65话 / 1997-09-13
简介: The show centers on the titular character, Pepper Ann Pearson, a 12-year-old girl whose emotions come out in fantasies. The show was designed to be a "different sort" of girl's cartoon, and features many strong-willed female characters who aggressively reject the idea of passive femininity. Pepper Ann's best friends are Milo Kamalani, a very eccentric, highly dramatic artist; and Nicky Little, a soft-spoken, overachieving aspiring violinist. Other fellow students at Hazelnut Middle School include rich and spoiled Trinket, German boy Dieter Liederhosen, popular airhead Cissy, gossipy twins Tessa and Vanessa, Nicky's boyfriend, the RC car-racing "nerd" Stewart Walldinger, and the cool 8th-grader, Craig Bean. Pepper Ann has no real enemies except Principal Hickey, a tough disciplinarian with zero tolerance for Pepper Ann's shenanigans, Wayne Macabre, an annoying radio DJ, and Alice Kane, an uppity snob who refers to her as "P. Ann". As well, Pepper Ann usually receives advice from her conscience in the form of her reflection. She gets into mild vocal quarrels with her reflection and her feminist mother, Lydia Pearson, although Lydia usually gives the moral at the end. Pepper Ann's father is seen only in a few episodes in his entirety. We know, however, that he was English, and divorced Lydia (although the two remain on good terms) when the girls were young. Lydia, in turn, embraces her divorcee, single-mom identity with great gusto, and encourages Pepper Ann to be as proudly independent as she is, although she does keep a curfew on Pepper Ann. Further support is given by Lydia's sister, Janie Diggety, an ex-Green Beret, and Pepper Ann's tomboyish deep-voiced younger sister, Moose. The show's plots were generally typical of the developing format that has risen out of federal E/I requirements: Pepper Ann is presented with a moral dilemma, chooses the wrong decision, faces the consequences and learns a moral lesson. The series was mostly rated TV-Y. However, the Season 1 finale, "In Support of," raised controversy.[citation needed] In the episode, Pepper Ann is told she would need "support" to jump on the trampoline. Thinking the teacher meant "breast support," a paranoid, still flat-chested and seemingly unready Pepper Ann is convinced she now needs a bra. When at the trampoline, and asked where her "support" was, Pepper Ann flashes the class, (her bra) although it is only seen in shadow. (The gag is that by "support," the instructor meant a "support buddy.") That episode was rated TV-Y7. At the end of the opening sequence, she always finds something different under her desk (similar to The Simpsons' couch gag), such as a mood ring or maracas (also the letter Q in the episode "Vanessa Less Tessa", a glowing green stick in the episode "Hazelnut's Finest", a singing Dieter doll in the episode "Presenting Stewart Waldinger", Mardi Gras beads, and her [Pepper Ann's] remote control in the episode "Radio Freak Hazelnut".) ; in season one, she always finds "five bucks". One of the original segments of "One Saturday Morning", Pepper Ann was a hit with audiences. Pepper Ann was formerly shown on Toon Disney. Pepper Ann and Lydia make a cameo appearance at the House of Mouse episode The Stolen Cartoons. They are the only Walt Disney Television Animation characters to ever appear on House of Mouse, who only used characters from Disney's features and classic shorts (and sometimes comics). Lydia says "Don't touch the villain, dear," to Pepper Ann after Pete falls out of the sky after being kicked out of the club.
7话 / 1997-04-25 / 西島克彦 / Studio Fantasia(スタジオ・ファンタジア)
简介: 西元2036年时,因为20年前地球发生大规模的灾害,大多的陆地被大海所淹没。于是许多国家和企业为了找寻沈到海底的遗产,开始互相争夺,因而产生了一种称为“海底探险打捞业”的新兴职业。故事的主角皇蓝华(すめらぎ あいか)是海底探险打捞业中的一流高手,哈根博士则是为了创造自己心中的理想国而妄想毁灭世界的狂人。为了阻止哈根博士的野心,皇蓝华与伙伴们展开了战斗… 《海底娇娃——皇蓝华》(AIKa)是1997年日本OVA动画。因为美艳的女性角色搭配超短迷你裙,成为本作的一大卖点,同时,制作群刻意安排许多清凉镜头与摄影角度上的走光,成为了本作的另一卖点。而本作品也成了近代日本卡通“露内裤”之风作品的创始作和代表性作品。 此外,2007年时另外推出新作《AIKa R-16:VIRGIN MISSION》(VIRGIN MISSION译名处女任务),属于前传性质,讲述蓝华高中生时代的初次冒险。
1话 / 1997-06-27 / John Musker、Ron Clements
简介: 大力士(Hercules,1997年)是迪士尼第35部经典动画长片。 本片的DVD已经由博伟在台湾发行,VCD由中录德加拉在中国大陆发行。 电影原声带由滚石在两岸发行后,EMI、艾回分别在中国大陆、台湾再度发行。 香港版本是于1997年7月10日上映,是回归后在香港首部上映的迪士尼电影,由古巨基及莫文蔚担任配音。
52话 / 1999-07-23
简介: 《西游记》是中央电视台动画部和中国国际电视总公司火炬动画分公司联合投资、制作的,耗资巨大历时6年才大功告成。整个制作过程中,有2000多名动画制作及电脑技术人员倾心参与。他们绘制了近100万张动画,设计了2万张背景,创造了500多个人物造型。每一集时长大约22分钟,整部片子52集,全长1114分钟。制作人员从现代审美要求出发,对原著局部情节上作了删节和修改,使这部动画片既能保留古典文学名著的精髓,又体现出鲜明的当代风格。 动画片对一些主要人物的造型都很有自己的特点,孙悟空不但保持了原著的优点,而且更具有儿童的天真气质。情节的略微改动,也基本上符合故事的发展与人物的思想。例如在流沙河擒拿沙和尚的一集中,加上了沙和尚抢走了猪八戒的小包裹,小包裹中写给高老庄高小姐的情书,这不但使沙和尚知道了他们正是要等待的、从东土去西天取经的和尚,使得他和猪八戒的再一次交战有了喜剧性的效果,也很好地反映了猪八戒的不能脱俗的感情,真是妙笔生花。动画片也没有把唐僧画成只会挨抓,等妖精摆布的窝囊废,在与黄风怪斗争时,唐僧还配合了孙悟空,哄骗引出了黄风怪说出能降他怪风的灵吉菩萨来。
3话 / 1997-05-25 / 亀垣一 / 渡瀬悠宇(小学館 フラワーコミックス)
简介: 鬼宿在战争结束仍活在现实世界里,几个月后他与美朱和奎介到盛冈替白虎巫女扫墓时,因同行的向导僧侣提议要不要去扫奥田家的墓,(僧侣还说多喜子跟她爸爸都在这里),当走到奥田家墓时,突然间鬼宿被玄武巫女的声音引导下突然地消失了。当他醒来时惊见自己已身处“红南国”,鬼宿想起凤绮应该还在便跑到皇宫去,但是他见到的竟是星宿的曾孙子饶肃。原来红南国在上次与俱东国一战后已过了50年,朱雀七星亦已不在……当鬼宿要进朱雀庙却被红光弹开,被认为是骗子遭到鞭刑扔到野外!鬼宿茫然地一直走想去找太一君,却见到一名女人花婉捧着衣服对鬼宿说“心宿大人,我等您很久了”⋯⋯此时鬼宿额头发出蓝光上面写着‘心’字!同时场景一转井宿跟翼宿还在斗嘴,忽然井宿感应到鬼宿气息......这一切究竟是......。
3话 / 1997-01-25 / 青木康直 / 富野由悠季、矢立肇(「機動戦士ガンダム」より)
简介: TVシリーズの物語から1年後を舞台に、真のオペレーション・メテオを実行せんとするデキム・バートンとマリーメイア軍の反乱を描いたOVA。 ノベライズでは『EPISODE ZERO』の内容を詳細に描いた節がある。 後に再編集され、追加映像を加えた「特別篇」が劇場公開された。
3话 / 1997-07-25
简介: 魔法骑士的OVA 一共有三话,内容跟TV版大不相同,但都是讲述三个平凡少女来到魔法世界的故事。 具体来讲有以下不同: · 光、风、海 一开始就是好朋友 · 菲力欧变成了坏人 · 人物服饰都变了 · 出现了叫圣兽的东西,可以变成魔神 · 公主和导师都变大人了 总的来讲,魔法骑士OVA的内容基本上是与TV版无关的,不过是将人物造型及名称挪用过来了,就像 翼年代记 和 魔卡少女樱 差不多。看的时候难免会和TV版联系到一起,引人遐想。
1话 / 1997-08-02 / わたなべひろし / 神坂一
简介: 史东那城市到处都有因魔力而动的魔偶,在这里的两位伯爵海建与葛拉尼欧正在争夺城镇的主导权。於是两人达成协议要以魔偶对决来决定一切。生在魔偶工匠家族的不幸少女莱雅,因家中父兄两人的不合而伤透脑筋。其父兄两人也莫名地卷入这场城主之争,并且竟然做出莉娜和娜卡的魔偶!究竟史东那城市真正的未来与和平是否真的会到来呢? 莉娜在结尾被抢走钱币之後,使用「覇王雷撃阵(ダイナスト?ブラス)」取回钱币。
52话 / 1997-01-01
简介: 人参王国的国宝失窃了,于是老参王派小参娃、红参、雪参、龙参等人去寻找。镇国宝被野兽国的熊罴王,飞禽国的雕王,水族国的喇蛄元首以及神秘莫测的鸡冠蛇等人明争暗夺,各路生灵纷纷被卷入这次纷争中,直到拼得你死我活,最后被天池怪兽渔翁得利。于是他们团结在了一起。制服了天池怪兽,夺回了国宝。就像结尾时说的:国宝回归包含了所有人的努力付出。(摘自百度)