1话 / 1992-08-01 / 鈴木行
简介: 『らんま1/2 決戦桃幻郷! 花嫁を奪りもどせ!!』(らんま1/2 けっせんとうげんきょう! はなよめをとりもどせ!)は、1992年8月1日に公開された日本のアニメ映画で劇場版『らんま1/2』シリーズの第2作目。配給はアルゴプロジェクト。上映時間は60分。 らんま達は九能の招待で南の島へバカンスに来ていた。そこでかすみ、なびき、あかね、シャンプー、右京が次々に謎の影にさらわれていく。その犯人が桃磨であり、彼は自分の花嫁を決める為に花嫁候補になりうる若い女性を集めていたのだった。そこへらんま達は救出へ向かう。
0话 / 1992-04-13 / 本郷みつる(#1-#SP13)、原恵一(#203-#506)、ムトウユージ(#507-) / 臼井儀人(らくだ社)
简介: 《蜡笔小新》(日语:クレヨンしんちゃん,英语:Crayon Shin-chan)是日本已故漫画家臼井仪人所著的漫画。由于蜡笔小新大受欢迎,动画版于1992年在朝日电视台播出。在日本,电视动画版自1992年4月13日开始,持续在朝日电视台播出。尽管播放时间超过10年,目前仍有10~12%的收视率,堪称是少数几部的长寿动画,收视率常高居前10名。
3话 / 1992-02-27 / 近藤信宏 / 矢立肇、広井王子
简介: 月旅行中に迷子になった小学5年生の少年・遥大地が、月の裏側の世界・ラビルーナを邪動帝国の手から守るため、召喚した魔動王に乗って戦うファンタジックなロボットアクション『魔動王(マドーキング)グランゾート』。1989年~90年に日本テレビ系で放送されたこのアニメのOVA第1弾が本作だ。原作は矢立肇と広井王子、監督は井内秀治。アニメーション制作はTVシリーズと同じくサンライズが担当する。
1话 / 1992-12-19
简介: 这一回,故事由学校让同学们根据自己喜欢的歌曲而描绘出一幅画来开始。小丸子在去静冈县的外婆家途中,遇到了帮路人素描打工的大姐姐,并成为了忘年交。在大姐姐对歌曲故事的讲述下,小丸子也画出了得奖的作品,并且还“童言无忌”的一番话感动了大姐姐,让大姐姐重新权衡了与北海道大哥哥的 恋情和自己的梦想哪个更重要。
4话 / 1992-12-16
简介: 集齐六本“伊苏之书”的亚特鲁被强大的力量传送至空中大陆——古伊苏国。被明朗的村中少女莉莉娅救助后,亚特鲁在空中大陆展开了新一轮冒险。菲娜与蕾雅的身份居然是创立伊苏的双生女神!而古伊苏国、六神官与“黑珍珠”的历史也逐渐浮出水面……
50话 / 1992-02-03
简介: 《俏皮小花仙》中每一集的故事大都是各自独立的,主要描述孩子们与玛莉蓓尔的日常交往,是他们之间关于梦想、关于友谊、关于爱的故事,一起去经历冒险,共同面对他们遇到的困难,从孩子的视角展现他们和玛莉蓓尔一起成长的历程,所有的故事都简单得几近平淡,纯净得近乎透明,但那却是一种让人不忍触及的美丽。 玛莉蓓尔是一位花魔法使,她使用花魔法让鲜花盛开在每个人的心中,来抚慰人们受伤的心灵,帮助人们找寻梦想,鼓励人们更坚强。准备好了吗?怀着童真的心灵,带着梦想的翅膀,我们,出发!!!
1话 / 1992-11-25
简介: Jafar, Grand Vizier to the Sultan of Agrabah, is attempting to retrieve a magical oil lamp containing a genie from the Cave of Wonders. After seeing a petty thief's failed attempt to enter the cave, Jafar and his parrot, Iago, learn that only a "Diamond in the Rough" can enter the cave. Jasmine, the Sultan's daughter, frustrated with her life in the palace, flees to Agrabah's marketplace. There she meets street rat Aladdin and his monkey, Abu. The two discover they have a lot in common. When Aladdin is detained for thievery, Jasmine orders him released, but Jafar lies to her that Aladdin has been executed. Disguised as an elder, Jafar releases Aladdin and Abu from prison and lead them to the Cave of Wonders. The tiger-shaped head of the cave says to touch nothing but the lamp. Aladdin and Abu enter the cave, where a magic carpet guides them to the lamp. Abu's attempt to steal a ruby causes the cave to start collapsing, but the carpet flies them to the entrance. As Aladdin delivers the lamp, Jafar tries to kill him, but Abu bites Jafar in the arm and gets the lamp back as he, the carpet, and Aladdin fall back into the cave just as it closes. In the collapsed cave, Aladdin rubs the lamp, unexpectedly unleashing a genie, who reveals he will grant Aladdin three wishes—with the exception of murder, romance, or revival of the dead. Aladdin tricks the Genie into freeing them from the cave without using a wish. While contemplating his wishes, Genie admits he would wish for freedom, since he is a prisoner to his lamp. Aladdin promises to free the Genie for his last wish. After talking about Jasmine with the Genie, Aladdin decides to use his first wish to become a prince so he can woo Jasmine. Aladdin returns to Agrabah just as Jafar tries to trick the Sultan into arranging a marriage between himself and Jasmine. When Aladdin parades into the Sultan's palace as "Prince Ali", Jasmine rejects Ali as a suitor. Despite the Genie's suggestion that Aladdin to tell the princess who he really is, Aladdin remains the suave prince, and takes Jasmine around the world on the magic carpet. During the trip, Jasmine exposes Ali as the Aladdin, and demands the truth from him. Aladdin instead fabricates a story that he sometimes dresses as a commoner to escape palace life. The couple kisses as Aladdin returns her home. Afterwards, Aladdin is captured by Jafar and thrown into the ocean, but the Genie rescues Aladdin as his second wish. Aladdin returns to the palace and exposes Jafar's plot; and Jafar flees after noticing the lamp in Aladdin's possession, realizing who Aladdin is. As Aladdin gets doubtful about revealing who really is, Iago steals Genie's lamp and brings it to Jafar, who becomes Genie's new master. Jafar uses his first two wishes to become Sultan and the most powerful sorcerer in the world. Using his new powers, Jafar forces Jasmine and her father to bow, exposes Aladdin as a street rat, then exiles him and Abu to a frozen wasteland. Aladdin uses the magic carpet to return to Agrabah, where Jafar has imprisoned both Jasmine and the Sultan as his slaves. Jasmine distracts Jafar with a seductive act as Aladdin tries to steal back the lamp, but Jafar confronts him. He imprisons Jasmine in a large hourglass and turns himself into an enormous cobra. As Jafar traps Aladdin in his coils, he boasts to be "the most powerful being on Earth", which causes Aladdin to shout out that the Genie is more powerful. Faced with this realization, Jafar uses his final wish to become a genie. However, Jafar discovers that genies are not free entities as he is sucked into a black lamp, dragging Iago with him. The Genie flicks the lamp into the Cave of Wonders. After Aladdin realizes that he cannot keep pretending to be something he is not, he decides to keep his promise and wish for the Genie's freedom. Seeing Jasmine's love for Aladdin, the Sultan changes the law to allow her to marry whomever she deems worthy. The newly free Genie leaves to explore the world while Aladdin and Jasmine celebrate their engagement.
1话 / 1992-12-12
简介: 田中芳樹が漫画家道原かつみのために原作を書き下ろし、1986年に外伝として発売された同名コミックの映像化であり、ラインハルトとキルヒアイスの少年時代から宇宙暦792年/帝国暦483年の第5次イゼルローン要塞攻防戦まで(OVAシリーズの「白銀の谷」より前の時期および「決闘者」と「奪還者」の間の時期)が描かれている。この作品はOVAリリース後の劇場公開であった。
1话 / 1992-12-18 / りんたろう / 中島渉
简介: スーパーハッカーと巨大企業のサイバーバトルを描くSFアクション。監督は手塚アニメでも知られる映像の魔術師・りんたろう。さらに、大胆な構図と迫力あるメカアクションで多くのファンをもつ金田伊功がキャラクターデザインと原画を担当。クライマックスのバイクアクションは金田イズム炸裂の必見シーンだ。音楽はかまやつひろし。おなじみのブルース・サウンドが、アナーキーな作風と見事に調和している。 寺の住職でありながら、スーパーハッカーというもうひとつの顔をもつ村田進之介・通称シド。巨大企業エチゴヤが軍事目的のプログラム“デスメール”で世界を牛耳ろうとしていることを知った彼は、その陰謀を阻止すべくサイバーバトルを仕掛けるのだった。