26话 / 2010-10-10
简介: 2010年的10月10日,my little pony正式推出了G4“Friendship is Magic” ,比起前几代,这些小马造型更加可爱,更加Q,小马驹也在G4首次推出了羽翼独角兽,主要有7个人物,乡村小马Applejack,温柔的小飞马Fluttershy,活泼的普通小马Pinkie Pie,勇敢的小飞马Rainbow Dash,闪亮的独角兽rarity,魔法独角兽Twilight Sparkle,羽翼独角兽公主Celestia 每个小马都有自己的性格,她们互相帮助,团结友爱
1话 / 2017-10-06
简介: 一股新黑暗势力威胁到小马谷,六位小伙伴紫悦、苹果嘉儿、云宝、碧琪、柔柔和珍奇离开小马国踏上难忘之旅,在旅途中他们结交新朋友,遇到刺激的挑战,必须通过友谊的魔力拯救自己的家园。
26话 / 2019-04-06
简介: On February 17, 2018 at the American International Toy Fair, a ninth season was announced by Hasbro. In a TV Kids Guide by Gaumont, it was confirmed that season nine will have 26 episodes. At the following year's Toy Fair in New York, it was confirmed that this will be the final season of the series. It premiered on April 6, 2019. Among highlights include the series' 200th episode as well as the return of "Weird Al" Yankovic and Patton Oswalt as Cheese Sandwich and Quibble Pants, respectively.