166话 / 1960-09-30 / Joseph Barbera, William Hanna
简介: The show is set in the Stone Age town of Bedrock. (In some of the earlier episodes, it was also referred to as "Rockville"). In this fantasy version of the past, dinosaurs, saber-toothed tigers, woolly mammoths, and other long-extinct animals co-exist with cavemen. Like their mid-20th century peers, these cavemen listen to records, live in split-level homes, and eat out at restaurants, yet their technology is made entirely from pre-industrial materials and largely powered through the use of various animals. For example, the cars are made out of stone, wood, and animal skins, and powered by the passengers' feet (as in the theme song, "Through the courtesy of Fred's two feet").
40话 / 2004-01-01
简介: 《宝贝女儿好妈妈》故事以近来很流行的室内情景剧的形式,以Flash的手法演绎了一部卡通版的《我爱我家》。故事主要讲述在某城市里一个普通家庭的生活。 故事主要讲述在某城市里一个普通家庭的生活。喜欢捉弄人的女儿、家庭主妇妈妈、从未升过职的倒霉爸爸、头大无脑的妹妹、吝啬的租客和行为古怪的太奶奶组成了这个充满趣事的家庭。故事以爆笑的形式,幽默夸张地诠释着普通人的生活,折射着社会的方方面面。
60话 / 2004-01-01
简介: 《快乐东西》,是一部动画情景喜剧 ,以描写中国老北京胡同中,一对孪生兄妹的家庭生活为题材,故事中的人物个性鲜明、生活气息浓郁、平易近人的情景喜剧风格轻松自然。影片诙谐幽默却又不失哲理,在爆笑的同时,突出刻画中国人特有的亲情、友情与爱情观念,使人在放声大笑的同时,领悟出真正的生活内涵。
14话 / 2018-09-28 / 王波澜、张楚
简介: 以常胜(长颈鹿)、艾迪森(黑猫)、贾英雄(浣熊)、阮翔(刺猬)四位主角奇葩、搞笑的大学生活为主要内容,穿插着四位主角的前史,讲述宿舍四人从相互嫌弃到相互拯救、难舍难分,友谊日渐深厚的故事。