1话 / 2006-11-17 / George Miller
简介: Every penguin sings a unique song called a "heartsong" to attract a mate. If the male penguin's heartsong matches the female's song, the two penguins mate. Norma Jean, a female penguin, sings "Kiss", whereupon Memphis, a male penguin, sings "Heartbreak Hotel". Norma Jean chooses Memphis as her mate. She lays an egg, which is left with Memphis while Norma Jean leaves with the other females to fish. While the males struggle through the harsh winter, Memphis accidentally drops the egg, briefly exposing it to the freezing Antarctic temperatures. The resulting chick, Mumble, has blue eyes, ever-lasting down feathers, and a terrible singing voice. However, Mumble has a talent that no other penguin has ever seen before: tap dancing. One day Mumble wanders into a secluded area, where he is free to dance without any complaints. Mumble is interrupted when Boss Skua and his posse Dino, Frankie, and Vinnie attempt to eat him. Mumble stalls by asking the leader of the pack about a yellow band that is attached to his right ankle. The Boss Skua tells Mumble that he had been abducted by "aliens". Mumble narrowly escapes the hungry birds by falling into a crevice. Years latter, Mumble, now an adult but still half-covered in fluffy down, joins his class graduates on their first trip into the ocean, where they find a large iceberg to rest on. After interrupting the graduates' song, Mumble is forced to leave, and finds a smaller iceberg. A leopard seal chases him off the iceberg. After escaping the leopard seal, he befriends a small group of bachelors which are Adele Penguins who form a club called "the Amigos": the leader Ramon, the brothers Raul and Nestor, and twin brothers Rinaldo and Lombardo. The Amigos quickly embrace Mumble's dance moves and assimilate him into their misfit group. Mumble's joy is cut short when he accidentally starts an avalanche and causes a hidden human excavator to tumble out from a glacier. Driven by curiosity, he sets out to find the "aliens" responsible for the machine. Mumble has a lot of questions, and the group suggests that he ask Lovelace, a Rockhopper penguin who answers questions in exchange for stones and is known as the guru. Lovelace has the plastic rings of a six pack entangled around his neck, which he uses to project his guru image. When asked if the rings were from the aliens, Lovelace denies that aliens exists and claims that the plastic rings were bestowed upon him by mystic beings. In Mumble's old home, it is mating season, and Gloria is the center of attention. Although she is surrounded by a large horde of suitors, none of their heartsongs interest her. Ramon tries to help Mumble by singing a Spanish version of "My Way". Gloria is not fooled, however, for she knows Mumble cannot sing. She then notices Ramon behind Mumble's back. Gloria becomes angry and turns her back on Mumble. Gloria continues towards the other males visibly distraught. As a last resort, Mumble tries to persuade her to sing along to his tapping rhythm. Because of her affection for him, she complies. As Mumble's beat speeds up, Gloria finds the chorus to her heartsong, and realizes it is "Boogie Wonderland". Overcome with happiness that they can now be mates, the pair begin dancing, along with the other penguins. Noah the elder sees their lack of fish as punishment from the Great 'Guin for Mumble's dancing. Mumble tries to explain about the mysterious "aliens", and that they are the cause of the scarceness of fish, but only his mother and Gloria believe him. Noah exiles Mumble from the colony. Mumble vows that he will find the real cause of the famine. He and the Amigos return to Lovelace only to find him being choked by the plastic rings. Lovelace confesses that he got stuck in the rings while swimming near the forbidden shores. He reveals that the forbidden shores are located past the land of elephant seals and beyond the blizzard country. Mumble, the Amigos and Lovelace start their journey. Gloria tries to come, but Mumble, fearing for her safety, drives her off by insulting her singing talents. They travel across vast territories till they reach the shore. Mumble sees a boat and swims after it. He swims far, and is washed up exhausted onshore. He is rescued and kept at Marine World with some Magellanic Penguins. He tries to communicate with the "aliens", but when his pleas fail, Mumble nearly succumbs to madness after long confinement. When a girl attempts to interact with Mumble by tapping the glass, he starts dancing, and soon a large crowd gathers. He is released back into the wild, with a Tracking system on his back. He leads the humans to his colony. The other penguins are skeptical, but when Gloria notices the device, they realize that the "aliens" exist. Convinced, the penguins, along with the elders, dance with Mumble to get the humans' attention. A research team arrives and film the penguins dancing. They bring the footage back and a worldwide debate ensues. The governments realize they are overfishing. Antarctic fishing is banned, and the fish population recovers. At this, the Emperor Penguins and the Amigos celebrate. In the final scene, a baby penguin is seen dancing next to Mumble and Gloria, revealed to be their son Erik in Happy Feet Two.
13话 / 2003-04-14 / 佐藤竜雄 / 川尻善昭
简介: 江户时代,德川幕府当政。有一群人活动于黑暗中,他们叫做蛭子忍群。他们从黑暗中出生,在黑暗中死亡。但是,传说若能将从古代传承下来的龙宝玉和光之巫女的力量结合,那么蛭子的人们也能沐浴到光芒。有一个人相信这一传说,逃离了蛭子。故事就是从这里开始的。同时,一伙被称为鬼门众的忍者开始盯上了被盗走的宝玉和隐居的光之巫女。这伙人是在替企图再兴丰臣家的暗公方活动。他们的目的是什么呢?在深深的谜团中,蛭子与鬼门众为了宝玉展开了激烈的争斗。在这场争斗中,有个人因为意想不到的原因被卷了进来。他的名字叫牙神兽兵卫。持有绝技疾风之居合——镰鼬,他是个相当厉害的“雇佣忍者”。虽然兽兵卫说他只是因为睡觉被吵醒了才发怒的,以后不会再参与这场争斗,但是命运却一步步地将他与宝玉和巫女联系在一起。不知是偶然还是受谁的指引,兽兵卫来到了巫女的隐居地,见到了美丽的少女巫女——时雨。兽兵卫和老忍者浊庵和少年忍者飞砾一起,踏上了保护被追杀的时雨的旅程。时雨从浊庵那里得知自己似乎与柳生一族有某种关系,为了探求自己出生的秘密,开始前往柳生之村。前进的途中接连不断有蛭子忍群和鬼门众的忍者来袭,他们使出种种妖术,但是在兽兵卫的疾风之太刀前无一不被斩杀得粉碎。引发激烈争斗的宝玉与光之巫女,它们真正的力量又是什么呢……
1话 / 2006-06-09 / John Lasseter
简介: 时髦拉风的赛车“闪电”麦坤,一直梦想在赛车大赛中脱颖而出,麦坤轻装上路,准备到达加利福尼亚,赢得闪亮的奖牌。一路飚车的麦坤却在途中意外迷路,闯入了已经被废弃的66号公路旁一个貌不惊人的陌生小镇,横冲直撞的他毁了镇民不少财产,为了尽快上路,麦坤不得不答应做义工,和小镇居民打成一片。于是他结识了很多不按规则办事的新朋友:直爽漂亮、2002年产的时髦保时捷莎莉,有着神秘历史的1951年产蓝天老爷车博士(哈德森博士),满身铁锈但值得信任的拖车板牙(拖线)以及镇上形形色色的汽车们。最初不以为然的麦坤却发现小镇上实际卧虎藏龙,在这个奇幻的汽车世界里,他们共同经历了一段超乎想像的神奇旅程。麦坤最终发现生命真正可贵的是旅程,而不是冲过终点线的瞬间,胜利、荣誉和名声远远不是生活的真谛……
6话 / 2008-07-08
简介: 本作是由日本动画工作室STUDIO 4℃、Production I.G、BEE TRAIN、Madhouse分别制作的六部短篇动画合集。 故事设定时间则是在两部电影《蝙蝠侠:开战时刻》(2005年)及《黑暗骑士》(2008年)之间。 作为特典映像、将曾得到艾美奖的“拥有冰之心的男人~急冻人~”、‘蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士归来’加以动画化成“黑暗骑士传说”等、也收录了四只‘蝙蝠侠 动画版’的小事件动画(有两段未在日本放送)。 俺たちのスゴい話(制作 - STUDIO 4℃ / 監督 - 西見祥示郎) クロスファイア(制作 - Production I.G / 監督 - 東出太) フィールドテスト(制作 - ビィートレイン / 監督 - モリヲカヒロシ) 闇の中で(制作 - マッドハウス / 監督 - 青木康浩) 克服できない痛み(制作 - STUDIO 4℃ / 監督 - 窪岡俊之) デッドショット(制作 - マッドハウス / 監督 - Jong-Sik Nam)
52话 / 2003-06-01
简介: 这部集神话、童话、传奇于一体的大型动画连续剧,讲述了小英雄哪吒成长的故事。大魔头石矶潜伏千年,伺机向正义力量反扑,她帮助残暴的纣王镇压天下的民众。正义力量期待着一个英雄的诞生,而石矶为了自己的阴谋,开始不断指使她的爪牙申公豹除掉哪吒。哪吒尚未出生,就不断遭遇危险,出生后,更是在一种异乎寻常的环境中奇迹般地成长起来。但是,在父母兄弟的身边,他一直都很快乐的活着。
2话 / 2003-03-18 / 木上益治
简介: 《MUNTO》是京都动画于2003年推出的一部奇幻风格的OVA。作为京都动画的首部原创作品,《MUNTO》第一部就因宏大的世界观和细腻的镜头表现赢得了赞誉,尽管在商业上并不是特别成功,但其制作水准足以令同时期多数OVA相形见绌。2005年,京都动画带来了《MUNTO》的第二部《MUNTO~穿越时空之壁》。《穿越时空之壁》延续前作的剧情,更加入了天上界的势力斗争,气势宏大的魔神大战也是不容错过的卖点。制作班底依然是前作的原班人马。
1话 / 2009-01-25
简介: 《爆炸头武士》的第二季被命名为《爆炸头武士:复活》(Afro Samurai: Resurrection),目前已经开始制作并将在2009年1月播出,播出电视台仍为SPIKE TV 《复活》的故事发生在第一季完结之后的几年,阿非的战争没有结束,他已经开始后悔自己选择的道路,当然更让他心痛的是死在他刀下的朋友们。阿非的敌人也越来越多,其中还包括一支僵尸军队,带领这支军队的不是别人,正是阿非被复活的父亲。在新季中还会出现一个由刘玉玲配音的角色,这位角色不仅胸部十分丰满,而且还喜欢拿这点来炫耀。
52话 / 2007-04-05
简介: 某年某月某日,全球各地的小朋友都收到一套不可思议的卡牌。玩家能从牌中召唤出来自异世界的、叫爆丸的怪兽进行格斗。