52话 / 1997-04-27 / 案納正美 / 小川悦司
简介: 其內容主要描寫中國四川省的年輕廚師劉昴星(マオ,外號阿昴,台灣譯為小當家)學習廚藝,到廣州陽泉酒家修行,獲得特級廚師(漫畫中虛構的中國料理界的最高地位)資格,因為主角堅持一個信念--料理是為人們帶來幸福的。結交許多對於廚藝有志一同的朋友,及最後與「黑暗料理界」(裏料理界)對抗過程的冒險歷程。 漫畫(第1集~第17集完)、動畫有第1話~第52話,動畫的故事至此尚未完結,因為「傳說中的廚具」尚未取得,且尚沒有和黑暗料理界進行最後決戰,後續的劇情因動畫追上漫畫連載而就此打住。
13话 / 1999-10-15 / 政木伸一 / しげの秀一
简介: 《头文字D》的第二部着重突出拓海的成长,当然不乏激烈的挑战。最经典的要数赤诚和依吕波山路两位老大的比拼。年轻的拓海在爱情上触了礁,在输给帝王车队的lanEvo 3后,拓海遇到了人生的挫折,对自己和AE86产生了怀疑,AE86真的有足够的实力吗?AE86的重生来自拓海的爸爸文太,他为AE86改装了车用引擎。同时,拓海遇到了同样是AE86的强劲对手秋山涉。有意思的是比赛规则是在同一赛道两车来回追赶,直到其中之一能超越对方为止,既要技术又考耐力。胜利让拓海继续接受这辆AE86和重拾信心回到车手的生涯。
113话 / 1990-09-15
简介: Gaia, the spirit of the Earth, is awakened from a long sleep by Hoggish Greedly, who happens to be drilling above her resting chamber. Realizing that the damage is extensive, Gaia sends five magic rings, four with the power to control an element of nature and one controlling the element of Heart, to five chosen youths across the globe: Kwame from Africa, Wheeler from North America, Linka from the Soviet Union (changed to Eastern Europe after the Soviet Union's collapse), Gi from Asia, and Ma-Ti from South America. These five are dubbed the Planeteers and are tasked with defending the Earth from the greatest of disasters and making efforts to educate mankind to keep others from happening. Gaia uses her "Planet Vision" to discover where the most devastating destruction is occurring and sends the Planeteers to help solve the problem. The Planeteers use transportation (usually a flying machine called a Geo-Cruiser) based on solar power to avoid causing pollution themselves. In situations that the Planeteers cannot resolve alone, they can combine their powers to summon Captain Planet, a magical entity who possesses all of their powers magnified, symbolizing the premise that the combined efforts of a team are stronger than its individual parts. Captain Planet only appears in his Captain Planet garb. These are not clothes but elements of the Earth that are integral to his composition. He is able to rearrange his molecular structure to transform himself into the various powers and elements of nature. Captain Planet's outfit does not represent a specific culture.[citation needed] He has a grass-green proto-mullet, crystal skin, earthy brown eyes, a fire-red chest, gloves, and boots, and a sun-yellow globe insignia. In a manner similar to the mid 1950s–1986 incarnation of Superman, Captain Planet has superhuman powers, and seems to gain more proportionate to whatever the situation requires. Nevertheless, he is weakened by pollutants which sap his strength, from smog to nuclear radiation, in much the same manner that Superman is weakened by Kryptonite. Captain Planet's personality is also similar to that of the Silver Age version of Superman; always remaining friendly and upbeat in the darkest of situations. Like the Silver Age Superman, he also dislikes killing even the cruellest bad guys and has a strict sense of justice (such as when Captain Planet allowed himself to be jailed for a crime he did not commit). The Planeteers cannot use their individual powers while Captain Planet has been summoned.[8] Despite his vulnerability to pollution, Captain Planet is a formidable and valiant hero. Once his work is done, Captain Planet returns to the Earth, restoring the Planeteers' powers. When he does this, Captain Planet reminds viewers of the message of the series with his catchphrase, "The Power Is Yours!"