13话 / 1994-10-24 / Kazuo Terada, Saburo Hashimoto
简介: 白天只是高塔上的石像,而当夜幕降临时,他们就会成为黑夜里最恐怖的梦魇……中世纪的欧洲,生存着一种奇异的生物,他们有着超人的力量和锋利的爪子甚至还生有能在空中滑翔的巨大翅膀。为了在白天得到保护,他们与人类合作为领主们攻城拔寨,背叛--人类用他们最擅长的伎俩毁灭了他们,领袖带领着剩余的族人借由魔法的力量永远化为石像直至城堡的塔尖高过云端。 时光流逝1994年的美国纽约,那千年的咒语破解了,亿万富豪大卫·塞纳吐司以巨大的财力和高超的科技唤醒了沉睡了千年之久的夜行神龙一族… 本片的特色之一,是有多名《星际旅行》系列演员担任配音。
420话 / 1981-09-12 / Bob Hathcock (Season 1–2, Season 5)、George Gordon (Season 1–4)、Rudy Zamora (Season 1–6)、Carl Urbano (Season 1–6, Season 8)、John Walker (Season 3–4)、Oscar Dufau (Season 3–4, Season 9)、Alan Zaslove (Season 4–5)、Don Lusk (Season 5–6, Season 8–9)、Jay Sarbry (Season 6–9)、John Kimball (Season 7)、Bob Goe (Season 7–8)、Paul Sommer (Season 7–9)、Gerard Baldwin (Special 2–6)、Ray Patterson (Special 7; also supervising director) / Peyo
简介: 《蓝精灵》(法语:Les Schtroumpfs,英语:The Smurfs,德语:Die Schlümpfe),是1958年由比利时漫画家沛优 (Peyo)及其夫人共同创作的一部漫画。描写一群生活在大森林中,带着白色小帽子的蓝色精灵的故事。 1959年,比利时电视台开始播放《蓝精灵》动画片。1981年美国国家广播公司购买版权,聘用了部分原版制作人马,制作并播放美国版的《蓝精灵》动画片。美国版《蓝精灵》新增了“蓝妹妹”(Smurfette)这个人物,播出后受到全世界孩子的欢迎。台湾中华电视台播映时,译为《藍色小精靈》。 1980年代中期,中国大陆从美国引进英文版,译制后于1986年播出了首季27集,后又陆续译制了百集左右。
1话 / 1988-10-05 / 池田悦子
简介: 池田悦子原作、あしべゆうほ作画による大人気ホラーファンタジーコミックのOVA化。原作コミックの連載誌「プリンセス」の発行元・秋田書店から発売された。 妹ヴィーナスを愛したため天界から追放され、悪魔となった美青年デイモス。そのヴィーナスもまた罰を受けて、生きながら体が腐っていた。デイモスはヴィーナスの魂を宿す肉体の代替として、妹にそっくりな人間の美少女・伊布美奈子を発見。彼女の誘惑を図るが、実は時空を超えたヴィーナスの転生である美奈子に、デイモスは段々と心魅かれていく。そしてそんな彼らの周囲では、心に闇を抱く人間たちの悲喜劇が毎回のように発生。今回は大庭家の美しい姉・瞳子とその弟の美青年・要の間で切なくも忌まわしいドラマが……。 原作の一エピソード「蘭の組曲」を原作者の池田悦子自らがシナリオ化。マッドハウスのスタッフと監督・りんたろうが30分の小品ながら妖艶な雰囲気のOVAを完成させた。ちなみに本作のメインゲスト・大庭要役の塩沢兼人は、かつてドラマ版のLPでデイモスのCVを演じていた実績がある。今回のデイモスは野沢那智が担当。
1话 / 1940-02-07 / Ben Sharpsteen&Hamilton Luske / The Adventures of Pinocchio
简介: After singing the film's signature song "When You Wish upon a Star", Jiminy Cricket explains to the audience that he is going to tell a story of a wish coming true. In flashback, he moves into the workshop of the woodworker Geppetto to warm himself from the cold. Jiminy watches as Geppetto finishes work on a wooden marionette which he dubs Pinocchio. Before falling asleep, Geppetto makes a wish on a star that Pinocchio could be a real boy. During the night, the star, in the form of a Blue Fairy, visits the workshop to grant Geppetto's wish. She makes Pinocchio come alive, while remaining still a puppet. The fairy tells Pinocchio that if he wants to become a real boy of flesh and blood he must prove himself to be brave, truthful and unselfish and able to tell right from wrong by listening to his conscience. Pinocchio does not understand what a conscience is, and Jiminy appears to explain it to him. The Blue Fairy asks if Jiminy would serve as Pinocchio's conscience, a task he accepts. Geppetto discovers that his wish has come true, and is filled with joy. The next day, he sends Pinocchio on his first day of school. However, the naive Pinocchio is led astray by the conniving con artists Honest John and Gideon, who convince him to join Stromboli's puppet show instead. Pinocchio becomes Stromboli's star attraction, but when Pinocchio offers to come back in the morning, Stromboli locks Pinocchio in a birdcage to prevent him from leaving. With the help of the Blue Fairy and Jiminy, Pinocchio escapes, vowing to do better from now on. Unfortunately, on his way back to Geppetto's house, Pinocchio is once again led astray by Honest John and Gideon, who convince him that he is sick, and the only cure is to go to Pleasure Island. On his way he befriends Lampwick, a misbehaved and destructive boy. Soon Pinocchio and the other boys begin to enjoy gambling, smoking, getting drunk and destroying Pleasure Island, much to Jiminy's dismay. Then Jiminy discovers the island harbours a terrible curse which turns boys who "make jackasses of themselves" into real donkeys, who are then sold to work in the salt mines and circuses as part of an evil racket run by The Coachman. Lampwick is soon transformed into a donkey, but Pinocchio manages to escape with only a donkey's ears and tail. Upon returning home, they find the workshop empty and soon learn (from a letter by the Blue Fairy) that Geppetto, while venturing out to sea to rescue Pinocchio from Pleasure Island, had been swallowed, along with Figaro and Cleo, by a giant whale named Monstro. Determined to rescue his father, Pinocchio jumps into the bottom of the ocean, with Jiminy accompanying him. However, Pinocchio is soon found and eaten by Monstro, where he is reunited with Geppetto and his pets inside the whale. Pinocchio devises an escape plan by burning wood in order to make Monstro sneeze. The plan works, but the enraged whale gives chase. Eventually, Pinocchio succeeds in getting Geppetto to safety in a cave under a cliff before Monstro rams into it. After Monstro's defeat, Jiminy discovers that Pinocchio has been killed. At their home, the group mourn Pinocchio, but from afar, the Blue Fairy decides Pinocchio has proven himself, and he is reborn as a real human boy, much to the euphoria of his family.
1话 / 1958-01-01 / 何玉门
简介: 本美术片是民间传说“鲤鱼跳龙门”的故事新编,在1959年获中国第一届《大众电影》“百花奖”最佳美术片奖等奖。 小鲤鱼小黑一跃跳过桥墩,得到四个小伙伴的喝彩,可是奶奶很不以为然,说要能像祖辈们那样跳过龙门才算有本事,并讲述了传说中的龙门之外的种种美景,五条小鲤鱼被奶奶的故事深深吸引,商议后决定出发找寻龙门。一路几次错认,它们游到一个大大的水库面前,认定水库就是龙门,开始想办法跃过。几番尝试终于成功,它们果真见到诸多异常美丽的景象,开始争论是留是回,这时,它们遇见了燕大姐,从她的口中得知了许多新事。
1话 / 1955-01-01 / 靳夕 / 洪汛涛「神笔马良」
简介: 《神笔》是由上海美术电影制片厂1955年制作的的木偶人动画片。作品于1980年获得第二次全国少年儿童文艺创作评奖一等奖。 放牛娃马良一心想学画,整天用树枝和木炭作笔画画。一天夜里他梦见一位神仙送他一支神笔,画什么就得到什么,乡亲们得到他用神笔画成的耕牛、水车等实物,都非常感激他。此事被官府得知,官老爷派人逼迫马良画一座金山。马良在金山周围画了海洋和帆船,贪婪的官老爷带着家人上船,马良挥舞神笔掀起狂风大浪,那只帆船很快沉没。从此,马良自由地为劳动人民画需要的东西。
1话 / 1981-01-01 / 周克勤
简介: 一群猴子在森林中各自玩耍时,蓝猴抬头看到了又圆又亮的月亮,梦想拥有它,于是吹了一声口哨把大伙召来,它们采用接竹竿的形式摘起月亮来,无奈竹竿接再长,月亮仍高高在上。黄猴看到井水中月亮的倒影时,也兴奋地吹起口哨召来大伙,蓝猴搔搔脑袋再生一计,大伙又一个接一个倒挂金钩捞起月亮来,可是月亮果然被捞进脸盆里时,它们又为谁拥有它打起架来,结果,脸盆落地,月亮“碎”成一片,真应了“水中捞月一场空”。 值得一提的是,导演周克勤针对儿童观赏的心理特点,采用“简单、明快、生动、有趣”的样式格调和具有中国民间水墨拉毛的猴子造型,这让该动画片在今天看来,也不失强烈的儿童情趣。
6话 / 1988-10-25 / アミノテツロー
简介: 「遠未来における地球人類と異星生物の宇宙戦争」という原作のプロットは踏襲したが、軍事に貢献することで参政権がえられるなどの世界観は、軍国主義的、戦争肯定的なものであり、問題があったといえる。そのためアニメ版ではこのような価値観を薄め、『トップガン』のような「軍隊における青春物語」としての性質が濃い(その意味では翻案作品といえる)。ブエノスアイレスがアレクニドの攻撃(原作では攻撃手段の描写がないが、アニメでは宇宙船に取り付いて侵入したアレクニドが攻撃)によって壊滅し、全面戦争が始まった流れは同じだが、なぜ戦うのかという哲学が語られることはなく、普通の高校生だった主人公が兵士として成長する過程が描かれている。
3话 / 1997-07-25
简介: 魔法骑士的OVA 一共有三话,内容跟TV版大不相同,但都是讲述三个平凡少女来到魔法世界的故事。 具体来讲有以下不同: · 光、风、海 一开始就是好朋友 · 菲力欧变成了坏人 · 人物服饰都变了 · 出现了叫圣兽的东西,可以变成魔神 · 公主和导师都变大人了 总的来讲,魔法骑士OVA的内容基本上是与TV版无关的,不过是将人物造型及名称挪用过来了,就像 翼年代记 和 魔卡少女樱 差不多。看的时候难免会和TV版联系到一起,引人遐想。