14话 / 2011-04-27
简介: 《南方公园/South Park》是美国喜剧中心(Comedy Central)制作的一部动画剧集,由Matt Stone和Trey Parker创作,讲述的是美国科罗拉多州一个叫南方公园的小镇上四个8岁的男孩和其他镇民疯狂的生活。此剧针砭时弊,对名流政客和社会现象的讽刺百无禁忌、不遗余力。这里是美国人大方展示自己乃至全人类的愚蠢、幼稚、自私、暴力的地方,充满着自嘲的意味。在南方公园里,荒谬是常态,贱人才可爱。许多情节看似荒诞不经,却能在潜移默化中让观者多少摆脱掉一些条条框框的思维定势,享受藐视权威、自由YY的乐趣。
10话 / 2014-09-24
简介: The eighteenth season will premiere on September 24, 2014 as part of the 2014–15 television season.
12话 / 2014-08-22 / Joel Moser、J.C. Gonzalez、Martin Cendreda、Amy Winfrey
简介: 本剧的世界设定是普通人类和拟人化的动物共同生活在一起,除了外形,这些动物跟人类没什么不同。马男波杰克(威尔·阿奈特 Will Arnett 配音)就是一匹中年过气明星马,他年轻时主演的电视剧《胡闹的小马》风靡一时,而今他已是无人问津的过气明星,与人类废柴陶德(亚伦·保尔 Aaron Paul 配音)一同生活在LA的一所别墅里。为了重整旗鼓,波杰克在经纪人兼前女友卡罗琳公主(艾米·塞德丽丝 Amy Sedaris 配音)催促下决定出版一部自传,希望回到大众视野里。但是由于波杰克过分拖延迟迟不肯下笔,出版社介绍了一位枪手作者戴安(爱丽森·布里 Alison Brie 配音)给他。波杰克多番拒绝,终于,在一个派对上,他与戴安相遇了,却发现她竟是自己的死对头花生酱先生的女朋友。
9话 / 2021-08-11
简介: 根据漫威漫画《What If》改编动画影集,每集扭转漫威电影宇宙的关键时刻,探讨如果Steve Rogers没有接受实验,而是卡特探员成为超级战士?抑或如果蜘蛛人加入惊奇四超人?等故事,引领观众进入未知领域。
19话 / 2020-01-10 / Stephen Sandoval, Stu Livingston, Aminder Dhaliwal
简介: 露丝,一个原本该去夏令营的少女,无意间来到了一个充满魔法的岛屿Boiling Island,她认识一位自称猫头鹰女士的女巫伊丹,和她可爱的恶魔室友魔王,虽然露丝没有任何魔法能力,但她一直想成为一个出色的女巫,露丝也因此成为了伊丹的徒弟向她学习魔法,并每天期待充满奇幻和魔法的新生活。
8话 / 2022-09-01 / Craig Silverstein / The Short Stories by Ken Liu(刘宇昆)
简介: 这部改编刘宇昆的短故事﹑由《TURN(逆转奇兵)》主创Craig Silverstein负责的动画,首季讲述主角Maddie是个被欺凌的青少年,某天她在网上得到神秘的帮助,而她很快发现对方竟是新近过世的父亲David。 David参加了某个实验并被破坏了脑部,但实际是他脑部被扫描及上传到云端,使他成为新物种「Uploaded Intelligence」(UI)的第一例,但他的存在也即将引发一场新型的世界大战。 In 2001, genius visionary Stephen Holstrom and founder of Logorhythms, a technological corporation, speaks about his mission to reach digital immortality with the advancement "Uploaded Intelligence" or "UI," - scanning the human brain and uploading it on the Cloud. Years later, after Holstrom's death, Logorythms continues his project, using various illegal and unethical means to reach their goals. Shaken by the death of her beloved father's two years prior, Madison "Maddie" Kim is a bullied teen who receives mysterious help from someone online, who is soon thereafter revealed to be her deceased father, David Kim. David explains that his consciousness has been successfully uploaded to Logorhythms' cloud following an experimental and destructive brain scan, and that Logorythms lied to his family about the results. Wanting to save her father, Maddie seeks help from others and eventually gains custody of her father's U.I., but the Kim family is still facing danger from Logorythms. At the same time, Caspian Keyes, a troubled yet highly intelligent teenage boy is embroiled in his own intrigue involving Logorythms. Since birth, Caspian's life has been a lie, raised unaware that he is in a constructed environment and constantly monitored by Logorythms, to one day fulfill a specific purpose. Through a chatroom, Caspian comes into contact with Maddie and the two aid each other in searching for the truth, which also helps Caspian gradually learn the truth about his reality. Vinod Chanda, an engineer from the India-based Alliance Telecom company, wishes to use U.I. technology to usher in a digital utopia. After meeting with a rival company, Chanda's corrupt boss has him kidnapped and reveals that Alliance Telecom has secretly been conducting U.I. experiments, and Chanda himself is scanned, resulting in his death in the real world with his U.I. uploaded to perform menial tasks within Alliance's systems. With help from previous U.I. victims, Chanda escapes his virtual prison and becomes a rogue wildcard. With Maddie and Caspian stuck in the middle, a global conspiracy unfolds that threatens to trigger a new kind of world war.