12话 / 2006-10-07 / 名和宗則 / キャラメルBOX
简介: 出身名门,成绩优秀能在贵族学校上学,优越感一定十分强吧.然而,事实却并非如此… 这样的男孩子便是这个故事的男主人公. 一直都被别人关注、羡慕着的主人公,某一天却遭受一场突如其来的灾难.先是作为一家之长的祖父去世,之后是按照祖父的遗言被送进了一所女子学院!!而且不仅仅是上学,就连住宿也是在学校!! 他到底是会根据遗言去这所女子学院呢,还是违背祖父的意愿……主人公的命运究竟会如何呢?……
1话 / 2016-08-18
简介: 《最后的堡垒》为大家讲述的是充满好奇心的变形机器人“堡垒”的身世。这台战斗机器人在荒野中沉眠了十几年,之后又被意外激活。本集,我们将跟随它的脚步,一起探寻未知却又充满魅力的世界。虽然这位充满探索欲的智械渐渐迷上了周围的环境 ,但很快却发现,其核心战斗程序正指引它踏上另一条道路……
1话 / 2016-05-22
简介: "这场战争不是我发动的,但我一定要结束它。" 在第四集也是本季最后一集动画短片《英雄》中,一位前守望先锋特工依然为了正义而战。
1话 / 2016-04-05
简介: 《新生》将为大家讲述“黑爪”组织的杀手“黑百合”追踪并消灭暗杀目标的故事。本集,我们将来到夜晚的伦敦国王大道 —— 在这里,你会真正了解一人之死是如何改变一切的。
1话 / 2016-03-23
简介: Delve deeper into the world of Overwatch with our first animated short: Recall! "Recall" tells the story of Winston—a genetically engineered gorilla and brilliant scientist who longs for the days of heroism to return. In this episode, we explore Winston's thoughts and memories as he wrestles with the decision to recall the agents of Overwatch, all while the forces of Talon stage an attack on his laboratory in the abandoned Watchpoint: Gibraltar.
1话 / 2016-05-16
简介: 荣誉之于生死,救赎之于荣誉。 在《守望先锋》第三部动画短片中,让我们一起来看看半藏和源氏为何会反目成仇。 在短片中,我们将跟着半藏一起回到他曾经的家园花村,寻求内心的救赎……但这一次,却遇上了往日的幽灵。
1话 / 2016-11-04
简介: Hack your way into Overwatch's sixth animated short: Infiltration! "Infiltration" follows Reaper, Widowmaker, and Sombra as they attempt to assassinate a high-priority target. But, when the operation doesn't go as planned, the Talon agents are forced to improvise...
1话 / 2017-08-23
简介: In "Rise and Shine”, Mei wakes up years after being cryogenically frozen to find that Overwatch has been disbanded, the world is very different than the one she knows, and that she is the last surviving scientist at Ecopoint: Antarctica. With limited resources and time, Mei must use science to figure out a way to get help.