1话 / 2009-06-15 / 周坚锐 / 国人原创
简介: 故事发生在一个奇幻的东方蒸汽世界,这里的人的头部都是一个装水的容器。这里的小朋友每天就要在这个无尽的纵深“教室”进行“学习”,他们背后都有一只恐怖的怪物在监督他们做作业,当小孩受到压力或者思考的时候,就会沸腾从而产生出一种“压力棉花糖”,这个“压力棉花糖”就是怪物们的食物,当怪物吸取了棉花糖后就会产生出能供给整个城市的能源。 主角小乐是个爱幻想的孩子,由于他整天发白日梦,所以他是全班最“低”的学生,整天都幻想自由的飞翔,离开这个压力重重的地方。这次,他无意发现了能让身后怪物变小的方法,怪物不断变小,漫天的纸飞机飞啊飞啊,本来冷酷呆板的孩子都露出了难得的笑容,孩子们的笑声充斥着整个教室…
1话 / 2005-02-19 / 渡部高志
简介: 『コロシアム』再編集版とともに単館上映された、劇場用作品第一弾。故郷から飛び出してきた幼い頃のキノはまだ少女の姿のまま、師匠やエルメスと朗らかに暮らしていた。しかしそんな折、生まれ育った国で自分をかばって命を落とした青年と同じコートを着た旅人と出会って話をし、苦悩の末に彼女は因縁の地""大人の国""へと戻ることを決めた……。『キノ』関係では本作のみ監督を『スレイヤーズ』等の渡辺高志が務めている。キノが旅立つきっかけを描いた、重要なエピソードの映像化だ。
4话 / 1992-01-01 / 尤磊、胡兆洪、乔元正、朱冰、蔡渊澜、刘蕙仪
简介: 国产cult片,与《魔方大厦》齐名。 ◎相关资料: 《怪老头儿》是被评论界称作“孙幼军代表作”的一本系列童话集。 本书包括《怪老头儿》、《我的代表》、《炸糕和滑翔机》、《我最要好的朋友》、《钓鱼奇遇》、《耳朵·鼻子》、《海外异国志》、《门神》、《〈门神〉续编》、《爸爸就是爸爸》、《变耗子始末记》、《神秘的眼睛》计12个相对独立的中、短篇。全书13万字。 本书最初由湖北少儿社于1991年12月出版。出版后,先后获得中国作协第二届“全国优秀儿童文学奖”、第二届“全国少儿读物评奖”一等奖、“中国国家图书奖提名奖”、“宋庆龄儿童文学奖”首奖四种奖项。 1998年10月由春风文艺出版社再次出版,第一次印刷50400册。 《怪老头儿》主人公“我”,名字叫“赵新新”,是个比较寂寞的男孩子。在学校,因为喜欢异想天开,常挨老师的批评、同学的嘲笑;在家里,因为不爱妈妈给开的“小灶”和爸爸的粗暴,老是挨打。 有一天,他在电车上给一位干瘦、矮小的老人找座位。没想到从此生活变得热闹起来。 那老人自称“怪老头儿”,像他一样喜欢玩儿,像他一样怕吃药打针。更重要的是,那个小老头儿好像很有些神通。他把鸟儿放进新新的肚子里“消灭害虫”;他变出个和新新一模一样的人来替新新做功课;他还把新新变成耗子,一起到耗子国里游逛一番。长长短短的故事一共12篇呢,你们自己和新新一起去体验一番吧!
1话 / 1980-03-19 / Paul Grimault
简介: 本片改编自安徒生童话《牧羊女和扫烟囱的工人》。国王密室的墙壁上画着一位美丽的牧羊姑娘和一个扫烟囱的小伙子。两人坠入爱河,相约从画中出来,并在一只聪明的小鸟的帮助下逃出了王宫。但是国王的画像也活了过来。国王不但掳走了牧羊姑娘,又把扫烟囱的小伙子和小鸟一起打入地牢。最终小鸟和地下的义民一起推翻了残暴的国王,救出了牧羊姑娘。 本片有两个版本,一个是50年代上映版本,当时由于导演编剧与制作人闹翻,没做完的影片被强行拿去上映,命名为《扫烟囱工人与牧羊女》(日:《斜眼暴君》)。后来导演编剧拿回了影片版权,重制了影片,在80年代重新上映,命名为《国王与小鸟》。
81话 / 1998-01-01
简介: 小糊涂神是中央电视台在1998年制作的一部动画片。最初是在中央电视台第一频道的动画城节目中播出,该片获得中国大陆的第十七届大众电视金鹰奖。动画片中的主要人物有小宝、小糊涂神、老糊涂神、老老糊涂神、大魔包。
1话 / 1992-11-25
简介: Jafar, Grand Vizier to the Sultan of Agrabah, is attempting to retrieve a magical oil lamp containing a genie from the Cave of Wonders. After seeing a petty thief's failed attempt to enter the cave, Jafar and his parrot, Iago, learn that only a "Diamond in the Rough" can enter the cave. Jasmine, the Sultan's daughter, frustrated with her life in the palace, flees to Agrabah's marketplace. There she meets street rat Aladdin and his monkey, Abu. The two discover they have a lot in common. When Aladdin is detained for thievery, Jasmine orders him released, but Jafar lies to her that Aladdin has been executed. Disguised as an elder, Jafar releases Aladdin and Abu from prison and lead them to the Cave of Wonders. The tiger-shaped head of the cave says to touch nothing but the lamp. Aladdin and Abu enter the cave, where a magic carpet guides them to the lamp. Abu's attempt to steal a ruby causes the cave to start collapsing, but the carpet flies them to the entrance. As Aladdin delivers the lamp, Jafar tries to kill him, but Abu bites Jafar in the arm and gets the lamp back as he, the carpet, and Aladdin fall back into the cave just as it closes. In the collapsed cave, Aladdin rubs the lamp, unexpectedly unleashing a genie, who reveals he will grant Aladdin three wishes—with the exception of murder, romance, or revival of the dead. Aladdin tricks the Genie into freeing them from the cave without using a wish. While contemplating his wishes, Genie admits he would wish for freedom, since he is a prisoner to his lamp. Aladdin promises to free the Genie for his last wish. After talking about Jasmine with the Genie, Aladdin decides to use his first wish to become a prince so he can woo Jasmine. Aladdin returns to Agrabah just as Jafar tries to trick the Sultan into arranging a marriage between himself and Jasmine. When Aladdin parades into the Sultan's palace as "Prince Ali", Jasmine rejects Ali as a suitor. Despite the Genie's suggestion that Aladdin to tell the princess who he really is, Aladdin remains the suave prince, and takes Jasmine around the world on the magic carpet. During the trip, Jasmine exposes Ali as the Aladdin, and demands the truth from him. Aladdin instead fabricates a story that he sometimes dresses as a commoner to escape palace life. The couple kisses as Aladdin returns her home. Afterwards, Aladdin is captured by Jafar and thrown into the ocean, but the Genie rescues Aladdin as his second wish. Aladdin returns to the palace and exposes Jafar's plot; and Jafar flees after noticing the lamp in Aladdin's possession, realizing who Aladdin is. As Aladdin gets doubtful about revealing who really is, Iago steals Genie's lamp and brings it to Jafar, who becomes Genie's new master. Jafar uses his first two wishes to become Sultan and the most powerful sorcerer in the world. Using his new powers, Jafar forces Jasmine and her father to bow, exposes Aladdin as a street rat, then exiles him and Abu to a frozen wasteland. Aladdin uses the magic carpet to return to Agrabah, where Jafar has imprisoned both Jasmine and the Sultan as his slaves. Jasmine distracts Jafar with a seductive act as Aladdin tries to steal back the lamp, but Jafar confronts him. He imprisons Jasmine in a large hourglass and turns himself into an enormous cobra. As Jafar traps Aladdin in his coils, he boasts to be "the most powerful being on Earth", which causes Aladdin to shout out that the Genie is more powerful. Faced with this realization, Jafar uses his final wish to become a genie. However, Jafar discovers that genies are not free entities as he is sucked into a black lamp, dragging Iago with him. The Genie flicks the lamp into the Cave of Wonders. After Aladdin realizes that he cannot keep pretending to be something he is not, he decides to keep his promise and wish for the Genie's freedom. Seeing Jasmine's love for Aladdin, the Sultan changes the law to allow her to marry whomever she deems worthy. The newly free Genie leaves to explore the world while Aladdin and Jasmine celebrate their engagement.
52话 / 1997-01-01
简介: 人参王国的国宝失窃了,于是老参王派小参娃、红参、雪参、龙参等人去寻找。镇国宝被野兽国的熊罴王,飞禽国的雕王,水族国的喇蛄元首以及神秘莫测的鸡冠蛇等人明争暗夺,各路生灵纷纷被卷入这次纷争中,直到拼得你死我活,最后被天池怪兽渔翁得利。于是他们团结在了一起。制服了天池怪兽,夺回了国宝。就像结尾时说的:国宝回归包含了所有人的努力付出。(摘自百度)
1话 / 2013-12-28 / 平尾隆之 / ひらりん(物語環境開発)「のろい屋しまい」徳間書店刊
简介: 本作は、「Fate/Zero」「空の境界」のufotable(ユーフォーテーブル)と、「輪るピングドラム」「モーレツ宇宙海賊」のSTARCHILD(スターチャイルド)が送る本格派魔法ファンタジー。 “魔女×姉妹”をテーマに、“絵本級大魔法使い”のヨヨと“最優秀お手本級魔法使い”のネネが繰り広げる、カラフルなファンタジックストーリーが展開します。
1话 / 2014-03-01 / 恩田尚之
简介: 文化庁若手アニメーター育成プロジェクト『アニメミライ2014』 少し暗い陰を持つ高校生・中園真。彼には幼い頃より、魂を連れ去る「黒い存在」が見えてしまうという不思議な力があった。ある日不意に「黒い存在」の一人・瀬野晶に話しかけられ「自分たちの邪魔をする気か?」と問い詰められる。しかし真は「どうせ何も出来ないので邪魔はしない」と諦めの態度を見せるだけだった。そう、その時はまだ、幼馴染の葉月に迫る不穏な影に、真は気づいてはいなかったのだ……。
1话 / 2014-05-16 / Dean DeBlois / "How to Train Your Dragon" by Cressida Cowell
简介: 年轻英勇的维京勇士小嗝嗝 (杰伊·巴鲁切尔 Jay Baruchel 配音)驯服受伤的龙,更与它成为好友。经过五年时间,博克岛居民的生活彻底渗入龙的气息。博克岛现已是个维京人与龙和平共存的天堂。 然而,成长却意味着责任。为了寻找答案,小嗝嗝与忠诚的没牙仔开始了他们的冒险旅程,但结果却超乎预料。一方面,小嗝嗝发现神秘的驯龙骑士,正是失踪多年的亲母沃尔卡(凯特·布兰切特 Cate Blanchett 配音);另一方面,嗜权的德雷格(杰曼·翰苏 Djimon Hounsou 配音)与龙猎人埃雷特(基特·哈灵顿 Kit Harington 配音)结盟,威胁到博克岛上人与龙的和平。 为了保护深受大家喜爱的龙,阿丝翠德(亚美莉卡·费雷拉 America Ferrera 配音)、高博(克雷格·费格森 Craig Ferguson 配音),维京伙伴们:鼻涕虫(乔纳·希尔 Jonah Hill 配音)、鱼脚司(克里斯托夫·梅兹-普莱瑟 Christopher Mintz-Plasse 配音)及双胞胎拉芙纳特(克里斯汀·韦格 Kristen Wiig 配音)、特夫纳特(托德·约瑟夫·米勒 T.J. Miller 配音)都出手相助,加上小嗝嗝、身为部族的首领的父亲斯多戈(杰拉德·巴特勒 Gerard Butler 配音)及母亲连手合作。在这期间,小嗝嗝一直追寻的答案就在不知不觉以意想不到的方式出现了……