玩耍时他们掉进了鳄鱼湖,琪拉雅勇敢的救起了高孚,在千钧一发之时逃到了岸上,他们成了莫逆之交。前来找儿子的刀疤夫人,想要杀害琪拉雅,被及时赶到了辛巴救回。 几年之后,琪拉雅长成了大姑娘,此时的高孚也成为雄壮的公狮,刀疤的余党把夺回王权的希望寄托在了高孚身上,派高孚接近琪拉雅,趁机杀了辛巴。他们计划用火烧死琪拉雅,在紧要关头,让高孚救她,以取得辛巴的信任。在不知不觉中,高孚爱上了琪拉雅,在爱情与权力面前,高孚选择了前者,以自己的实际行动得到了辛巴的宽容和谅解。在琪拉雅和高孚的努力下,刀疤的余党全部回心转意,臣服在辛巴的统治之下,荣耀大地终于恢复了和平。琪拉雅和高孚也终成眷属。
1话 / 2004-02-10
简介: 该片是狮子王的外传,讲述了狮子王辛巴不为人知的成长历程。当年辛巴的父亲木法沙被奸人迫害而死,小辛巴为了躲过一劫,逃离了动物王国。在逃亡过程中,辛巴遇上了一对搞笑活宝——丁满和彭彭。丁满和彭彭与辛巴成了好朋友,他们在丛林中开始了他们惬意的生活。辛巴在丛林中慢慢长大,最终长成了雄壮的雄狮,并邂逅了自己美丽的公主。由于有了丁满和彭彭这对活宝,使得平凡的生活也笑料百出。
1话 / 2003-05-30 / Andrew Stanton
简介: 在澳洲大堡礁的深海中,小丑鱼爸爸玛林和儿子尼莫简单幸福的生活着,可是爸爸做事常常畏首畏尾,是个胆小鬼,尼莫觉得爸爸很不勇敢,甚至有点看不起自己的爸爸。小尼莫却天不怕地不怕,跟同伴们去水面玩耍的时候,竟然被渔网捞了起来,辗转被卖到一家牙医诊所。玛林对儿子的生死未卜感到十分的担忧,就算平时不能大胆行事,为了儿子也要勇敢豁出去了。可是在路上遇到了很多艰难与恐惧,令他十分胆怯。幸好他遇到了好心的多瑞,一路与他作伴。父子俩都遇到了很多热心的帮助,最终都能重逢,玛林也从此成为儿子以及大家心中的英雄。
1话 / 2001-11-02 / 彼特·道格特 / 大卫·斯沃曼 / 李·昂克里奇
简介: 我们不知道,在那样的世界里住着那样一群怪物。他们长相滑稽,却必须装作狰狞。因为,在夜深的时候,他们要悄悄的出现在孩子的衣橱里,吓唬刚刚甜美睡去的宝宝。一切,只因为他们是怪物电力公司的员工,而孩子的尖叫,则是怪物王国发电的全部能量。怪物们害怕孩子,却又必须让孩子尖叫。在怪物的国度里,他们都是为全民造福的英雄。 毛怪苏利文(约翰•古德曼)是怪物公司最出色的员工,业绩总是摇摇领先,他吓哭的小孩儿不计其数。他与搭档大眼怪麦克(比利•克里斯托)很受大家的爱戴。一次偶然,毛怪不小心把一个两岁的小女孩阿布(玛丽•吉布斯)带回了怪物世界,引起了极大的恐慌,调皮可爱的阿布把这些可怕的怪物吓的人仰马翻。警方在追捕阿布,而坏蛋亨利(詹姆斯•柯博)也计划利用阿布进行他改革工厂的邪恶计划。 另一方面,在与阿布相处的过程中,毛怪渐渐对她产生莫名的情愫,甚至因此被放逐野外。可是一切都不能抵挡毛怪拯救女孩的信念,为了阿布,毛怪踏上了艰险的旅程……
1话 / 1991-11-22 / 加里·特洛斯达勒 / 柯克·维斯
简介: 《美女与野兽》(Beauty and the Beast)于1991年推出,成为迪士尼的第30部经典动画,并被提名该届奥斯卡金像奖最佳影片,是该奖项影史上到目前唯一被提名的动画片。后来到了2002年,本片又加入原本删去的段落,在世界各IMAX影院盛大重映。 本片改编自法国古老的童话故事,过去有被搬上银幕的纪录,这回被迪士尼动画拍得更显得细腻动人。本片导演是 Gary Trousdale 以及 Kirk Wise 两人。《美女与野兽》的动画师们画出中古世纪法国小镇的景象,并借着电脑动画之助创造出三度空间的舞池,配合配乐大师 Alan Menken 优美旋律,更让本片显得精致动人。本片歌曲则是由 Alan Menken 作曲,Howard Ashman 作词,片尾主题曲由Peabo Bryson 与 Celine Dion 演唱,迪士尼动画电影的片尾主题曲也从此常由知名歌星演唱,正式与流行音乐结合。 本片获得获得奥斯卡最佳原著配乐、最佳歌曲两项大奖。《美女与野兽》后来改编成百老汇音乐剧,这也是迪士尼进军剧坛的第一部音乐剧。由《美女与野兽》衍生剧情的录影带首映《美女与野兽——贝儿的心愿》也已于1997年圣诞节推出。本片如今名列迪士尼10部『白金典藏系列』动画片之一,在2002年再度发行。
1话 / 1940-02-07 / Ben Sharpsteen&Hamilton Luske / The Adventures of Pinocchio
简介: After singing the film's signature song "When You Wish upon a Star", Jiminy Cricket explains to the audience that he is going to tell a story of a wish coming true. In flashback, he moves into the workshop of the woodworker Geppetto to warm himself from the cold. Jiminy watches as Geppetto finishes work on a wooden marionette which he dubs Pinocchio. Before falling asleep, Geppetto makes a wish on a star that Pinocchio could be a real boy. During the night, the star, in the form of a Blue Fairy, visits the workshop to grant Geppetto's wish. She makes Pinocchio come alive, while remaining still a puppet. The fairy tells Pinocchio that if he wants to become a real boy of flesh and blood he must prove himself to be brave, truthful and unselfish and able to tell right from wrong by listening to his conscience. Pinocchio does not understand what a conscience is, and Jiminy appears to explain it to him. The Blue Fairy asks if Jiminy would serve as Pinocchio's conscience, a task he accepts. Geppetto discovers that his wish has come true, and is filled with joy. The next day, he sends Pinocchio on his first day of school. However, the naive Pinocchio is led astray by the conniving con artists Honest John and Gideon, who convince him to join Stromboli's puppet show instead. Pinocchio becomes Stromboli's star attraction, but when Pinocchio offers to come back in the morning, Stromboli locks Pinocchio in a birdcage to prevent him from leaving. With the help of the Blue Fairy and Jiminy, Pinocchio escapes, vowing to do better from now on. Unfortunately, on his way back to Geppetto's house, Pinocchio is once again led astray by Honest John and Gideon, who convince him that he is sick, and the only cure is to go to Pleasure Island. On his way he befriends Lampwick, a misbehaved and destructive boy. Soon Pinocchio and the other boys begin to enjoy gambling, smoking, getting drunk and destroying Pleasure Island, much to Jiminy's dismay. Then Jiminy discovers the island harbours a terrible curse which turns boys who "make jackasses of themselves" into real donkeys, who are then sold to work in the salt mines and circuses as part of an evil racket run by The Coachman. Lampwick is soon transformed into a donkey, but Pinocchio manages to escape with only a donkey's ears and tail. Upon returning home, they find the workshop empty and soon learn (from a letter by the Blue Fairy) that Geppetto, while venturing out to sea to rescue Pinocchio from Pleasure Island, had been swallowed, along with Figaro and Cleo, by a giant whale named Monstro. Determined to rescue his father, Pinocchio jumps into the bottom of the ocean, with Jiminy accompanying him. However, Pinocchio is soon found and eaten by Monstro, where he is reunited with Geppetto and his pets inside the whale. Pinocchio devises an escape plan by burning wood in order to make Monstro sneeze. The plan works, but the enraged whale gives chase. Eventually, Pinocchio succeeds in getting Geppetto to safety in a cave under a cliff before Monstro rams into it. After Monstro's defeat, Jiminy discovers that Pinocchio has been killed. At their home, the group mourn Pinocchio, but from afar, the Blue Fairy decides Pinocchio has proven himself, and he is reborn as a real human boy, much to the euphoria of his family.
65话 / 1997-09-13
简介: The show centers on the titular character, Pepper Ann Pearson, a 12-year-old girl whose emotions come out in fantasies. The show was designed to be a "different sort" of girl's cartoon, and features many strong-willed female characters who aggressively reject the idea of passive femininity. Pepper Ann's best friends are Milo Kamalani, a very eccentric, highly dramatic artist; and Nicky Little, a soft-spoken, overachieving aspiring violinist. Other fellow students at Hazelnut Middle School include rich and spoiled Trinket, German boy Dieter Liederhosen, popular airhead Cissy, gossipy twins Tessa and Vanessa, Nicky's boyfriend, the RC car-racing "nerd" Stewart Walldinger, and the cool 8th-grader, Craig Bean. Pepper Ann has no real enemies except Principal Hickey, a tough disciplinarian with zero tolerance for Pepper Ann's shenanigans, Wayne Macabre, an annoying radio DJ, and Alice Kane, an uppity snob who refers to her as "P. Ann". As well, Pepper Ann usually receives advice from her conscience in the form of her reflection. She gets into mild vocal quarrels with her reflection and her feminist mother, Lydia Pearson, although Lydia usually gives the moral at the end. Pepper Ann's father is seen only in a few episodes in his entirety. We know, however, that he was English, and divorced Lydia (although the two remain on good terms) when the girls were young. Lydia, in turn, embraces her divorcee, single-mom identity with great gusto, and encourages Pepper Ann to be as proudly independent as she is, although she does keep a curfew on Pepper Ann. Further support is given by Lydia's sister, Janie Diggety, an ex-Green Beret, and Pepper Ann's tomboyish deep-voiced younger sister, Moose. The show's plots were generally typical of the developing format that has risen out of federal E/I requirements: Pepper Ann is presented with a moral dilemma, chooses the wrong decision, faces the consequences and learns a moral lesson. The series was mostly rated TV-Y. However, the Season 1 finale, "In Support of," raised controversy.[citation needed] In the episode, Pepper Ann is told she would need "support" to jump on the trampoline. Thinking the teacher meant "breast support," a paranoid, still flat-chested and seemingly unready Pepper Ann is convinced she now needs a bra. When at the trampoline, and asked where her "support" was, Pepper Ann flashes the class, (her bra) although it is only seen in shadow. (The gag is that by "support," the instructor meant a "support buddy.") That episode was rated TV-Y7. At the end of the opening sequence, she always finds something different under her desk (similar to The Simpsons' couch gag), such as a mood ring or maracas (also the letter Q in the episode "Vanessa Less Tessa", a glowing green stick in the episode "Hazelnut's Finest", a singing Dieter doll in the episode "Presenting Stewart Waldinger", Mardi Gras beads, and her [Pepper Ann's] remote control in the episode "Radio Freak Hazelnut".) ; in season one, she always finds "five bucks". One of the original segments of "One Saturday Morning", Pepper Ann was a hit with audiences. Pepper Ann was formerly shown on Toon Disney. Pepper Ann and Lydia make a cameo appearance at the House of Mouse episode The Stolen Cartoons. They are the only Walt Disney Television Animation characters to ever appear on House of Mouse, who only used characters from Disney's features and classic shorts (and sometimes comics). Lydia says "Don't touch the villain, dear," to Pepper Ann after Pete falls out of the sky after being kicked out of the club.