1话 / 2012-07-21 / 荒牧伸志
简介: A distant Federation outpost Fort Casey comes under attack by bugs. The team on the fast attack ship Alesia is assigned to help the Starship John A. Warden stationed in Fort Casey evacuate along with the survivors and bring military intelligence safely back to Earth. Carl Jenkins, now ministry of Paranormal Warfare, takes the starship on a clandestine mission before its rendezvous with the Alesia and goes missing in the nebula. Now, the battle-hardened troopers are charged with a rescue mission that may lead to a much more sinister consequence than they ever could have imagined....
7话 / 2021-03-04
简介: 传奇影业全球大片《环太平洋》的故事将在这部备受期待的网飞原创动画中得以延续。曾经有一段时间,怪兽从环太平洋地区崛起,却遭到了巨型猎者机甲的反击,那个时代已经过去了。如今,澳洲已被怪兽占领,整个大陆的居民被迫疏散。被遗弃的少年兄妹泰勒和海莉踏上了苦苦寻觅失踪父母的道路。他们自学驾驶着一台破烂不堪、废弃已久的猎者机甲,借此寻找父母,这也给他们带来了一丝生存的希望。
1话 / 2017-08-21 / 荒牧伸志、松本勝 / Robert A. Heinlein
简介: Starship Troopers: Traitor of Mars is a 2017 Japanese-American computer animated military science fiction animated film.The film is the fifth installment of the Starship Troopers film series and a sequel to the 2012 film Starship Troopers: Invasion.
1话 / 2023-04-05 / Aaron Horvath、Michael Jelenic / 『マリオシリーズ』任天堂
简介: 《超级马力欧兄弟》(英语:Super Mario Bros.)是一部2022年美日合制电脑动画喜剧电影,由照明娱乐和任天堂共同制作、环球影业发行。该片改编自任天堂的游戏系列《马力欧》。
6话 / 2021-04-29 / ラション・トーマス(LeSean Thomas)
简介: 来自非洲的他,在 16 世纪野蛮的日本与强大的封建领主并肩作战。时人称他为「黑武士」,他也成为一代传奇人物。