1话 / 1992-11-25
简介: Jafar, Grand Vizier to the Sultan of Agrabah, is attempting to retrieve a magical oil lamp containing a genie from the Cave of Wonders. After seeing a petty thief's failed attempt to enter the cave, Jafar and his parrot, Iago, learn that only a "Diamond in the Rough" can enter the cave. Jasmine, the Sultan's daughter, frustrated with her life in the palace, flees to Agrabah's marketplace. There she meets street rat Aladdin and his monkey, Abu. The two discover they have a lot in common. When Aladdin is detained for thievery, Jasmine orders him released, but Jafar lies to her that Aladdin has been executed. Disguised as an elder, Jafar releases Aladdin and Abu from prison and lead them to the Cave of Wonders. The tiger-shaped head of the cave says to touch nothing but the lamp. Aladdin and Abu enter the cave, where a magic carpet guides them to the lamp. Abu's attempt to steal a ruby causes the cave to start collapsing, but the carpet flies them to the entrance. As Aladdin delivers the lamp, Jafar tries to kill him, but Abu bites Jafar in the arm and gets the lamp back as he, the carpet, and Aladdin fall back into the cave just as it closes. In the collapsed cave, Aladdin rubs the lamp, unexpectedly unleashing a genie, who reveals he will grant Aladdin three wishes—with the exception of murder, romance, or revival of the dead. Aladdin tricks the Genie into freeing them from the cave without using a wish. While contemplating his wishes, Genie admits he would wish for freedom, since he is a prisoner to his lamp. Aladdin promises to free the Genie for his last wish. After talking about Jasmine with the Genie, Aladdin decides to use his first wish to become a prince so he can woo Jasmine. Aladdin returns to Agrabah just as Jafar tries to trick the Sultan into arranging a marriage between himself and Jasmine. When Aladdin parades into the Sultan's palace as "Prince Ali", Jasmine rejects Ali as a suitor. Despite the Genie's suggestion that Aladdin to tell the princess who he really is, Aladdin remains the suave prince, and takes Jasmine around the world on the magic carpet. During the trip, Jasmine exposes Ali as the Aladdin, and demands the truth from him. Aladdin instead fabricates a story that he sometimes dresses as a commoner to escape palace life. The couple kisses as Aladdin returns her home. Afterwards, Aladdin is captured by Jafar and thrown into the ocean, but the Genie rescues Aladdin as his second wish. Aladdin returns to the palace and exposes Jafar's plot; and Jafar flees after noticing the lamp in Aladdin's possession, realizing who Aladdin is. As Aladdin gets doubtful about revealing who really is, Iago steals Genie's lamp and brings it to Jafar, who becomes Genie's new master. Jafar uses his first two wishes to become Sultan and the most powerful sorcerer in the world. Using his new powers, Jafar forces Jasmine and her father to bow, exposes Aladdin as a street rat, then exiles him and Abu to a frozen wasteland. Aladdin uses the magic carpet to return to Agrabah, where Jafar has imprisoned both Jasmine and the Sultan as his slaves. Jasmine distracts Jafar with a seductive act as Aladdin tries to steal back the lamp, but Jafar confronts him. He imprisons Jasmine in a large hourglass and turns himself into an enormous cobra. As Jafar traps Aladdin in his coils, he boasts to be "the most powerful being on Earth", which causes Aladdin to shout out that the Genie is more powerful. Faced with this realization, Jafar uses his final wish to become a genie. However, Jafar discovers that genies are not free entities as he is sucked into a black lamp, dragging Iago with him. The Genie flicks the lamp into the Cave of Wonders. After Aladdin realizes that he cannot keep pretending to be something he is not, he decides to keep his promise and wish for the Genie's freedom. Seeing Jasmine's love for Aladdin, the Sultan changes the law to allow her to marry whomever she deems worthy. The newly free Genie leaves to explore the world while Aladdin and Jasmine celebrate their engagement.
1话 / 1937-12-21 / David Hand(supervising) /William Cottrell /Wilfred Jackson /Larry Morey /Perce Pearce /Ben Sharpsteen
简介: 白雪公主原本是世界上最幸福的人,可惜当她母后逝去,父王娶了她继母后,这一切都改变了。恶毒的继母处处为难白雪公主,当她父王也死后,白雪公主过得更艰难了。这天,皇后从魔镜中得知世上最美的人不是自己而是白雪公主后,气急败坏的她下令武士将她带到森林处决了,好心的武士放走了白雪公主。夜晚,森林里的七个小矮人收留了无家可归的白雪公主。当皇后得知白雪公主还没死时,气急败坏的她决定亲自出马将白雪公主害死。第二天,她化妆成了一个老婆婆,带着毒苹果往森林深处走去。
1话 / 1981-01-01 / 周克勤
简介: 一群猴子在森林中各自玩耍时,蓝猴抬头看到了又圆又亮的月亮,梦想拥有它,于是吹了一声口哨把大伙召来,它们采用接竹竿的形式摘起月亮来,无奈竹竿接再长,月亮仍高高在上。黄猴看到井水中月亮的倒影时,也兴奋地吹起口哨召来大伙,蓝猴搔搔脑袋再生一计,大伙又一个接一个倒挂金钩捞起月亮来,可是月亮果然被捞进脸盆里时,它们又为谁拥有它打起架来,结果,脸盆落地,月亮“碎”成一片,真应了“水中捞月一场空”。 值得一提的是,导演周克勤针对儿童观赏的心理特点,采用“简单、明快、生动、有趣”的样式格调和具有中国民间水墨拉毛的猴子造型,这让该动画片在今天看来,也不失强烈的儿童情趣。
1话 / 1981-01-01 / 胡雄华、沈祖慰
简介: 早晨,湖边寂静无声。一灰一白一黄三只小兔快活地扑蝴蝶。忽然湖中传来“咕咚”一声,这奇怪的声音把小兔们吓了一大跳。刚想去看个究竟,又听到“咕咚”一声,这可把小兔们吓坏了,“快跑,咕咚来了,快逃呀!”它们转身就跑。狐狸正在同小鸟跳舞,与跑来的兔子碰了个满怀。狐狸一听“咕咚来了!”也紧张起来,跟着就跑。它们又惊醒了睡觉的小熊和树上的小猴。小熊和小猴也不问青红皂白,跟着它们跑起来。大象感到惊讶,拉住狐狸问:“出了什么事?”狐狸气喘吁 吁地说:“ 咕咚来了,那是个三个脑袋,八条腿的怪物……”于是一路上跟着跑的动物越来越多,还有河马、 老虎、野猪……岸上这阵骚乱,使湖中的青蛙感到十分惊奇,它拦住了这群吓蒙了的伙伴们,问:“出了什么事?”大家七嘴八舌地形容“咕咚” 是个多么可怕的怪物。青蛙问:“谁见到了?”小熊推小猴,小猴推狐狸,狐狸推小兔,结果谁也没有亲眼看见。大家决定回去看看明白再说。回 到湖边,又听见“咕咚”一声,仔细一看,原来是木瓜掉进水里发出的声音,众动物不禁大笑起来。
1话 / 1981-01-01 / 钱家骍、王柏荣
简介: 本美术片为剪纸片,改编自家喻户晓的寓言故事《滥竽充数》。 齐国好讲排场的国君齐宣王最爱听人齐吹竽,但对手下众乐师的技艺很不满意,众臣为迎合他,在全国征召了300名吹竽好手,可是由于工作失误,待要献给齐宣王时才发现少了一名。众臣发愁之际,擅长发投机倒把之财的南郭先生“毛遂自荐”,虽然他压根不懂吹竽,却还是用花言巧语和伎俩哄得齐宣王非常开心,并被赐赏钱财美人。随着行情水涨船高,南郭先生越发得意,春秋大梦甚至做到自己成了国君,哪想到,齐宣王突然驾崩,而继位的齐愍王恰是个不喜热闹专爱听人独奏的国君。
1话 / 1980-01-01 / 阎善春
简介: 一天,老狼捉到两只鸡,兴冲冲地担回家。老狼把鸡煮在锅里,就去请老熊一起来品尝美味。哪知他刚出门,在一旁窥伺已久的狐狸却趁机溜进去把鸡都偷吃了。 狐狸从老狼家溜出后,却在老熊面前装成可怜的受害者,并挑拨离间,对老熊说:“老狼正在家里磨刀 ,准是要割你的耳朵!”老熊潜至窗外,看见老狼真的在磨刀,信以为真,吓得拔腿就跑。然后,狐狸马上又回到老狼家,对老狼说:“我刚刚看见老熊手里拎了两只鸡,从你家里溜出来,准是偷的!”老狼掀开锅盖一看,鸡果然没有了,很恼火,于是就追出大门。 老狼和老熊两个好朋友轻信了狡猾的狐狸,结果双方狠狠地打了一架。最后才醒悟过来,原来是上了狐狸的当。
1话 / 1962-01-01 / 万古蟾 / 张士杰
简介: 财主胡刮皮家的童工小虎子整天挨打挨骂,夜里还要不停地挑水。一次,他发现一个身穿红围兜的娃娃在井边玩耍,便与他成了好朋友。娃娃看到小虎子被财主打得伤痕斑斑,为了帮他还清欠债,获得自由,便送给他一株大人参。 财主见了这棵人参,料定这小娃娃一定是人参精,逼问小虎子人参的来历,进而强迫小虎子带他去找人参娃娃。小虎子知道财主没安好心,就在当夜悄悄地去告诉小娃娃。不料,正当他见到小娃娃时,在后边偷偷跟踪的财主抓住了人参娃娃的辫子,小虎子猛扑过去咬住财主的手臂,财主一松手,人参娃娃遁入土中。财主怒冲冲地将小虎子推到峭壁边沿,这时人参娃娃再次出现,把财主引开之后,又遁入土中。财主掘洞找寻,突然山石震动,掉下的石块把财主埋在洞里。
1话 / 1996-08-03 / りんたろう / CLAMP
简介: 漫画版は1992年に「月刊ASUKA」誌に掲載開始。不定期に連載の中断・再開があり、2010年時点においては休載中。ラジオ番組『ミッド☆ナイト あすかチャンネル』(TBSラジオファンタジーワールド枠)内で漫画版のキャラクターストーリーを基にしたラジオドラマも制作・放送された。 1996年には劇場版が公開。主題歌はX JAPANの「Forever Love」。その後、テレビアニメ版が2001年10月からWOWOW(ノンスクランブル放送)で放送された。 漫画版、劇場版とテレビアニメ版では、それぞれが微妙に異なる設定と展開がある。東京のビル群が倒壊したり、登場人物がバラバラになって死ぬというグロテスクな描写が多い。
1话 / 1996-04-20
简介: ギャラクシーポリス本部で服役していた凶悪犯、禍因が脱走した。同じ頃、過去の時間軸に変化が起こり、その影響で天地の体が消えかかってしまう。時間軸を元に戻すべく、天地たちは過去にタイムスリップする。