65话 / 1997-09-13
简介: The show centers on the titular character, Pepper Ann Pearson, a 12-year-old girl whose emotions come out in fantasies. The show was designed to be a "different sort" of girl's cartoon, and features many strong-willed female characters who aggressively reject the idea of passive femininity. Pepper Ann's best friends are Milo Kamalani, a very eccentric, highly dramatic artist; and Nicky Little, a soft-spoken, overachieving aspiring violinist. Other fellow students at Hazelnut Middle School include rich and spoiled Trinket, German boy Dieter Liederhosen, popular airhead Cissy, gossipy twins Tessa and Vanessa, Nicky's boyfriend, the RC car-racing "nerd" Stewart Walldinger, and the cool 8th-grader, Craig Bean. Pepper Ann has no real enemies except Principal Hickey, a tough disciplinarian with zero tolerance for Pepper Ann's shenanigans, Wayne Macabre, an annoying radio DJ, and Alice Kane, an uppity snob who refers to her as "P. Ann". As well, Pepper Ann usually receives advice from her conscience in the form of her reflection. She gets into mild vocal quarrels with her reflection and her feminist mother, Lydia Pearson, although Lydia usually gives the moral at the end. Pepper Ann's father is seen only in a few episodes in his entirety. We know, however, that he was English, and divorced Lydia (although the two remain on good terms) when the girls were young. Lydia, in turn, embraces her divorcee, single-mom identity with great gusto, and encourages Pepper Ann to be as proudly independent as she is, although she does keep a curfew on Pepper Ann. Further support is given by Lydia's sister, Janie Diggety, an ex-Green Beret, and Pepper Ann's tomboyish deep-voiced younger sister, Moose. The show's plots were generally typical of the developing format that has risen out of federal E/I requirements: Pepper Ann is presented with a moral dilemma, chooses the wrong decision, faces the consequences and learns a moral lesson. The series was mostly rated TV-Y. However, the Season 1 finale, "In Support of," raised controversy.[citation needed] In the episode, Pepper Ann is told she would need "support" to jump on the trampoline. Thinking the teacher meant "breast support," a paranoid, still flat-chested and seemingly unready Pepper Ann is convinced she now needs a bra. When at the trampoline, and asked where her "support" was, Pepper Ann flashes the class, (her bra) although it is only seen in shadow. (The gag is that by "support," the instructor meant a "support buddy.") That episode was rated TV-Y7. At the end of the opening sequence, she always finds something different under her desk (similar to The Simpsons' couch gag), such as a mood ring or maracas (also the letter Q in the episode "Vanessa Less Tessa", a glowing green stick in the episode "Hazelnut's Finest", a singing Dieter doll in the episode "Presenting Stewart Waldinger", Mardi Gras beads, and her [Pepper Ann's] remote control in the episode "Radio Freak Hazelnut".) ; in season one, she always finds "five bucks". One of the original segments of "One Saturday Morning", Pepper Ann was a hit with audiences. Pepper Ann was formerly shown on Toon Disney. Pepper Ann and Lydia make a cameo appearance at the House of Mouse episode The Stolen Cartoons. They are the only Walt Disney Television Animation characters to ever appear on House of Mouse, who only used characters from Disney's features and classic shorts (and sometimes comics). Lydia says "Don't touch the villain, dear," to Pepper Ann after Pete falls out of the sky after being kicked out of the club.
1话 / 1935-10-26 / 戴维·汉德
简介: 在一个大雪纷飞、寒风刺骨的夜晚。一辆轿车猛然急刹,停在某户人家围墙外边。车上的人将一袋东西扔进院子,随后绝尘离去。布袋蠕动,从里面钻出来三只怯懦孱弱的小猫。它们战战兢兢打量着这个漆黑陌生的世界,随后顺着门缝的灯光小心翼翼向房子里走去。顺着门缝,小家伙们看到胖乎乎的女佣人踩着愉快的节拍、哼着悠扬随意的旋律,正准备一桌丰盛的晚宴。少顷,女佣人走远,三只饥饿的小家伙爬上餐桌。面对美食,它们垂涎欲滴,又充满好奇,有趣的小意外相继发生。随后,它们又在这所大房子内周游,展开了妙趣横生的小冒险…… 本片荣获1936年奥斯卡金像奖最佳动画短片奖。
1话 / 1936-10-31 / David Hand / Wilfred Jackson
简介: 居住在城市的老鼠给住在乡间的表弟写了封信,希望它能到城市里来生活一段时间。接到信后,表弟哼着欢快地小曲进城了。过惯了乡下无拘无束的生活,表弟发现城里的规矩似乎格外多。首先在表哥家不能大声说话,然后门口那个放置着食物的奇怪夹子不能随便碰。好在表哥足够热心,带着它爬上了餐桌。这里有着闻所未闻的精美食物,表弟仿佛到了天堂一般,它畅快地吃了起来,还把自己灌得醉眼朦胧,步履蹒跚。酒足饭饱之后,该到休息时间了,兄弟俩却发现一只老猫守在洞口。接着酒劲儿,不知天高地厚的小表弟向天敌发起了挑战……
1话 / 1943-01-01 / Jack Kinney
简介: 本动画片曾荣获1943年奥斯卡最佳动画片奖,并在2006年法国安锡(Annecy)国际动画电影节上被评为“动画的世纪•100部作品”第87名。 唐老鸭做了一个噩梦,梦中他成了纳粹统治下的一名奴隶。每天不但要起早贪黑地拼命干活,还要随时听命于各种口号、不停地对遍地都是的希特勒的照片敬礼,然而它的待遇,实在差到不能再差,干活时,动不动就会被监工拳打脚踢,吃的面包干到难以下咽。一天,它在流水线加工大大小小的子弹时,精神逐渐失常,最终爆发。
1话 / 1949-04-30 / 约瑟夫·巴伯拉 / 威廉·汉纳
简介: 老鼠之家将小尼皮送到杰瑞这里过感恩节,小尼皮似乎永远处在饥饿的状态,而杰瑞的窝里空空如也,没有任何可以果腹的东西。走投无路的杰瑞铤而走险,带着小尼皮去喝汤姆盘子里的奶。汤姆醒来,将奶一饮而尽,两个小家伙还得继续挨饿。 幸运的是,家中的女仆为感恩节准备了丰富的晚餐,杰瑞又打起了晚餐的主意。不过狡猾嘴馋的汤姆怎可能视而不见?他一面干扰杰瑞和小尼皮的行动,一面偷刮油水,双方必然爆发一场大战…… 本片荣获1949年奥斯卡最佳动画短片奖。
1话 / 1953-02-28 / 查克·琼斯
简介: 本片荣获安纳西(Annecy)国际动画电影节上评选出的“动画的世纪·100部作品”第十三名。