13话 / 1996-04-28
简介: 故事的基礎是一位大約8歲名為德克斯特(Dexter)的神童,在他房間的櫥櫃後面,有一間塞滿各式先進器材的秘密實驗室,要進入必須說出不同的密碼,或啟動書櫃中的隱藏開關。德克斯特有個討人厭的姊姊「蒂蒂」(Dee Dee),經常擅自闖入他的實驗室,並破壞他的發明;許多集數都是圍繞著這個主題。 在1999年播出的一小時電影—《自大之旅》(Ego Trip)中,德克斯特進行時光旅行,並且遇到未來各個不同時期的自己,而《自大之旅》原本預計做為本系列的完結篇,但後來又繼續播兩季才宣告結束。 本作幽默之處,是在於德克斯特永遠都是處於孤立無援的情況,並常和他的姊姊發生激烈衝突,此外對於他的高智商和不擅社交有誇張的描述。亦打破當年電視卡通的傳統規則:「在每一集的結尾,角色和事物狀態都會回到正常的情況」;事實上,幾乎每一集都是在未解決的狀態下結束,且未提供讓角色和狀態回歸正常的方式,例如:德克斯特有一次不小心讓原生質(Protoplasm)發生突變,製造出了許多德克斯特和蒂蒂的複製人,整個實驗室被破壞並且完全消失。然而,每一集的開場回到可接受的「正常」狀況下。 此外,本作也針對知名卡通、超級英雄和電影做許多戲仿。 在劇情較短的集數中會播放兩個小短篇,而中間時段播放另兩部動畫「呼叫猴子請按M(Dial M for Monkey)」或「正義之友(The Justice Friends)」,包含在主要影集的範圍內,在片頭的人物介紹裡也時常會列出其中角色。 呼叫猴子請按M(Dial M for Monkey) 在片頭,德克斯特因為研究猴子得不到成果而懊惱時,就會有一位身屬地球防衛隊的女性召喚牠,猴子就會立刻變成超級猴子去拯救世人。 正義之友(The Justice Friends) 葛洛利、庫克和維哈林是一間公寓的室友,而他們的主要挑戰是:如何在超級英雄的冒險舉動與平靜的生活在公寓中取得一個平衡點。例如:在片頭,為了更換一個壞掉的燈泡,維哈林先使用超音波震碎了舊的燈泡,然後葛洛利快速的飛去拿梯子,而庫克卻往葛洛利的頭上踩,此時維哈林駕馭著他的電吉他拿著新的燈泡回來,這時庫克又失誤的抓住維哈林,將他的頭插進燈座中,最後三人白忙一場。而這三人也曾經在飛天小女警登場。正義夥伴們的標題是將DC漫畫的正義聯盟以及將驚奇漫畫的復仇者給卡通化,角色也多半是取材於兩者混合:葛洛利源自於超人和美國隊長,庫克則是出自於浩克,只有維哈林是由 Eddie Van Halen 這位現實世界中的吉他歌手設計而來。 大部份的單元都是配上罐頭笑聲的情景喜劇,在當時的動畫界是不常見的。
15话 / 1995-08-12
简介: The further adventures of Stanley Ipkiss and his magic reality defying mask.
52话 / 2012-11-12
简介: Finn and Jake chase the Lich through a dimensional portal where they meet Prismo, who tells them that the Lich wished for the extinction of all life. This leads Finn to wish that the Lich "never even ever existed.
26话 / 2010-04-05
简介: 作品中描述两个好朋友—人类小男孩Finn(台译阿宝、直译芬)和拥有魔力的狗Jake(台译老皮、直译杰克)在Land of Ooo(台译哇赛秘境、直译噢噢噢大陆、)的冒险旅程。
26话 / 2010-10-11
简介: The second season of the American animated television series Adventure Time, created by Pendleton Ward, originally aired on Cartoon Network in the United States. The series is based on a short produced for Frederator's Nicktoons Network animation incubator series Random! Cartoons. The season debuted on October 11, 2010, and the season finale was aired on May 2, 2011. The season follows the adventures of Finn, a human boy, and his best friend Jake, a dog with magical powers to change shape and grow and shrink at will. Finn and Jake live in the post-apocalyptic Land of Ooo. Along the way, they interact with the other main characters of the show: Princess Bubblegum, The Ice King, and Marceline the Vampire Queen.
26话 / 2011-07-11
简介: The third season of American animated television series Adventure Time, created by Pendleton Ward, originally aired on Cartoon Network in the United States. The series is based on a short produced for Frederator's Nicktoons Network animation incubator series Random! Cartoons. The season debuted on July 11, 2011, and the season finale was aired on February 13, 2012. The season follows the adventures of Finn, a human boy, and his best friend Jake, a dog with the magical powers to change shape, grow, and shrink at will. Finn and Jake live in the post-apocalyptic Land of Ooo. Along the way, they interact with the other main characters of the show: Princess Bubblegum, The Ice King, and Marceline the Vampire Queen.
26话 / 2012-04-02
简介: The fourth season of the American animated television series Adventure Time, created by Pendleton Ward, originally aired on Cartoon Network in the United States. The series is based on a short produced for Frederator's Nicktoons Network animation incubator series Random! Cartoons. The season debuted on April 2, 2012, and the season finale was aired on October 22, 2012. The season follows the adventures of Finn, a human boy, and his best friend and adoptive brother Jake, a dog with magical powers to change shape and grow and shrink at will. Finn and Jake live in the post-apocalyptic Land of Ooo. Along the way, they interact with the other main characters of the show: Princess Bubblegum, The Ice King, and Marceline the Vampire Queen.
26话 / 2015-07-27 / Manny Hernandez / Daniel Chong - The Three Bare Bears
简介: 改编自新加坡华裔Daniel Chong网络漫画《三裸熊》。生活在旧金山地区附近森林的山洞里的三只熊兄弟——热血行动派的棕熊大大(Grizz),离不开手机性格敏感又柔软的熊猫胖达(Panda)和话少面瘫却十项全能的冷幽默北极熊(Ice Bear)为了融入都市生活常碰到出其不意的事情而笑话百出,他们按照周围人类的行为准则,竭尽所能成为人类社会的一员。他们既是小团体又各有小个性,叠叠乐的出行方式可爱又好笑,兄弟情义诙谐也温馨。