14话 / 2009-03-11
简介: The thirteenth season of South Park originally aired in the United States on Comedy Central between March 11 and November 18, 2009. The season was helmed by the series creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone, who served as executive producers along with Anne Garefino. The season continued to focus on the exploits of protagonists Stan, Kyle, Cartman, Kenny and Butters in the Colorado mountain town of South Park.
26话 / 2010-06-24
简介: Futurama讲述20世纪末的废柴主人公Philip J. Fry(前纽约批萨店的外送员)偶然穿越到1000年后继续过着废柴人生的故事。 原本被取消TV动画在本季复活,内容承接大电影4:绿色狂想(Futurama: Into the Wild Green Yonder)的剧情。 本季前13集于2010年播送完毕,剩余集数定于2011年6月放送。
14话 / 2007-03-07
简介: Season 11 of South Park, an American animated television series created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone, began airing on March 7, 2007. The 11th season concluded after 14 episodes on November 14, 2007.[1] This is the first season to have uncensored episodes available for DVD release. This is also the season featuring the three-part, Emmy Award-winning episode "Imaginationland" (which was released separately on DVD with scenes not shown in the televised version before being packaged with the rest of the season 11 episodes as part of the complete season DVD).
26话 / 2012-06-20
简介: The new season will consist of 26 episodes, split into two parts consisting of 13 episodes. The first 13 episodes will be known as "Season 7-A" and will air in 2012, and the last 13 episodes will be known as "Season 7-B" and air in 2013.