1话 / 2009-02-11 / Tomm Moore
简介: 布伦丹和叔叔住在城墙高筑的凯尔斯城里,叔叔总是严厉警告他不准离开,直到某天,伟大的光照者带着一本尚未完成的书来到凯尔斯,告诉他知识可以化黑暗为光明,也为布伦丹带来巨大的心灵冲击,穿透书页,寻找更光明的未来。水彩画般细腻的笔调,充满民族色彩的线条,全片以手绘图画的元素、色彩和图腾,交织成这部艺术性丰富的动画杰作。
1话 / 2014-09-06 / Tomm Moore
简介: 故事背景设置在了现代社会,是有关于一个塞尔奇小精灵的民间传说,她是最后一个拥有着海豹外貌却能化为人形的生物,尝试着想要重新回到大海里——那是一个童话世界即将终结的时间点,所有只存在于民间传说中的生物全部在现代社会的影响下,愈加地堕落、腐败,他们根本就不想回去,可小精灵的歌声却是让他们回归的惟一办法…… 一个有点悲伤的故事,却以一种非常美好的方式呈现出来。
1话 / 2020-10-30 / Tomm Moore / Ross Stewart
简介: 讲述了11岁女孩罗芬的神奇经历。罗芬作为一个年轻的学徒猎人,她和父亲一起来到爱尔兰,准备消灭最后一批在那里的狼,但是改变她的事情来了,她发现了狼行者,此后一连串的古怪故事就发生了……
1话 / 2017-09-08 / Nora Twomey / Deborah Ellis
简介: Eleven-year-old Parvana lives with her family in a one room apartment in Kabul, Afghanistan, which is under Taliban rule. When her father is arrested without warning for being an intellectual, Parvana's mother is left alone to care for their three children. Banned from going out in public without a man, Parvana’s mother risks arrest herself as she travels to the local prison and demands her husband’s release, only to end up being beaten and turned away. As the family becomes desperate for food, Parvana must cut off her hair and disguise herself as a boy so that she can venture out in public and become the breadwinner for her family. She meets a girl named Shauzia who is also dressed as a boy for the same reason. Shauzia teaches Parvana how to earn money on the streets of Kabul and Parvana is a quick study. With her newfound friend and freedom, Parvana gains confidence in herself and takes on the responsibility of feeding her family. She also weaves a fantastical story to keep her family’s spirits up while they await their father’s return. The story is about a young boy named Sulayman who must travel a great distance and complete three trials in order to defeat a giant elephant who is terrorizing his land. After Parvana narrowly escapes being discovered as a girl, her mother reveals she has arranged a marriage for Parvana’s sister, Soraya, and that the family is moving to Mazar. Parvana begs her mother to delay their departure for one more day, so she can attempt to connect with her father. As war encroaches on Kabul and with all the resolve she has left, Parvana treks to the prison and, with the help of a sympathetic Talib guard, works to free her father once and for all.