10话 / 2018-01-05 / 湯浅政明 / 永井豪「デビルマン」
简介: 随着恶魔觉醒,人类世界陷入混乱。性格温柔的男孩与恶魔合体,在神秘好友飞鸟了的指引下,卷入一场残酷、堕落的对抗邪恶之战。
1话 / 2014-01-01
简介: “Dinner For Few” is a ten minute CG-animated film depicting a sociopolitical allegory of our society. During dinner, "the system" works like a well-oiled machine. It solely feeds the select few who eventually, foolishly consume all the resources while the rest survive on scraps from the table. Inevitably, when the supply is depleted, the struggle for what remains leads to catastrophic change. Sadly, the offspring of this profound transition turn out not to be a sign of hope, but the spitting image of the parents
1话 / 2020-07-31 / 李凌霄 / 不思凡
简介: 传说,彼岸花能实现所有愿望; 但真相是彼岸花寄居在最纯净的灵魂心中,却能给周围带来灾难!丁果和他的师父,走上了消灭彼岸花、拯救世人的道路。 而每一次的拯救,都意味着要有一个同伴做出牺牲。