13话 / 1994-10-24 / Kazuo Terada, Saburo Hashimoto
简介: 白天只是高塔上的石像,而当夜幕降临时,他们就会成为黑夜里最恐怖的梦魇……中世纪的欧洲,生存着一种奇异的生物,他们有着超人的力量和锋利的爪子甚至还生有能在空中滑翔的巨大翅膀。为了在白天得到保护,他们与人类合作为领主们攻城拔寨,背叛--人类用他们最擅长的伎俩毁灭了他们,领袖带领着剩余的族人借由魔法的力量永远化为石像直至城堡的塔尖高过云端。 时光流逝1994年的美国纽约,那千年的咒语破解了,亿万富豪大卫·塞纳吐司以巨大的财力和高超的科技唤醒了沉睡了千年之久的夜行神龙一族… 本片的特色之一,是有多名《星际旅行》系列演员担任配音。
2话 / 1989-12-21 / 知吹愛弓 / ゆうきまさみ(みのり書房OUTコミック掲載)
简介: Labor,是在各种工程领域被广泛使用的机器人,在这同时却也引发新兴的Labor犯罪。为了对抗日益增长的Labor机器人犯罪,警察厅成立了——偶像-怪力美少女! 因为这一部不是机动警察,所以没有特车2课,当然也没有第2小队。只有穿着强化战斗服,一边忙着演艺事业,一边与邪恶Demon Seed犯罪集团对抗的13岁怪力美少女:南风麻伦(南风まろん)。
3话 / 1998-10-25 / わたなべひろし / 神坂一
简介: 在某个村落的旅馆餐厅里,莉娜正准备大口吃她的午餐。突然一阵爆炸声袭击了这个餐厅,并搞砸了她享受这午餐的一点点幸福。突然,旅馆餐厅的屋顶传来可怕的狂笑声,一身坏魔导士装扮的娜卡,从火焰中出现。娜卡精神抖擞的出场,却招来全村的愤怒。被村人包围的娜卡和认识她的莉娜,陷入了必须找出失踪的村民来代替所有赔偿的窘境。可是两人所前往的遗迹里,却有个最恐怖的吸血鬼在等着他们!
3话 / 1996-07-25 / わたなべひろし / 神坂一
简介: スタッフ 監督 - わたなべひろし キャラクターデザイン - 吉松孝博 美術監督 - 加藤浩 色彩設定 - 丸山美江子 撮影監督 - 大瀧勝之 編集 - 正木直幸 音楽 - 服部隆之 音響監督 - 小林克良 プロデューサー - 佐藤公宣 アニメーション制作 - J.C.STAFF 製作 - 「スレイヤーズ」製作委員会(角川書店、バンダイビジュアル、丸紅、キングレコード) 主題歌 「限りない欲望の中に」 歌 - 林原めぐみ、作詞 - 有森聡美、作曲 - 佐藤英敏、編曲 - 五島翔 挿入歌 「Touch Yourself」(第3話) 歌 - 林原めぐみ、作詞 - MEGUMI、作曲 - 佐藤英敏、編曲 - 添田啓二 「RUN ALL THE WAY!」(第3話) 歌 - 林原めぐみ、作詞 - 有森聡美、作曲・編曲 - 大森俊之
1话 / 1983-01-01 / 王树忱、钱运达
简介: 一天,看守天书《如意宝册》的袁公踏云巡山,突然天空飞过的鸟儿投下一颗不同寻常的石蛋。袁公将石蛋投入到炼丹炉中修炼。由于玉帝与各路大仙都去赴宴蟠桃会了,袁公趁机偷偷翻看了天书,并将天书的内容刻在了仙洞的石壁上,因此泄露了天机而遭到了天界的逮捕,袁公认为天道无私,既有天书何不理当传授于人。后在太白金星的劝说下,袁公被判免除死罪,革除天职,并罚他终身看守着石壁天书。一次趁袁公不在时,三只已窥视许久的狐狸精趁机溜进了洞府,并偷吃了仙丹从而幻化为人形,不仅发现了石壁上的天书,还偷走了丹炉里的那个石蛋。袁公回洞后,发现石蛋不见了,从镜子中看到原来是三只妖狐搞的鬼。石蛋从三只妖狐手中溜走,并被寺庙里的和尚打井时给捞了上来。后来三只妖狐赶来夺走了石蛋,并将石蛋埋在了荒郊野外,几天后石蛋破土而出变成了个小男孩。后来袁公找到了蛋生,为了将天书流传于人间,他吩咐蛋生等到白云洞口香炉升起彩烟时,将带上白纸,抄下洞中石壁上的天书。袁公便开始指点蛋生天书中的奥秘,让他运用天书中的知识造福于百姓。蛋生勤于研究天书,为民除害,由于三只妖狐憎恨蛋生阻止他们作恶,便施计企图去窃取天书,并且还勾结官府,继续祸害于黎民百姓。蛋生为了保护天书几经与妖狐斗法,当天书即将被狐狸精夺走时,袁公及时赶到,并收回了天书,还将三只狐狸精镇压在云梦山下。 袁公自知难逃天庭法网,并将天书托付于蛋生,便叮嘱他急忙把天书文字永记在心里。然后袁公用一把神火将天书完全焚烧了。霎时间空中电闪雷鸣,玉帝下达圣旨,将袁公再次缉拿于天庭问罪。 该片是中国史上第三部长片动画电影,是迄今为止上海美术电影制片厂的六部经典动画长片中唯一一部具有原创情节的动画。
1话 / 1992-11-25
简介: Jafar, Grand Vizier to the Sultan of Agrabah, is attempting to retrieve a magical oil lamp containing a genie from the Cave of Wonders. After seeing a petty thief's failed attempt to enter the cave, Jafar and his parrot, Iago, learn that only a "Diamond in the Rough" can enter the cave. Jasmine, the Sultan's daughter, frustrated with her life in the palace, flees to Agrabah's marketplace. There she meets street rat Aladdin and his monkey, Abu. The two discover they have a lot in common. When Aladdin is detained for thievery, Jasmine orders him released, but Jafar lies to her that Aladdin has been executed. Disguised as an elder, Jafar releases Aladdin and Abu from prison and lead them to the Cave of Wonders. The tiger-shaped head of the cave says to touch nothing but the lamp. Aladdin and Abu enter the cave, where a magic carpet guides them to the lamp. Abu's attempt to steal a ruby causes the cave to start collapsing, but the carpet flies them to the entrance. As Aladdin delivers the lamp, Jafar tries to kill him, but Abu bites Jafar in the arm and gets the lamp back as he, the carpet, and Aladdin fall back into the cave just as it closes. In the collapsed cave, Aladdin rubs the lamp, unexpectedly unleashing a genie, who reveals he will grant Aladdin three wishes—with the exception of murder, romance, or revival of the dead. Aladdin tricks the Genie into freeing them from the cave without using a wish. While contemplating his wishes, Genie admits he would wish for freedom, since he is a prisoner to his lamp. Aladdin promises to free the Genie for his last wish. After talking about Jasmine with the Genie, Aladdin decides to use his first wish to become a prince so he can woo Jasmine. Aladdin returns to Agrabah just as Jafar tries to trick the Sultan into arranging a marriage between himself and Jasmine. When Aladdin parades into the Sultan's palace as "Prince Ali", Jasmine rejects Ali as a suitor. Despite the Genie's suggestion that Aladdin to tell the princess who he really is, Aladdin remains the suave prince, and takes Jasmine around the world on the magic carpet. During the trip, Jasmine exposes Ali as the Aladdin, and demands the truth from him. Aladdin instead fabricates a story that he sometimes dresses as a commoner to escape palace life. The couple kisses as Aladdin returns her home. Afterwards, Aladdin is captured by Jafar and thrown into the ocean, but the Genie rescues Aladdin as his second wish. Aladdin returns to the palace and exposes Jafar's plot; and Jafar flees after noticing the lamp in Aladdin's possession, realizing who Aladdin is. As Aladdin gets doubtful about revealing who really is, Iago steals Genie's lamp and brings it to Jafar, who becomes Genie's new master. Jafar uses his first two wishes to become Sultan and the most powerful sorcerer in the world. Using his new powers, Jafar forces Jasmine and her father to bow, exposes Aladdin as a street rat, then exiles him and Abu to a frozen wasteland. Aladdin uses the magic carpet to return to Agrabah, where Jafar has imprisoned both Jasmine and the Sultan as his slaves. Jasmine distracts Jafar with a seductive act as Aladdin tries to steal back the lamp, but Jafar confronts him. He imprisons Jasmine in a large hourglass and turns himself into an enormous cobra. As Jafar traps Aladdin in his coils, he boasts to be "the most powerful being on Earth", which causes Aladdin to shout out that the Genie is more powerful. Faced with this realization, Jafar uses his final wish to become a genie. However, Jafar discovers that genies are not free entities as he is sucked into a black lamp, dragging Iago with him. The Genie flicks the lamp into the Cave of Wonders. After Aladdin realizes that he cannot keep pretending to be something he is not, he decides to keep his promise and wish for the Genie's freedom. Seeing Jasmine's love for Aladdin, the Sultan changes the law to allow her to marry whomever she deems worthy. The newly free Genie leaves to explore the world while Aladdin and Jasmine celebrate their engagement.
2话 / 1989-08-05 / 香川豊、井内秀治 / 矢立肇
简介: 魔神英雄传的第一部OVA,接在TV版第一部之后制作发行,共两话。 上篇:救世主归来 位于创界山下神部海中的岛屿魔神山,是魔神工匠东卡拉林的魔神工场所在地。某一天,这里遭到了魔界的进攻。领头的是金卡库和银卡库两位魔界使者。他们奉魔王多鲁达之命前来夺取东卡拉林制造的究极魔神皇帝龙。情急之中东卡拉林的学徒特娜丽化妆逃到创界山,被忍部火美子救起。得知情况的诸位急忙将救世主战部渡请回,前往支援魔神山…… 下篇:苏醒吧!传说中的皇帝龙 在渡等人的努力下,金银卡库被暂时击退,东卡拉林告诉渡需要靠救世主的龙王之剑才能唤醒皇帝龙,此时魔军也再次杀到。又一场战斗爆发,同时翔龙子也变为虎王前来助战。最终渡依靠朋友们的帮助成功唤醒了皇帝龙。原来皇帝龙是一套魔神的增强装置,在其帮助下,渡和朋友们依靠被皇帝龙加强的魔神的力量一起打败了魔界的入侵。
1话 / 1986-12-20 / 鳥山明
简介: 拥有龙珠雷达的少女布玛为了收集传说中的七龙珠来到山里并结识了12岁的少年孙悟空,途中遇到乌龙,亚姆和龟仙人。悟空一行人来到一个生产红宝石的地方,当地人因为红宝石而被某军团奴役,并且这个军团的头头也在收集七龙珠。悟空一行人击溃了这个军团,神龙被召唤出来,一名少女许下了不要红宝石的愿望,使当地恢复了原貌。
1话 / 1987-07-18 / 鳥山明
简介: 悟空与克林找龟仙人学武,但是好色的龟仙人要求找个美女来陪他,并指定了是睡美人。与此同时,亚姆与布玛来找悟空玩,不料途中被人俘虏,原来睡美人是一块宝石,鬼魅们还企图利用这块宝石的能量消灭太阳。但是赶来的悟空和克林一行人凭着智慧和力量破坏了这个计划