1话 / 2006-11-17 / George Miller
简介: Every penguin sings a unique song called a "heartsong" to attract a mate. If the male penguin's heartsong matches the female's song, the two penguins mate. Norma Jean, a female penguin, sings "Kiss", whereupon Memphis, a male penguin, sings "Heartbreak Hotel". Norma Jean chooses Memphis as her mate. She lays an egg, which is left with Memphis while Norma Jean leaves with the other females to fish. While the males struggle through the harsh winter, Memphis accidentally drops the egg, briefly exposing it to the freezing Antarctic temperatures. The resulting chick, Mumble, has blue eyes, ever-lasting down feathers, and a terrible singing voice. However, Mumble has a talent that no other penguin has ever seen before: tap dancing. One day Mumble wanders into a secluded area, where he is free to dance without any complaints. Mumble is interrupted when Boss Skua and his posse Dino, Frankie, and Vinnie attempt to eat him. Mumble stalls by asking the leader of the pack about a yellow band that is attached to his right ankle. The Boss Skua tells Mumble that he had been abducted by "aliens". Mumble narrowly escapes the hungry birds by falling into a crevice. Years latter, Mumble, now an adult but still half-covered in fluffy down, joins his class graduates on their first trip into the ocean, where they find a large iceberg to rest on. After interrupting the graduates' song, Mumble is forced to leave, and finds a smaller iceberg. A leopard seal chases him off the iceberg. After escaping the leopard seal, he befriends a small group of bachelors which are Adele Penguins who form a club called "the Amigos": the leader Ramon, the brothers Raul and Nestor, and twin brothers Rinaldo and Lombardo. The Amigos quickly embrace Mumble's dance moves and assimilate him into their misfit group. Mumble's joy is cut short when he accidentally starts an avalanche and causes a hidden human excavator to tumble out from a glacier. Driven by curiosity, he sets out to find the "aliens" responsible for the machine. Mumble has a lot of questions, and the group suggests that he ask Lovelace, a Rockhopper penguin who answers questions in exchange for stones and is known as the guru. Lovelace has the plastic rings of a six pack entangled around his neck, which he uses to project his guru image. When asked if the rings were from the aliens, Lovelace denies that aliens exists and claims that the plastic rings were bestowed upon him by mystic beings. In Mumble's old home, it is mating season, and Gloria is the center of attention. Although she is surrounded by a large horde of suitors, none of their heartsongs interest her. Ramon tries to help Mumble by singing a Spanish version of "My Way". Gloria is not fooled, however, for she knows Mumble cannot sing. She then notices Ramon behind Mumble's back. Gloria becomes angry and turns her back on Mumble. Gloria continues towards the other males visibly distraught. As a last resort, Mumble tries to persuade her to sing along to his tapping rhythm. Because of her affection for him, she complies. As Mumble's beat speeds up, Gloria finds the chorus to her heartsong, and realizes it is "Boogie Wonderland". Overcome with happiness that they can now be mates, the pair begin dancing, along with the other penguins. Noah the elder sees their lack of fish as punishment from the Great 'Guin for Mumble's dancing. Mumble tries to explain about the mysterious "aliens", and that they are the cause of the scarceness of fish, but only his mother and Gloria believe him. Noah exiles Mumble from the colony. Mumble vows that he will find the real cause of the famine. He and the Amigos return to Lovelace only to find him being choked by the plastic rings. Lovelace confesses that he got stuck in the rings while swimming near the forbidden shores. He reveals that the forbidden shores are located past the land of elephant seals and beyond the blizzard country. Mumble, the Amigos and Lovelace start their journey. Gloria tries to come, but Mumble, fearing for her safety, drives her off by insulting her singing talents. They travel across vast territories till they reach the shore. Mumble sees a boat and swims after it. He swims far, and is washed up exhausted onshore. He is rescued and kept at Marine World with some Magellanic Penguins. He tries to communicate with the "aliens", but when his pleas fail, Mumble nearly succumbs to madness after long confinement. When a girl attempts to interact with Mumble by tapping the glass, he starts dancing, and soon a large crowd gathers. He is released back into the wild, with a Tracking system on his back. He leads the humans to his colony. The other penguins are skeptical, but when Gloria notices the device, they realize that the "aliens" exist. Convinced, the penguins, along with the elders, dance with Mumble to get the humans' attention. A research team arrives and film the penguins dancing. They bring the footage back and a worldwide debate ensues. The governments realize they are overfishing. Antarctic fishing is banned, and the fish population recovers. At this, the Emperor Penguins and the Amigos celebrate. In the final scene, a baby penguin is seen dancing next to Mumble and Gloria, revealed to be their son Erik in Happy Feet Two.
1话 / 1940-02-07 / Ben Sharpsteen&Hamilton Luske / The Adventures of Pinocchio
简介: After singing the film's signature song "When You Wish upon a Star", Jiminy Cricket explains to the audience that he is going to tell a story of a wish coming true. In flashback, he moves into the workshop of the woodworker Geppetto to warm himself from the cold. Jiminy watches as Geppetto finishes work on a wooden marionette which he dubs Pinocchio. Before falling asleep, Geppetto makes a wish on a star that Pinocchio could be a real boy. During the night, the star, in the form of a Blue Fairy, visits the workshop to grant Geppetto's wish. She makes Pinocchio come alive, while remaining still a puppet. The fairy tells Pinocchio that if he wants to become a real boy of flesh and blood he must prove himself to be brave, truthful and unselfish and able to tell right from wrong by listening to his conscience. Pinocchio does not understand what a conscience is, and Jiminy appears to explain it to him. The Blue Fairy asks if Jiminy would serve as Pinocchio's conscience, a task he accepts. Geppetto discovers that his wish has come true, and is filled with joy. The next day, he sends Pinocchio on his first day of school. However, the naive Pinocchio is led astray by the conniving con artists Honest John and Gideon, who convince him to join Stromboli's puppet show instead. Pinocchio becomes Stromboli's star attraction, but when Pinocchio offers to come back in the morning, Stromboli locks Pinocchio in a birdcage to prevent him from leaving. With the help of the Blue Fairy and Jiminy, Pinocchio escapes, vowing to do better from now on. Unfortunately, on his way back to Geppetto's house, Pinocchio is once again led astray by Honest John and Gideon, who convince him that he is sick, and the only cure is to go to Pleasure Island. On his way he befriends Lampwick, a misbehaved and destructive boy. Soon Pinocchio and the other boys begin to enjoy gambling, smoking, getting drunk and destroying Pleasure Island, much to Jiminy's dismay. Then Jiminy discovers the island harbours a terrible curse which turns boys who "make jackasses of themselves" into real donkeys, who are then sold to work in the salt mines and circuses as part of an evil racket run by The Coachman. Lampwick is soon transformed into a donkey, but Pinocchio manages to escape with only a donkey's ears and tail. Upon returning home, they find the workshop empty and soon learn (from a letter by the Blue Fairy) that Geppetto, while venturing out to sea to rescue Pinocchio from Pleasure Island, had been swallowed, along with Figaro and Cleo, by a giant whale named Monstro. Determined to rescue his father, Pinocchio jumps into the bottom of the ocean, with Jiminy accompanying him. However, Pinocchio is soon found and eaten by Monstro, where he is reunited with Geppetto and his pets inside the whale. Pinocchio devises an escape plan by burning wood in order to make Monstro sneeze. The plan works, but the enraged whale gives chase. Eventually, Pinocchio succeeds in getting Geppetto to safety in a cave under a cliff before Monstro rams into it. After Monstro's defeat, Jiminy discovers that Pinocchio has been killed. At their home, the group mourn Pinocchio, but from afar, the Blue Fairy decides Pinocchio has proven himself, and he is reborn as a real human boy, much to the euphoria of his family.
85话 / 1995-09-08
简介: The further misadventures of the lovable warthog Pumbaa and his meerkat buddy Timon from The Lion King (1994).
1话 / 2004-11-10 / Robert Zemeckis / Chris Van Allsburg
简介: 圣诞老人是圣诞节的象征,传说中的圣诞老人会在圣诞前夜驾着由驯鹿拉的雪橇,将礼物送到千家万户。然而,随着人类社会的不断进步,已经没有什么人再相信这个流传了很久的传说,没有人再相信圣诞老人的存在了。然而,小男孩克劳斯(乔什·哈切森配音)却不这么认为,尽管他的父母和周围的朋友都告诉他圣诞老人只不过是个虚构的人物,他本身根本就不存在,但克劳斯却坚持相信圣诞老人的存在,因此,克劳斯经常会遭到同伴的嘲笑,但他始终没有动摇他的信念。 终于,克劳斯的坚持为他赢得了回报。在一个圣诞节的前夕,克劳斯在恍惚中睡着,忽然地板开始颤抖,桌上的器皿哗哗作响,随着汽笛声呜呜长鸣,一列神秘的火车停在门前,他紧张地打开房门, 看见一个和蔼的列车长(汤姆·汉克斯配音)站在了他的面前。列车长邀请他乘车旅行,前往北极参加圣诞庆典,拜访传说中的圣诞老人。克劳斯惊讶极了,惴惴不安地答应下来。在克劳斯登上火车后,他又发现更多的小伙伴,大家在一起十分的开心,经历了一场难忘的旅程。 最终,火车到达了终点站北极,孩子们欢快地跳下火车,北极城的圣诞庆典正式开始了,所有人都沉浸在欢乐的气氛中。这时,一个圣诞老人走到克劳斯面前,和蔼地询问他需要什么礼物,克劳斯嗫嚅地说,他只想要驯鹿身上的一个小铃铛。克劳斯如愿以偿的得到了想要的礼物,但在回家的时候,他由于衣服的口袋坏了不小心弄丢了铃铛,他伤心极了。没想到第二天醒来,他发现小铃铛就完好无损地摆在圣诞树下。母亲看到后非常惊讶,不过她认为铃铛坏掉了。因为他发不出声响。然而克劳斯心里却非常清楚,他知道只有相信圣诞老人真的存在的人才能听到小铃铛清脆的响声。
1话 / 2005-11-04
简介: 你曾看到过天上掉下过什么东西吗? 你把这发现告诉过什么人吗? 你因此而感觉到恐惧吗? 我们今天要讲的故事虽然还是关于鸡的,但这一次的主人公却是个叫玛德的小家伙。这个小个子的可爱小鸡的胆子和他的身体一样的小。而且,视力不怎么样的他还戴着一副看上去十分滑稽可笑的大眼镜。这也成了众多伙伴玩友们嘲笑他的原因之一。但,表面看上去勇敢的玛德却总是想要证明自己的能力并努力要在其他人中间树立自己的威信。计划的第一步,就是要引起大家的注意力,于是,他加入了镇上组织的棒球队。一次,棒球比赛正激烈的进行中,击球手恰巧将一枚橡树果打落,橡树果刚巧砸在了玛德身上,敏感的玛德却认定这一定是天的碎片,天一定是要塌下来了!于是他开始惊慌地到处叫嚷,这可笑坏了周围的小伙伴们,大家都取笑玛德的神经质。想到自己的形象在众人眼中的地位,玛德更加地沮丧。 夜晚,无法入睡的玛德,一人坐在窗边看着天上的星星发呆。突然,一片镜子般的物体径直地落到自己家的屋顶,被吓了一跳的玛德把这片六角形的东西搬进房间,仔细研究了一番,果真这片真气的镜子有着神奇的作用。这也充分证实了自己在白天的遭遇和说法:“天真的漏了”,而且在一片接着一片的掉下来。他的这一发现在当晚就震惊了整个小镇,一片骚乱之后,如获至宝的玛德将所有的小伙伴们招集在一起,商讨该如何对待这突如其来的变故,该如何拯救生他养他的小镇。 这下,小小的玛德可成了全镇的名人,但英雄有时也有孤单的时候,也有不被理解的境域。还好他身后有着不少同伴的支持:长着龅牙的丑陋鸭子、胖胖的大猪、头不离“水帽”的鱼,当然还有家人的强力帮助。在一场神奇而又搞笑的经历之后,小鸡玛德能最终真的成为拯救全镇同乡们的英雄吗?
63话 / 1957-01-01 / 兹德内克·米莱尔
简介: 《鼹鼠的故事》由捷克斯洛伐克“StudioBratrivtriku”出品公司制作,是非常著名的动画片。电视台播放的《鼹鼠》系列大都是20世纪70年代的作品,有两部90年代出品的短片。这是一部深具自由灵动的生命气息、散发着快乐幽默的童真和意趣的经典作品。圆头圆脑的小鼹鼠所演绎的既搞笑又充满温情的小故事,思想内容轻松,情节生动风趣,曾让所有的孩子和成人享受到了极大的快乐和温暖。