14话 / 2009-03-11
简介: The thirteenth season of South Park originally aired in the United States on Comedy Central between March 11 and November 18, 2009. The season was helmed by the series creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone, who served as executive producers along with Anne Garefino. The season continued to focus on the exploits of protagonists Stan, Kyle, Cartman, Kenny and Butters in the Colorado mountain town of South Park.
14话 / 2007-03-07
简介: Season 11 of South Park, an American animated television series created by Trey Parker and Matt Stone, began airing on March 7, 2007. The 11th season concluded after 14 episodes on November 14, 2007.[1] This is the first season to have uncensored episodes available for DVD release. This is also the season featuring the three-part, Emmy Award-winning episode "Imaginationland" (which was released separately on DVD with scenes not shown in the televised version before being packaged with the rest of the season 11 episodes as part of the complete season DVD).
14话 / 2011-04-27
简介: 《南方公园/South Park》是美国喜剧中心(Comedy Central)制作的一部动画剧集,由Matt Stone和Trey Parker创作,讲述的是美国科罗拉多州一个叫南方公园的小镇上四个8岁的男孩和其他镇民疯狂的生活。此剧针砭时弊,对名流政客和社会现象的讽刺百无禁忌、不遗余力。这里是美国人大方展示自己乃至全人类的愚蠢、幼稚、自私、暴力的地方,充满着自嘲的意味。在南方公园里,荒谬是常态,贱人才可爱。许多情节看似荒诞不经,却能在潜移默化中让观者多少摆脱掉一些条条框框的思维定势,享受藐视权威、自由YY的乐趣。
1话 / 1999-06-30 / Trey Parker / South Park by Trey Parker & Matt Stone
简介: 南方公园剧场版是美国系列动画剧《南方公园》的电影版本,发行于1999年,并于同年获得奥斯卡金像奖最佳喜剧/音乐剧电影奖提名。该影片融合了大量迪士尼动画电影及百老汇歌剧的表演形式,并通过自身故事针砭时政,极尽恶搞、讽刺之能事。影片中12首歌曲由特雷·帕克、马克·沙曼和马特·斯通创作。歌曲《都怪加拿大》(Blame Canada) 更是获得奥斯卡最佳歌曲奖提名,歌曲《操你大爷》(Uncle Fucka)获得MTV电影奖最佳歌曲演绎奖。 该影片在美国国内由派拉蒙影业公司发行,在美国国外地区则由华纳兄弟影业公司发行。