193话 / 1987-12-14 / Bill Wolf, Tony Love, Mike Stuart, Bruno-René Huchez, Reg Lodge, Vincent Davis / Kevin Eastman, Peter Laird
简介: 《忍者神龟》讲述了在纽约市一条大街的地下管道里住着四只功夫高强的忍者神龟和他们的老师斯普林特—一只来自日本的超级大老鼠。神龟们各个骁勇善战,身怀绝技,为了维护正义,保卫城市家园,他们同狡猾的巴克斯特·斯多克曼博士、紫龙帮的坏蛋以及一伙神秘且训练有素的忍者(史莱德的部下)展开殊死搏斗……
1话 / 2004-02-14
简介: 冥界篇的死斗之后。中了冥王哈迪斯的诅咒而丧失所有力量的星矢在雅典娜・城户沙织的看护下静静地生活着。但奥林匹斯十二主神之一的月之女神阿尔忒弥斯要将反抗神的星矢抹煞掉,于是派遣了三名天斗士(Angel)下人界。沙织为救星矢的性命,将女神的地位和地上世界的支配权交给了阿尔忒弥斯。成为大地之神的阿尔忒弥斯企图在大地上施下天罚令人类灭亡,而失去神力的沙织则通过流出自己的鲜血来保护人类。面对未曾有过的危机,本应失去力量的星矢重新站起,重新赶赴紫龙、冰河、瞬、一辉还有雅典娜的身边。然而天斗士们出现在星矢的面前并阻挡其去路,最后连奥林匹斯十二主神的阿波罗也降临了。面对全宇宙最强的神,赌上人类命运的最大的战斗开始了。
220话 / 1960-06-10 / Jack Kinney, Seymour Kneitel, Gene Deitch, Paul Fennell, Bob Bemiller, Tom McDonald
简介: 这是所有70后80后的中国孩子童年的集体回忆。波派是一个水手,和女友奥莉弗开心的生活在一起。波派和奥莉弗的幸福生活引起了坏蛋的布鲁托的嫉妒,他千方百计要将奥莉弗抢走。于是,每一集中布鲁托总是想尽办法来抢奥莉弗,每每在他即将得手的时候,波派总能得到他的救命符——菠菜。只要吃了菠菜,波派就能变得力大无穷,布鲁托的亦会随之被无敌的波派制服!
113话 / 1990-09-15
简介: Gaia, the spirit of the Earth, is awakened from a long sleep by Hoggish Greedly, who happens to be drilling above her resting chamber. Realizing that the damage is extensive, Gaia sends five magic rings, four with the power to control an element of nature and one controlling the element of Heart, to five chosen youths across the globe: Kwame from Africa, Wheeler from North America, Linka from the Soviet Union (changed to Eastern Europe after the Soviet Union's collapse), Gi from Asia, and Ma-Ti from South America. These five are dubbed the Planeteers and are tasked with defending the Earth from the greatest of disasters and making efforts to educate mankind to keep others from happening. Gaia uses her "Planet Vision" to discover where the most devastating destruction is occurring and sends the Planeteers to help solve the problem. The Planeteers use transportation (usually a flying machine called a Geo-Cruiser) based on solar power to avoid causing pollution themselves. In situations that the Planeteers cannot resolve alone, they can combine their powers to summon Captain Planet, a magical entity who possesses all of their powers magnified, symbolizing the premise that the combined efforts of a team are stronger than its individual parts. Captain Planet only appears in his Captain Planet garb. These are not clothes but elements of the Earth that are integral to his composition. He is able to rearrange his molecular structure to transform himself into the various powers and elements of nature. Captain Planet's outfit does not represent a specific culture.[citation needed] He has a grass-green proto-mullet, crystal skin, earthy brown eyes, a fire-red chest, gloves, and boots, and a sun-yellow globe insignia. In a manner similar to the mid 1950s–1986 incarnation of Superman, Captain Planet has superhuman powers, and seems to gain more proportionate to whatever the situation requires. Nevertheless, he is weakened by pollutants which sap his strength, from smog to nuclear radiation, in much the same manner that Superman is weakened by Kryptonite. Captain Planet's personality is also similar to that of the Silver Age version of Superman; always remaining friendly and upbeat in the darkest of situations. Like the Silver Age Superman, he also dislikes killing even the cruellest bad guys and has a strict sense of justice (such as when Captain Planet allowed himself to be jailed for a crime he did not commit). The Planeteers cannot use their individual powers while Captain Planet has been summoned.[8] Despite his vulnerability to pollution, Captain Planet is a formidable and valiant hero. Once his work is done, Captain Planet returns to the Earth, restoring the Planeteers' powers. When he does this, Captain Planet reminds viewers of the message of the series with his catchphrase, "The Power Is Yours!"
15话 / 1995-08-12
简介: The further adventures of Stanley Ipkiss and his magic reality defying mask.
42话 / 2017-12-29 / 鄭健和、鄧志輝
简介: 纣王断然拒绝“天”的神谕,将之投入火炬里烧毁,公然发布反抗神族之宣言。神族之主——“天”为此勃然大怒,带领神族的天间六部与周国军队来讨伐大商国。纣王与远古神兽不死鸟分享血与肉体,得到了原本属于神族才拥有的原始界神力。可惜还是不敌“天”之无色界神力,最后功败垂成。纣王之子武庚得到母亲妲己之帮助,逃过神族的追捕。后来沦落为采矿工厂的奴隶, 武庚从不赞同父亲的做法到体验到神族所带来的不平等待遇,立志颠覆神族。
42话 / 2019-12-20 / 姚青 / 郑健和、邓志辉
简介: 纣王断然拒绝“天”的神谕,将之投入火炬里烧毁,公然发布反抗神族之宣言。神族之主——“天”为此勃然大怒,带领神族的天间六部与周国军队来讨伐大商国。纣王与远古神兽不死鸟分享血与肉体,得到了原本属于神族才拥有的原始界神力。可惜还是不敌“天”之无色界神力,最后功败垂成。纣王之子武庚得到母亲妲己之帮助,逃过神族的追捕。后来沦落为采矿工厂的奴隶, 武庚从不赞同父亲的做法到体验到神族所带来的不平等待遇,立志颠覆神族。
1话 / 2020-06-15 / 柳迪
简介: 唐末乱世,以人肉为食的现象随处可见。曾经仗剑天涯的侠客变成了如今旧病缠身的老者,为了果腹而小心生存着。直到遇见一个小女孩,老者沉睡的斗志与人性的光辉被唤醒。杀强盗、斩军官,除暴安良......但极端环境中,闪耀的侠义精神真的能照亮人内心的阴暗角落吗?
1话 / 2024-11-08 / 椛島洋介 / 石ノ森章太郎;「風都探偵」脚本:三条陸、作画:佐藤まさき
简介: ガイアメモリがどうして生まれたのか。 Wの戦いがどうして始まったのか。 ときめからの問いに答えるため、翔太郎は静かに語り始める。 彼が憧れ、“おやっさん”と慕った師匠・鳴海荘吉との出会いと別れについて… 風の街・風都でガイアメモリの力を使う怪人・ドーパントが暗躍し始めた頃。 若き翔太郎は荘吉の探偵助手となり、半熟と呼ばれながらもその背中を追っていた。 探偵稼業の傍らでスカルとして秘密裏に活動する荘吉に、何も知らない翔太郎は焦燥感を募らせる。 そんな中、鳴海探偵事務所に一本の電話が… それは翔太郎たちを運命の夜へと誘う、地獄からの依頼だった!! 謎の依頼人からもたらされた“切り札”を届けるべく、荘吉の行方を追った翔太郎が見たものとは? 翔太郎&フィリップ。 二人で一人の探偵で、仮面ライダーWの始まりの夜。 その物語の全貌が、いよいよ明かされるーー