13话 / 2012-01-10 / 川崎逸朗 / 松智洋(集英社スーパーダッシュ文庫刊)
简介: 19岁的濑川祐太突然成了三个少女的爸爸?考上大学,刚刚开始新生活的濑川祐太,遇见了新的朋友们及喜欢的人,过着普通的大学生活。但是,姐姐和姐夫所乘坐飞机行踪不明后,一切都改变了。 在六张榻榻米大的屋子里,与中学生的空,小学生的美羽还有就读幼稚园的雏开始了同居生活。突然成为青春期少女们的爸爸的祐太,脸红心跳的同居生活,仰慕祐太的少女们以及与憧憬的学姐的恋爱都混在一起,造成了大骚乱……满载着爱与感动的混乱家居恋爱喜剧开幕!
1话 / 2012-09-28 / Genndy Tartakovsky
简介: In 1895, Dracula builds a resort in Transylvania, hidden from the humans, to raise his beloved daughter Mavis in a safe environment. In the present, the place is the Hotel Transylvania, where monsters bring their families to vacation far from the frightening humans. Dracula invites his friends - Frankenstein and his wife Eunice; Wayne and Wanda, the werewolves; Griffin, the invisible man; Murray, the mummy; Bigfoot, among others - to celebrate the 118th birthday of Mavis. When the party is ready to start, the 21-year-old Jonathan is walking through the forest and stumbles upon the hotel. Dracula sees Jonathan and disguises him as a monster to hide Jonathan from the guests. But Mavis also sees Jonathan and Dracula forces him to pose as a monster. Soon Mavis believes that Jonathan is the "zing" of her life despite the advice of her father about humans.
1话 / 2017-06-30 / Pierre Coffin、Kyle Balda
简介: 曾是神憎鬼厌的大坏蛋格鲁改邪归正并与女特务露西喜结良缘。这次格鲁(Gru)在寻找自己失散多年的孪生兄弟德鲁(Dru)的同时,对抗1980年代的童星巴瑟萨布莱德(Balthazar Bratt),他一直沉迷在自己的角色中,而他亦将成为格鲁最可怕的劲敌。面临失业、中年危机和小黄人的背叛,格鲁能否痛定思痛并重出江湖,与巴瑟萨布莱德展开正邪较量,并重夺“神偷奶爸”的地位?